module.exports = { 'Checking navbar`s height while scaling if there is a long meeting name ': function (browser) { var longMeetingName = new Array(101).join('x'); // 100-element array of 'x' browser .url('') .resizeWindow(1920, 1080) .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000) .assert.visible('input[ng-model=username]') .setValue('input[ng-model=username]', 'Maxim') .assert.visible('input[ng-model=meetingName]') .setValue('input[ng-model=meetingName]', [longMeetingName, browser.Keys.ENTER]) .waitForElementVisible('#navbar', 10000) .getElementSize('#navbar', function (result1) { _this = this; for (var w = 1900; w >= 100; w -= 100) { _this = _this .resizeWindow(w, 1080) .getElementSize('#navbar', function (result2) { this.verify.equal(result2.value.height, result1.value.height); }); } for (var w = 100; w <= 1900; w += 100) { _this = _this .resizeWindow(w, 1080) .getElementSize('#navbar', function (result2) { this.verify.equal(result2.value.height, result1.value.height); }); } }) .deleteCookies() .closeWindow() .end(); }, 'Checking the margin between the navbar and the top while scaling horizont': function (browser) { var longMeetingName = new Array(101).join('x'); // 100-element array of 'x' browser .url('') .resizeWindow(1920, 1080) .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000) .assert.visible('input[ng-model=username]') .setValue('input[ng-model=username]', 'Maxim') .assert.visible('input[ng-model=meetingName]') .setValue('input[ng-model=meetingName]', [longMeetingName, browser.Keys.ENTER]) .waitForElementVisible('#navbar', 10000) .getLocation('#whiteboard-navbar', function (result1) { _this = this; for (var w = 1000; w >= 100; w -= 100) { _this = _this .resizeWindow(w, 1080) .getLocation('#whiteboard-navbar', function (result2) { this.verify.equal(result2.value.y, result1.value.y); }); } for (var w = 100; w <= 100; w += 100) { _this = _this .resizeWindow(w, 1080) .getLocation('#whiteboard-navbar', function (result2) { this.verify.equal(result2.value.y, result1.value.y); }); } }) .deleteCookies() .closeWindow() .end(); }, };