import {Shape} from './Shape.js'; import {Rect, Text, ClipPath, Defs, G} from '@svgdotjs/svg.js'; import {ColorTypes} from '../shapes/Shape.js'; import {overlayAnnotation} from '../workers/process.js'; /** * Creates an SVG frame from Tldraw v2 pencil data. * * @class Frane * @extends {Shape} */ export class Frame extends Shape { /** * @param {Object} frame - The Frame shape JSON. */ constructor(frame) { super(frame); = this.props?.name; this.w = this.props?.w; this.h = this.props?.h; this.children = frame.children; } /** * Renders the frame object as an SVG group element. * * @return {G} - An SVG group element. */ draw() { // Parent group const frameGroup = this.shapeGroup; // Group for clipped elements const clipGroup = new G(); const fillColor = Shape.colorToHex(ColorTypes.SemiFillColor, ColorTypes.SemiFillColor); const frameLabel = || 'Frame'; // The text element is not clipped const textElement = new Text() .text(frameLabel) .move(0, -20) .font({ 'family': 'Arial', 'size': 12, }) .fill('black'); // The frame rectangle that is not clipped const frame = new Rect({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'width': this.w, 'height': this.h, 'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 1, 'fill': fillColor, }); // Create the clip path with the same properties as the frame const clipPath = new ClipPath().id(`clipFrame-${}`); const clipFrame = new Rect({ 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'width': this.w, 'height': this.h, }); clipPath.add(clipFrame); // Definitions for clip paths const defs = new Defs(); defs.add(clipPath); // Add defs to the parent group frameGroup.add(defs); const children = this.children || []; // Add the children to the clipGroup so they will be clipped children.forEach((child) => { overlayAnnotation(clipGroup, child); }); // Apply clipping to the clipGroup only clipGroup.clipWith(clipPath); // Add non-clipped... frameGroup.add(frame); frameGroup.add(textElement); // ...and clipped elements to the frame group frameGroup.add(clipGroup); return frameGroup; } }