import React, { memo } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl, intlShape } from 'react-intl'; import browser from 'browser-detect'; import Button from '/imports/ui/components/button/component'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import cx from 'classnames'; import Modal from '/imports/ui/components/modal/simple/component'; import { withModalMounter } from '../../modal/service'; import { styles } from '../styles'; const propTypes = { intl: intlShape.isRequired, amIPresenter: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, handleShareScreen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleUnshareScreen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isVideoBroadcasting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, screenSharingCheck: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, screenShareEndAlert: PropTypes.func.isRequired, isMeteorConnected: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, screenshareDataSavingSetting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ desktopShareLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.desktopShareLabel', description: 'Desktop Share option label', }, lockedDesktopShareLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.lockedDesktopShareLabel', description: 'Desktop locked Share option label', }, stopDesktopShareLabel: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.stopDesktopShareLabel', description: 'Stop Desktop Share option label', }, desktopShareDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.desktopShareDesc', description: 'adds context to desktop share option', }, stopDesktopShareDesc: { id: 'app.actionsBar.actionsDropdown.stopDesktopShareDesc', description: 'adds context to stop desktop share option', }, genericError: { id: 'app.screenshare.genericError', description: 'error message for when screensharing fails with unknown error', }, NotAllowedError: { id: 'app.screenshare.notAllowed', description: 'error message when screen access was not granted', }, NotSupportedError: { id: 'app.screenshare.notSupportedError', description: 'error message when trying to share screen in unsafe environments', }, noSafariScreenShare: { id: '', descriptions: 'error message when trying to share screen on safari', }, screenShareUnavailable: { id: '', descriptions: 'title for unavailable screen share modal', }, NotReadableError: { id: 'app.screenshare.notReadableError', description: 'error message when the browser failed to capture the screen', }, 1108: { id: 'app.deskshare.iceConnectionStateError', description: 'Error message for ice connection state failure', }, 2000: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerConnectionError2000', description: 'Error message fired when the SFU cannot connect to the media server', }, 2001: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerOffline2001', description: 'error message when SFU is offline', }, 2002: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerNoResources2002', description: 'Error message fired when the media server lacks disk, CPU or FDs', }, 2003: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerRequestTimeout2003', description: 'Error message fired when requests are timing out due to lack of resources', }, 2021: { id: 'app.sfu.serverIceGatheringFailed2021', description: 'Error message fired when the server cannot enact ICE gathering', }, 2022: { id: 'app.sfu.serverIceStateFailed2022', description: 'Error message fired when the server endpoint transitioned to a FAILED ICE state', }, 2200: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaGenericError2200', description: 'Error message fired when the SFU component generated a generic error', }, 2202: { id: 'app.sfu.invalidSdp2202', description: 'Error message fired when the clients provides an invalid SDP', }, 2203: { id: 'app.sfu.noAvailableCodec2203', description: 'Error message fired when the server has no available codec for the client', }, }); const BROWSER_RESULTS = browser(); const isMobileBrowser = (BROWSER_RESULTS ? : false) || (BROWSER_RESULTS && BROWSER_RESULTS.os ? BROWSER_RESULTS.os.includes('Android') // mobile flag doesn't always work : false); const isSafari = === 'safari'; const DesktopShare = ({ intl, handleShareScreen, handleUnshareScreen, isVideoBroadcasting, amIPresenter, screenSharingCheck, screenShareEndAlert, isMeteorConnected, screenshareDataSavingSetting, mountModal, }) => { // This is the failure callback that will be passed to the /api/screenshare/kurento.js // script on the presenter's call const onFail = (normalizedError) => { const { errorCode, errorMessage, errorReason } = normalizedError; const error = errorCode || errorMessage || errorReason; // We have a properly mapped error for this. Exit screenshare and show a toast notification if (intlMessages[error]) { window.kurentoExitScreenShare(); notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages[error]), 'error', 'desktop'); } else { // Unmapped error. Log it (so we can infer what's going on), close screenSharing // session and display generic error message logger.error({ logCode: 'screenshare_default_error', extraInfo: { errorCode, errorMessage, errorReason, }, }, 'Default error handler for screenshare'); window.kurentoExitScreenShare(); notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.genericError), 'error', 'desktop'); } // Don't trigger the screen share end alert if presenter click to cancel on screen share dialog if (error !== 'NotAllowedError') { screenShareEndAlert(); } }; const screenshareLocked = screenshareDataSavingSetting ? intlMessages.desktopShareLabel : intlMessages.lockedDesktopShareLabel; const vLabel = isVideoBroadcasting ? intlMessages.stopDesktopShareLabel : screenshareLocked; const vDescr = isVideoBroadcasting ? intlMessages.stopDesktopShareDesc : intlMessages.desktopShareDesc; const shouldAllowScreensharing = screenSharingCheck && !isMobileBrowser && amIPresenter; return shouldAllowScreensharing ? (