this.Router.configure({ layoutTemplate: 'layout' }); { // this is how we handle login attempts this.route("main", { path: "/html5client/:meeting_id/:user_id/:auth_token", where: "client", onBeforeAction() { let applyNewSessionVars, authToken, meetingId, userId; meetingId = this.params.meeting_id; userId = this.params.user_id; authToken = this.params.auth_token; setInSession("loginUrl", this.originalUrl); // catch if any of the user's meeting data is invalid if ((authToken == null) || (meetingId == null) || (userId == null)) { // if their data is invalid, redirect the user to the logout page document.location = getInSession('logoutURL'); } else {"validateAuthToken", meetingId, userId, authToken); applyNewSessionVars = function() { setInSession("authToken", authToken); setInSession("meetingId", meetingId); setInSession("userId", userId); return Router.go('/html5client'); }; clearSessionVar(applyNewSessionVars); } return; } }); // the user successfully logged in this.route("signedin", { path: "/html5client", where: "client", action() { let authToken, meetingId, onErrorFunction, userId; meetingId = getInSession("meetingId"); userId = getInSession("userId"); authToken = getInSession("authToken"); onErrorFunction = function(error, result) { console.log("ONERRORFUNCTION"); //make sure the user is not let through"userLogout", meetingId, userId, authToken); clearSessionVar(); // Attempt to log back in if (error == null) { window.location.href = getInSession('loginUrl') || getInSession('logoutURL'); } }; Meteor.subscribe('chat', meetingId, userId, authToken, { onError: onErrorFunction, onReady: (_this => { return function() { return Meteor.subscribe('shapes', meetingId, { onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('slides', meetingId, { onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('meetings', meetingId, { onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('presentations', meetingId, { onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('users', meetingId, userId, authToken, { onError: onErrorFunction, onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('whiteboard-clean-status', meetingId, { onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('bbb_poll', meetingId, userId, authToken, { onReady: function() { return Meteor.subscribe('bbb_cursor', meetingId, { onReady: function() { let a, handleLogourUrlError; // done subscribing, start rendering the client and set default settings _this.render('main'); onLoadComplete(); handleLogourUrlError = function() { alert("Error: could not find the logoutURL"); setInSession("logoutURL", document.location.hostname); }; // obtain the logoutURL a = $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: '/bigbluebutton/api/enter' }); a.done(data => { if (data.response.logoutURL != null) { // for a meeting with 0 users setInSession("logoutURL", data.response.logoutURL); } else { if (data.response.logoutUrl != null) { // for a running meeting setInSession("logoutURL", data.response.logoutUrl); } else { return handleLogourUrlError(); } } }); return, textStatus, errorThrown) => { return handleLogourUrlError(); }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); }; })(this) }); return this.render('loading'); } }); // endpoint - is the html5client running (ready to handle a user) this.route('meteorEndpoint', { path: '/check', where: 'server', action() { this.response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); // reply that the html5client is running this.response.end(JSON.stringify({ "html5clientStatus": "running" })); } }); });