import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import Polls from '/imports/api/polls'; import { expect } from 'chai'; // Modifiers import clearPolls from './server/modifiers/clearPolls'; import removePoll from './server/modifiers/removePoll'; import addPoll from './server/modifiers/addPoll'; import updateVotes from './server/modifiers/updateVotes'; // Handlers import pollStarted from './server/handlers/pollStarted'; import pollStopped from './server/handlers/pollStopped'; // mock test data const _id = 'sJt6JaJMsTgy64TZG'; const meetingId = '183f0bf3a0982a127bdb8161e0c44eb696b3e75c-1623285094106'; const requester = 'w_iotqesmfrtqj'; const pollType = 'TF'; const id = 'd2d9a672040fbde2a47a10bf6c37b6a4b5ae187f-1623285094108/1/1623285145173'; const answers = [{ id: 0, key: 'True' }, { id: 1, key: 'False' }]; const users = []; const questionText = ''; const pollObj = { _id, meetingId, requester, pollType, answers, id, users, questionText, }; Polls.insert(pollObj); const poll = Polls.findOne(pollObj); if (Meteor.isServer) { describe('Polls Collection', () => { describe('Modifiers :', () => { it('Validate (#_id, #meetingId, #requester, #pollType, #users, #answers)', () => { expect(poll?._id)'string').equal(_id); expect(poll?.meetingId)'string').equal(meetingId); expect(poll?.requester)'string').equal(requester); expect(poll?.pollType)'string').equal(pollType); expect(poll?.users)'array'); expect(poll?.answers)'array'); }); it('addPoll(): Should have added a poll', () => { addPoll(meetingId, requester, { id, answers }, pollType, questionText); expect(Polls.findOne({ id, meetingId })?.id)'string').equal(; }); it('updateVotes(): Should update vote for a poll', () => { answers[0].numVotes = 1; answers[1].numVotes = 0; updateVotes({ id, answers, numResponders: 1, numRespondents: 1, }, meetingId); expect(Polls.findOne({ meetingId, id })?.answers[0]?.numVotes)'number').equal(1); expect(Polls.findOne({ meetingId, id })?.answers[1]?.numVotes)'number').equal(0); }); it('removePoll(): Should have removed specified poll', () => { removePoll(meetingId, id); expect(Polls.findOne({ meetingId, id }))'undefined'); }); it('clearPolls(): Should have cleared all polls', () => { Polls.insert(pollObj); clearPolls(); expect(Polls.findOne({ meetingId }))'undefined'); }); }); describe('Handlers :', () => { it('pollStarted(): should add a poll and reset publishedPoll flag', () => { delete answers[0].numVotes; delete answers[1].numVotes; pollStarted({ body: { userId: requester, poll: { id, answers }, pollType, question: '', }, }, meetingId); expect(Polls.findOne({ meetingId, id })?.id)'string').equal(id); }); it('pollStopped(): Should have removed poll', () => { pollStopped({ body: { poll: { pollId: id } } }, meetingId); expect(Polls.findOne({ meetingId, id })?.id)'undefined'); }); }); }); }