#!/bin/bash -e set +x removeOldOverride() { service_name=$1 # check if override file has been modified. If not it can be safely removed if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/${service_name}.service.d/override.conf" ] ; then if echo "d32a00b9a2669b3fe757b8de3470e358 /etc/systemd/system/${service_name}.service.d/override.conf" | md5sum -c --quiet 2>/dev/null >/dev/null ; then rm -f "/etc/systemd/system/${service_name}.service.d/override.conf" fi fi if [ -d "/etc/systemd/system/${service_name}.service.d" ]; then if [ $(ls "/etc/systemd/system/${service_name}.service.d" |wc -l) = 0 ]; then rmdir "/etc/systemd/system/${service_name}.service.d" fi fi } BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER=bigbluebutton if ! id freeswitch >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: FreeSWITCH not installed" exit 1 fi if lsb_release -d | grep -q CentOS; then DISTRO=centos FREESWITCH=freeswitch FREESWITCH_GROUP=daemon else DISTRO=ubuntu FREESWITCH=freeswitch FREESWITCH_GROUP=freeswitch fi # # Set the permissions to /var/bigbluebutton tomcat (and possibly other services) can write # if [ -d /var/bigbluebutton ]; then echo -n "." chown -R $BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER:$BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER /var/bigbluebutton echo -n "." chmod o+rx /var/bigbluebutton # # Setup for recordings XXX # mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/raw mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/process mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/publish mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/status mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/status/recorded mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/status/archived mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/status/processed mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/recording/status/sanity echo -n "." chown -R $BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER:$BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER /var/bigbluebutton/recording mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/published echo -n "." chown -R $BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER:$BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER /var/bigbluebutton/published mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/deleted echo -n "." chown -R $BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER:$BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER /var/bigbluebutton/deleted mkdir -p /var/bigbluebutton/unpublished echo -n "." chown -R $BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER:$BIGBLUEBUTTON_USER /var/bigbluebutton/unpublished echo else echo "Warning: BigBlueButton not installed" fi if [ -f /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf ]; then if [ "$(cat /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf | sed -n '/sharedSecret.*/{s/[^"]*"//;s/".*//;p}')" == "changeme" ]; then SECRET=$(cat $SERVLET_DIR/WEB-INF/classes/bigbluebutton.properties | grep -v '#' | tr -d '\r' | sed -n '/securitySalt/{s/.*=//;p}') sed -i "s/sharedSecret[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/sharedSecret=\"$SECRET\"/g" \ /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf HOST=$(cat $SERVLET_DIR/WEB-INF/classes/bigbluebutton.properties | grep -v '#' | sed -n '/^bigbluebutton.web.serverURL/{s/.*\///;p}') sed -i "s/bbbWebAPI[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/bbbWebAPI=\"http:\/\/$HOST\/bigbluebutton\/api\"/g" \ /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf sed -i "s/bbbWebHost[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/bbbWebHost=\"$HOST\"/g" \ /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf sed -i "s/deskshareip[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/deskshareip=\"$HOST\"/g" \ /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf sed -i "s/defaultPresentationURL[ ]*=[ ]*\"[^\"]*\"/defaultPresentationURL=\"http:\/\/$HOST\/default.pdf\"/g" \ /usr/share/bbb-apps-akka/conf/application.conf fi fi # # Added to enable bbb-record-core to move files #8901 # usermod bigbluebutton -a -G freeswitch chmod 0775 /var/freeswitch/meetings if ! id kurento >/dev/null 2>&1; then useradd --home-dir "/var/lib/kurento" --system kurento fi usermod bigbluebutton -a -G kurento chown kurento:kurento /var/kurento chmod 0775 /var/kurento if [ -d /var/kurento/recordings ]; then chmod 0775 /var/kurento/recordings fi if [ -d /var/kurento/screenshare ]; then chmod 0775 /var/kurento/screenshare fi # Verify mediasoup raw media directories ownership and perms if [ -d /var/mediasoup ]; then chown bigbluebutton:bigbluebutton /var/mediasoup chmod 0700 /var/mediasoup fi if [ -d /var/mediasoup/recordings ]; then chmod 0700 /var/mediasoup/recordings fi if [ -d /var/mediasoup/screenshare ]; then chmod 0700 /var/mediasoup/screenshare fi sed -i 's/worker_connections 768/worker_connections 4000/g' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf if grep -q "worker_rlimit_nofile" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf; then num=$(grep worker_rlimit_nofile /etc/nginx/nginx.conf | grep -o '[0-9]*') if [[ "$num" -lt 10000 ]]; then sed -i 's/worker_rlimit_nofile [0-9 ]*;/worker_rlimit_nofile 10000;/g' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf fi else sed -i 's/events {/worker_rlimit_nofile 10000;\n\nevents {/g' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf fi mkdir -p /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx # symlink default bbb nginx config from package if it does not exist if [ ! -e /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/include_default.nginx ] ; then ln -s /usr/share/bigbluebutton/include_default.nginx /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/include_default.nginx fi # set full BBB version in settings.yml so it can be displayed in the client BBB_RELEASE_FILE=/etc/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-release BBB_HTML5_SETTINGS_FILE=/usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/server/assets/app/config/settings.yml if [ -f $BBB_RELEASE_FILE ] && [ -f $BBB_HTML5_SETTINGS_FILE ]; then BBB_FULL_VERSION=$(cat $BBB_RELEASE_FILE | sed -n '/^BIGBLUEBUTTON_RELEASE/{s/.*=//;p}' | tail -n 1) echo "setting public.app.bbbServerVersion: $BBB_FULL_VERSION in $BBB_HTML5_SETTINGS_FILE " yq w -i $BBB_HTML5_SETTINGS_FILE public.app.bbbServerVersion $BBB_FULL_VERSION fi # Fix permissions for logging chown bigbluebutton:bigbluebutton /var/log/bbb-fsesl-akka # cleanup old overrides removeOldOverride bbb-apps-akka removeOldOverride bbb-fsesl-akka removeOldOverride bbb-transcode-akka # re-create the symlink for apply-lib.sh to ensure the latest version is present if [ -f /etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-conf/apply-lib.sh ]; then rm /etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-conf/apply-lib.sh fi if [ -f /usr/lib/bbb-conf/apply-lib.sh ]; then ln -s /usr/lib/bbb-conf/apply-lib.sh /etc/bigbluebutton/bbb-conf/apply-lib.sh fi # Load the overrides systemctl daemon-reload