import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import AppContainer from '/imports/ui/components/app/container'; import ErrorScreen from '/imports/ui/components/error-screen/component'; import MeetingEnded from '/imports/ui/components/meeting-ended/component'; import LoadingScreen from '/imports/ui/components/loading-screen/component'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import IntlStartup from './intl'; import Meetings, { RecordMeetings } from '../../api/meetings'; import AppService from '/imports/ui/components/app/service'; import Breakouts from '/imports/api/breakouts'; import AudioService from '/imports/ui/components/audio/service'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import deviceInfo from '/imports/utils/deviceInfo'; import getFromUserSettings from '/imports/ui/services/users-settings'; const CHAT_CONFIG =; const CHAT_ENABLED = CHAT_CONFIG.enabled; const PUBLIC_CHAT_ID = CHAT_CONFIG.public_id; const BREAKOUT_END_NOTIFY_DELAY = 50; const HTML = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; let breakoutNotified = false; const propTypes = { subscriptionsReady: PropTypes.bool, locale: PropTypes.string, approved: PropTypes.bool, meetingHasEnded: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, meetingExist: PropTypes.bool, }; const defaultProps = { locale: undefined, approved: false, meetingExist: false, subscriptionsReady: false, }; const fullscreenChangedEvents = [ 'fullscreenchange', 'webkitfullscreenchange', 'mozfullscreenchange', 'MSFullscreenChange', ]; class Base extends Component { static handleFullscreenChange() { if (document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement) { Session.set('isFullscreen', true); } else { Session.set('isFullscreen', false); } } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: false, meetingExisted: false, }; this.updateLoadingState = this.updateLoadingState.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { animations } = this.props; if (animations) HTML.classList.add('animationsEnabled'); if (!animations) HTML.classList.add('animationsDisabled'); fullscreenChangedEvents.forEach((event) => { document.addEventListener(event, Base.handleFullscreenChange); }); Session.set('isFullscreen', false); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { const { approved, meetingExist, animations, ejected, isMeteorConnected, subscriptionsReady, } = this.props; const { loading, meetingExisted, } = this.state; if (!prevProps.subscriptionsReady && subscriptionsReady) {{ logCode: 'startup_client_subscriptions_ready' }, 'Subscriptions are ready'); } if (prevProps.meetingExist && !meetingExist && !meetingExisted) { this.setMeetingExisted(true); } // In case the meteor restart avoid error log if (isMeteorConnected && (prevState.meetingExisted !== meetingExisted) && meetingExisted) { this.setMeetingExisted(false); } // In case the meeting delayed to load if (!subscriptionsReady || !meetingExist) return; if (approved && loading && subscriptionsReady) this.updateLoadingState(false); if (prevProps.ejected || ejected) { Session.set('codeError', '403'); Session.set('isMeetingEnded', true); } // In case the meteor restart avoid error log if (isMeteorConnected && (prevState.meetingExisted !== meetingExisted)) { this.setMeetingExisted(false); } const enabled = HTML.classList.contains('animationsEnabled'); const disabled = HTML.classList.contains('animationsDisabled'); if (animations && animations !== prevProps.animations) { if (disabled) HTML.classList.remove('animationsDisabled'); HTML.classList.add('animationsEnabled'); } else if (!animations && animations !== prevProps.animations) { if (enabled) HTML.classList.remove('animationsEnabled'); HTML.classList.add('animationsDisabled'); } } componentWillUnmount() { fullscreenChangedEvents.forEach((event) => { document.removeEventListener(event, Base.handleFullscreenChange); }); } setMeetingExisted(meetingExisted) { this.setState({ meetingExisted }); } updateLoadingState(loading = false) { this.setState({ loading, }); } renderByState() { const { updateLoadingState } = this; const stateControls = { updateLoadingState }; const { loading } = this.state; const { codeError, ejected, meetingExist, meetingHasEnded, meetingIsBreakout, subscriptionsReady, User, } = this.props; if ((loading || !subscriptionsReady) && !meetingHasEnded && meetingExist) { return ({loading}); } if (ejected) { return (); } if ((meetingHasEnded || User.loggedOut) && meetingIsBreakout) { window.close(); return null; } if (((meetingHasEnded && !meetingIsBreakout)) || (codeError && (User && User.loggedOut))) { return (); } if (codeError && !meetingHasEnded) { // 680 is set for the codeError when the user requests a logout if (codeError !== '680') { logger.error({ logCode: 'startup_client_usercouldnotlogin_error' }, `User could not log in HTML5, hit ${codeError}`); return (); } return (); } return (); } render() { const { updateLoadingState } = this; const { locale, meetingExist } = this.props; const stateControls = { updateLoadingState }; const { meetingExisted } = this.state; return ( (!meetingExisted && !meetingExist && Auth.loggedIn) ? : ( {this.renderByState()} ) ); } } Base.propTypes = propTypes; Base.defaultProps = defaultProps; const BaseContainer = withTracker(() => { const { locale, animations, userJoinAudioAlerts, userJoinPushAlerts, } = Settings.application; const { credentials, loggedIn, userID: localUserId, } = Auth; const { meetingId } = credentials; let breakoutRoomSubscriptionHandler; let meetingModeratorSubscriptionHandler; const fields = { approved: 1, authed: 1, ejected: 1, color: 1, effectiveConnectionType: 1, extId: 1, guest: 1, intId: 1, locked: 1, loggedOut: 1, meetingId: 1, userId: 1, }; const User = Users.findOne({ intId: credentials.requesterUserId }, { fields }); const meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId }, { fields: { meetingEnded: 1, meetingProp: 1, }, }); if (meeting && meeting.meetingEnded) { Session.set('codeError', '410'); } const approved = User && User.approved && User.guest; const ejected = User && User.ejected; let userSubscriptionHandler; Breakouts.find({}, { fields: { _id: 1 } }).observeChanges({ added() { breakoutNotified = false; }, removed() { // Need to check the number of breakouts left because if a user's role changes to viewer // then all but one room is removed. The data here isn't reactive so no need to filter // the fields const numBreakouts = Breakouts.find().count(); if (!AudioService.isUsingAudio() && !breakoutNotified && numBreakouts === 0) { if (meeting && !meeting.meetingEnded && !meeting.meetingProp.isBreakout) { // There's a race condition when reloading a tab where the collection gets cleared // out and then refilled. The removal of the old data triggers the notification so // instead wait a bit and check to see that records weren't added right after. setTimeout(() => { if (breakoutNotified) { notify( , 'info', 'rooms', ); } }, BREAKOUT_END_NOTIFY_DELAY); } breakoutNotified = true; } }, }); RecordMeetings.find({ meetingId }, { fields: { recording: 1 } }).observe({ changed: (newDocument, oldDocument) => { if (newDocument) { if (!oldDocument.recording && newDocument.recording) { notify( , 'success', 'record', ); } if (oldDocument.recording && !newDocument.recording) { notify( , 'error', 'record', ); } } }, }); if (userJoinAudioAlerts || userJoinPushAlerts) { Users.find({}, { fields: { validated: 1, name: 1, userId: 1 } }).observe({ changed: (newDocument) => { if (newDocument.validated && && newDocument.userId !== localUserId) { if (userJoinAudioAlerts) { const audio = new Audio(`${ +}/resources/sounds/userJoin.mp3`);; } if (userJoinPushAlerts) { notify( , 'info', 'user', ); } } }, }); } if (getFromUserSettings('bbb_show_participants_on_login', true) && !deviceInfo.type().isPhone) { Session.set('openPanel', 'userlist'); if (CHAT_ENABLED && getFromUserSettings('bbb_show_public_chat_on_login', ! { Session.set('openPanel', 'chat'); Session.set('idChatOpen', PUBLIC_CHAT_ID); } } else { Session.set('openPanel', ''); } const codeError = Session.get('codeError'); return { approved, ejected, locale, userSubscriptionHandler, breakoutRoomSubscriptionHandler, meetingModeratorSubscriptionHandler, animations, User, isMeteorConnected: Meteor.status().connected, meetingExist: !!meeting, meetingHasEnded: !!meeting && meeting.meetingEnded, meetingIsBreakout: AppService.meetingIsBreakout(), subscriptionsReady: Session.get('subscriptionsReady'), loggedIn, codeError, }; })(Base); export default BaseContainer;