import {Path, Marker, Defs} from '@svgdotjs/svg.js'; import {Shape} from './Shape.js'; import {TAU, circleFromThreePoints, normalize, rotate} from '../shapes/helpers.js'; import {ColorTypes} from '../shapes/Shape.js'; /** * Creates an SVG path from Tldraw v2 arrow data. * * @class Arrow * @extends {Shape} */ export class Arrow extends Shape { /** * @param {Object} arrow - The arrow shape JSON. */ constructor(arrow) { super(arrow); this.start = this.props?.start; this.end = this.props?.end; this.arrowheadStart = this.props?.arrowheadStart; this.arrowheadEnd = this.props?.arrowheadEnd; this.bend = this.props?.bend; } /** * Calculates the midpoint of a curve considering the bend of the line. * The midpoint is adjusted by the bend property to represent the * actual midpoint of a quadratic Bezier curve defined by the start * and end points with the bend as control point offset. * * @return {number[]} An array containing the x and y coordinates. */ getMidpoint() { const mid = [ (this.start.x + this.end.x) / 2, (this.start.y + this.end.y) / 2]; const unitVector = normalize([ this.end.x - this.start.x, this.end.y - this.start.y]); const unitRotated = rotate(unitVector); const bendOffset = [ unitRotated[0] * -this.bend, unitRotated[1] * -this.bend]; const middle = [ mid[0] + bendOffset[0], mid[1] + bendOffset[1]]; return middle; } /** * Calculates the angle in radians between the line segments joining the start * point to the midpoint and the endpoint to the midpoint of a given set of * points. Assumes that `this.getMidpoint()` is a method which calculates the * midpoint between the start and end points, `this.start` is the start point, * and `this.end` is the end point of the line segments. The points are * objects with `x` and `y`properties representing their coordinates. * @return {number} Angle between the two line segments at the midpoint. */ getTheta() { const [middleX, middleY] = this.getMidpoint(); const ab = Math.hypot(this.start.y - middleY, this.start.x - middleX); const bc = Math.hypot(middleY - this.end.y, middleX - this.end.x); const ca = Math.hypot(this.end.y - this.start.y, this.end.x - this.start.x); const theta = Math.acos((bc * bc + ca * ca - ab * ab) / (2 * bc * ca)) * 2; return theta || 0; } /** * Constructs the path for the arrow, considering straight and curved lines. * * @return {string} - The SVG path string. */ constructPath() { const [startX, startY] = [this.start.x, this.start.y]; const [endX, endY] = [this.end.x, this.end.y]; const bend = this.bend; const isStraightLine = (bend.toFixed(2) === '0.00'); const straightLine = `M ${startX} ${startY} L ${endX} ${endY}`; if (isStraightLine) { return straightLine; } const [middleX, middleY] = this.getMidpoint(); const [,, r] = circleFromThreePoints( [startX, startY], [middleX, middleY], [endX, endY]); // Could not calculate a circle if (!r) { return straightLine; } const radius = r.toFixed(2); // Whether to draw the longer arc const theta = this.getTheta(); const largeArcFlag = theta > (TAU / 4) ? '1' : '0'; // Clockwise or counterclockwise const sweepFlag = ((endX - startX) * (middleY - startY) - (middleX - startX) * (endY - startY) > 0 ? '0' : '1'); const path = `M ${startX} ${startY} ` + `A ${radius} ${radius} 0 ${largeArcFlag} ${sweepFlag} ` + `${endX} ${endY}`; return path; } /** * Calculates the tangent angles at the start and end points of a path. * This method assumes that the path is an instance of a class with * a method `pointAt` which returns a point with `x` and `y` properties * given a distance along the path. * * @param {Object} path - SVG.js path with the `pointAt` method. * @return {Object} An object with `startAngleDegrees` and `endAngleDegrees` * properties. */ getTangentAngleAtEnds(path) { const length = path.length(); const start = path.pointAt(0); const epsilon = 0.01; // A small value const end = path.pointAt(length); // Get points just a little further along the path to calculate the tangent const startTangentPoint = path.pointAt(epsilon); const endTangentPoint = path.pointAt(length - epsilon); // Calculate angles using Math.atan2 to find the slope of the tangent const startAngleRadians = Math.atan2( startTangentPoint.y - start.y, startTangentPoint.x - start.x) + + TAU / 2; const endAngleRadians = Math.atan2( end.y - endTangentPoint.y, end.x - endTangentPoint.x); // Convert to degrees const startAngleDegrees = startAngleRadians * (360 / TAU); const endAngleDegrees = endAngleRadians * (360 / TAU); return {startAngleDegrees, endAngleDegrees}; } /** * Creates a marker element with specified attributes * and shape based on the type. The marker is configured with default * properties which can be overridden according to the type. * The marker type determines the path and fill of the SVG element. * * @param {string} type - One of 'arrow', 'diamond', 'triangle', 'inverted', * 'square', 'dot', 'bar'. * @param {string} url - URL reference in SVG. * @param {number} [angle=0] - Angle in degrees for the marker. * @return {Marker} A new Marker instance. */ createMarker(type, url, angle = 0) { const arrowMarker = new Marker({ id: url, viewBox: '0 0 10 10', refX: '5', refY: '5', markerWidth: '6', markerHeight: '6', orient: angle, }); const fillColor = Shape.colorToHex(this.color, ColorTypes.FillColor); switch (type) { case 'arrow': arrowMarker.path('M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 Z').fill(this.shapeColor); break; case 'diamond': arrowMarker.path('M 5 0 L 10 5 L 5 10 L 0 5 z') .stroke(this.shapeColor) .fill(fillColor); break; case 'triangle': arrowMarker.path('M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 Z') .stroke(this.shapeColor) .fill(fillColor); break; case 'inverted': arrowMarker.attr('orient', angle + 180); arrowMarker.path('M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 Z') .stroke(this.shapeColor) .fill(fillColor); break; case 'square': arrowMarker.path('M 0 0 L 10 0 L 10 10 L 0 10 Z') .stroke(this.shapeColor) .fill(fillColor); break; case 'dot': const circleSize = 5; arrowMarker.attr('refX', '0'); arrowMarker.attr('refY', circleSize / 2); arrowMarker.attr('markerUnits', 'strokeWidth'); arrowMarker.attr('markerWidth', '6'); arrowMarker.attr('markerHeight', '6'); arrowMarker.stroke('context-stroke'); arrowMarker.fill(fillColor); .stroke(this.shapeColor) .fill(fillColor); break; case 'bar': arrowMarker.attr('refX', '0'); arrowMarker.attr('refY', '2.5'); arrowMarker.path('M 0 0 L 0 -5 L 2 -5 L 2 5 L 0 5 Z') .stroke(this.shapeColor) .fill(this.shapeColor); break; default: arrowMarker.path('M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z').fill(this.shapeColor); } return arrowMarker; } /** * Renders the arrow object as an SVG group element. * * @return {G} - An SVG group element. */ draw() { const arrowGroup = this.shapeGroup; const arrowPath = new Path(); const pathData = this.constructPath(); arrowPath.attr({ 'd': pathData, 'stroke': this.shapeColor, 'stroke-width': this.thickness, 'style': this.dasharray, 'fill': 'none', }); const angles = this.getTangentAngleAtEnds(arrowPath); // If there are arrowheads, create the markers if (this.arrowheadStart !== 'none' || this.arrowheadEnd !== 'none') { const defs = new Defs(); // There is an arrowhead at the start if (this.arrowheadStart !== 'none') { const url = `${this.arrowheadStart}-${}-start`; const startMarker = this.createMarker( this.arrowheadStart, url, angles.startAngleDegrees); defs.add(startMarker); arrowPath.attr('marker-start', `url(#${url})`); } // There is an arrowhead at the end if (this.arrowheadEnd !== 'none') { const url = `${this.arrowheadEnd}-${}-end`; const endMarker = this.createMarker( this.arrowheadEnd, url, angles.endAngleDegrees); defs.add(endMarker); arrowPath.attr('marker-end', `url(#${url})`); } arrowGroup.add(defs); } arrowGroup.add(arrowPath); this.drawLabel(arrowGroup); return arrowGroup; } }