import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; const STATS_LENGTH = 5; const STATS_INTERVAL = 2000; const stop = callback => { { logCode: 'stats_stop_monitor' }, 'Lost peer connection. Stopping monitor' ); callback(clearResult()); return; }; const collect = (conn, callback) => { let stats = []; const monitor = (conn, stats) => { if (!conn) return stop(callback); conn.getStats().then(results => { if (!results) return stop(callback); let inboundRTP; let remoteInboundRTP; results.forEach(res => { switch (res.type) { case 'inbound-rtp': inboundRTP = res; break; case 'remote-inbound-rtp': remoteInboundRTP = res; break; default: } }); if (inboundRTP || remoteInboundRTP) { if (!inboundRTP) { const { peerIdentity } = conn; logger.warn( { logCode: 'missing_inbound_rtc', extraInfo: { peerIdentity } }, 'Missing local inbound RTC. Using remote instead' ); } stats.push(buildData(inboundRTP || remoteInboundRTP)); while (stats.length > STATS_LENGTH) stats.shift(); const interval = calculateInterval(stats); callback(buildResult(interval)); } setTimeout(monitor, STATS_INTERVAL, conn, stats); }).catch(error => logger.error(error)); }; monitor(conn, stats); }; const buildData = inboundRTP => { return { packets: { received: inboundRTP.packetsReceived, lost: inboundRTP.packetsLost }, bytes: { received: inboundRTP.bytesReceived }, jitter: inboundRTP.jitter }; }; const buildResult = (interval) => { const rate = calculateRate(interval.packets); return { packets: { received: interval.packets.received, lost: interval.packets.lost }, bytes: { received: interval.bytes.received }, jitter: interval.jitter, rate: rate, loss: calculateLoss(rate), MOS: calculateMOS(rate) }; }; const clearResult = () => { return { packets: { received: 0, lost: 0 }, bytes: { received: 0 }, jitter: 0, rate: 0, loss: 0, MOS: 0 }; }; const diff = (single, first, last) => Math.abs((single ? 0 : last) - first); const calculateInterval = (stats) => { const single = stats.length === 1; const first = stats[0]; const last = stats[stats.length - 1]; return { packets: { received: diff(single, first.packets.received, last.packets.received), lost: diff(single, first.packets.lost, last.packets.lost) }, bytes: { received: diff(single, first.bytes.received, last.bytes.received) }, jitter: Math.max.apply(Math, => s.jitter)) }; }; const calculateRate = (packets) => { const { received, lost } = packets; const rate = (received > 0) ? ((received - lost) / received) * 100 : 100; if (rate < 0 || rate > 100) return 100; return rate; }; const calculateLoss = (rate) => { return 1 - (rate / 100); }; const calculateMOS = (rate) => { return 1 + (0.035) * rate + (0.000007) * rate * (rate - 60) * (100 - rate); }; const monitorAudioConnection = conn => { if (!conn) return; const { peerIdentity } = conn; { logCode: 'stats_audio_monitor', extraInfo: { peerIdentity } }, 'Starting to monitor audio connection' ); collect(conn, (result) => { const event = new CustomEvent('audiostats', { detail: result }); window.dispatchEvent(event); }); }; const monitorVideoConnection = conn => { if (!conn) return; const { peerIdentity } = conn; { logCode: 'stats_video_monitor', extraInfo: { peerIdentity } }, 'Starting to monitor video connection' ); collect(conn, (result) => { const event = new CustomEvent('videostats', { detail: result }); window.dispatchEvent(event); }); }; export { monitorAudioConnection, monitorVideoConnection }