import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Tippy from 'tippy.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; import cx from 'classnames'; import { ESCAPE } from '/imports/utils/keyCodes'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; const DEFAULT_ANIMATION = 'shift-away'; const ANIMATION_NONE = 'none'; const ANIMATION_DURATION = 350; const ANIMATION_DELAY = [150, 50]; const propTypes = { title: PropTypes.string.isRequired, position: PropTypes.oneOf(['bottom']), children: PropTypes.element.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, }; const defaultProps = { position: 'bottom', className: null, }; class Tooltip extends Component { static wait(tip, event) { const tooltipTarget =; const expandedEl = tooltipTarget.parentElement.querySelector('[aria-expanded="true"]'); const isTarget = expandedEl === tooltipTarget; if (expandedEl && !isTarget) return; const findLabel = (node) => { let rtn; if (node) { const { nodeName, lastChild, parentElement } = node; if (nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'button') rtn = lastChild.innerText; else rtn = findLabel(parentElement); } logger.debug('No text found for tooltip. Falling back to Tooltip title'); return rtn; }; const label = findLabel(tooltipTarget); if (label) tip.set({ content: label }); // if we are not able to get the text, the default content is used; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.tippySelectorId = _.uniqueId('tippy-'); this.onShow = this.onShow.bind(this); this.onHide = this.onHide.bind(this); this.handleEscapeHide = this.handleEscapeHide.bind(this); this.state = { enableAnimation: Settings.application.animations, }; } componentDidMount() { const { position, title, tooltipDistance, } = this.props; const { enableAnimation } = this.state; let distance = 0; if (enableAnimation && !tooltipDistance) { distance = 10; } else if (!tooltipDistance) { distance = 20; } else { distance = tooltipDistance; } const options = { placement: position, performance: true, content: title, delay: enableAnimation ? ANIMATION_DELAY : [ANIMATION_DELAY[0], 0], duration: enableAnimation ? ANIMATION_DURATION : 0, onShow: this.onShow, onHide: this.onHide, wait: Tooltip.wait, touchHold: true, size: 'regular', distance, arrow: true, arrowType: 'sharp', aria: null, animation: enableAnimation ? DEFAULT_ANIMATION : ANIMATION_NONE, }; this.tooltip = Tippy(`#${this.tippySelectorId}`, options); } componentDidUpdate() { const { enableAnimation } = this.state; const { animations } = Settings.application; const { title } = this.props; if (animations !== enableAnimation) { const elements = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="tippy-"]'); Array.from(elements).filter((e) => { const instance = e._tippy; if (!instance) return false; const animation = animations ? DEFAULT_ANIMATION : ANIMATION_NONE; if (animation === instance.props.animation) return false; return true; }).forEach((e) => { const instance = e._tippy; instance.set({ animation: animations ? DEFAULT_ANIMATION : ANIMATION_NONE, distance: animations ? 10 : 20, delay: animations ? ANIMATION_DELAY : [ANIMATION_DELAY[0], 0], duration: animations ? ANIMATION_DURATION : 0, }); }); this.setEnableAnimation(animations); } const elem = document.getElementById(this.tippySelectorId); if (elem._tippy) elem._tippy.set({ content: title }); } onShow() { document.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleEscapeHide); } onHide() { document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.handleEscapeHide); } setEnableAnimation(enableAnimation) { this.setState({ enableAnimation }); } handleEscapeHide(e) { if (e.keyCode !== ESCAPE) return; this.tooltip.tooltips[0].hide(); } render() { const { children, className, title, tooltipDistance, ...restProps } = this.props; const WrappedComponent = React.Children.only(children); const WrappedComponentBound = React.cloneElement(WrappedComponent, { ...restProps, id: this.tippySelectorId, className: cx(children.props.className, className), }); return WrappedComponentBound; } } export default Tooltip; Tooltip.defaultProps = defaultProps; Tooltip.propTypes = propTypes;