Asterisk-Java 1.0.0 Warning: Values for event properties of type String that match one of the null literals used by Asterisk are automatically set to null in A-J 1.0.0. The null literals are: "", "unknown", "none", "", "-none-", "(none)", "", "(not set)", "", "n/a", "" and "(null)". Asterisk-Java 0.3.1 * [AJ-81] - executeCliCommand() always executes "show voicemail users" * [AJ-86] - getChannelByName doesn't return the latest channel * [AJ-79] - Support for the CallWeaver protocol identifier * [AJ-80] - getMeetMeRooms() should only return active rooms * [AJ-68] - Support for Bridge Action * [AJ-74] - Support Strategy property in QueueParamsEvent * [AJ-78] - Documentation needs thorough examples of the Live API Asterisk-Java 0.3 * [AJ-30] - Fixed version detection when restarting Asterisk * [AJ-59] - Fixed incorrect class and method names when using JavaLoggingLog * [AJ-60] - Fixed DefaultManagerConnection.sendEventGeneratingAction() for Asterisk 1.4.1 * [AJ-50] - Finished support for Asterisk 1.4 * [AJ-54] - Fixed AsteriskQueue observer and Park events * [AJ-55] - Added "videoSupport" and "realtimeDevice" to PeerEntryEvent * [AJ-56] - Added "callerIdNum" to AbstractChannelEvent * [AJ-57] - Added "memberName" to AbstractQueueMemberEvent * [AJ-58] - Added support for OpenPBX * [AJ-43] - Added support for GetConfig and UpdateConfig actions * [AJ-62] - Added executeCliCommand() method to AsteriskServer * [AJ-2] - Updated design doc and tutorial according to AGI changes Asterisk-Java 0.3-m2 * Added getManagerConnection() to AsteriskServer (AJ-41) * Added timestamp property to ManagerEvent (AJ-35) * Added QueueSummaryAction, QueueSummaryEvent and QueueSummaryCompleteEvent (AJ-42) * Added ZapRestartAction (AJ-45) * Added PauseMontiorAction and UnpauseMonitorAction and pauseMontior() and unpauseMonitor() methods to AsteriskChannel (AJ-44) * Added AbstractManagerEventListener Asterisk-Java 0.3-m1 * Changed package name from net.sf.asterisk to org.asteriskjava and renamed AGI classes to Agi to conform to Java coding standards * Renamed ManagerEventHandler and ManagerResponseHandler to ManagerEventListener and SendActionCallback. * Introduced generics and leveraged other Java5 features like java.util.concurrent. * Added SSL support for the Manager API. * ManagerReader threads are now daemon threads so as soon as all other threads are terminated the JVM will quit * Changed log level for message about ManagerReader termination from INFO to DEBUG * ManagerConnectionFactory has been simplified. Usage example: new ManagerConnectionFactory("host", "user", "pass") .createManagerConnection(); * Fixed timing bug in ResourceBundleMappingStrategy (AJ-25) * Fixed interrupt in DefaultManagerConnection (AJ-27) * Fixed accountCode always being null in AgiRequest * Fixed synchronization bug when generating internal action ids for the Manager API * Fixed synchronous sendAction for responses that are received really fast, i.e. before the thread is put asleep. * Fixed ConnectEvent being only fired after a successful login (AJ-32) * Fixed no setter for the dnd field when sending ZapShowChannelsAction (AJ-33) * Added support for login with eventMask (AJ-28) * Added support for using non-shared instances AgiScript, i.e. a new instance is used for each request if you set the shareInstances property on your MappingStrategy to false. Default is still to use shared instances (AJ-29) * Live objects now fire PropertyChangeEvents * Added extraContext, extraExten, extraPriority properties to RedirectAction to support BRIstuffed versions of Asterisk (AJ-34) * Added recordFile and controlStreamFile methods to AgiChannel and BaseAgiScript * Added channel variable AJ_AGISTATUS that is set by the AgiServer to "SUCCESS" if the AgiScript completed successfully, "FAILED" if it threw an exception or "NOT_FOUND" if the mapping strategy did not return a script for the requested URL. * Added MeetMeMuteEvent and muted property for MeetMeUser. * Added MeetMeMuteAction and MeetMeUnmuteAction. * Added ParkAction. * Added PlayDtmfAction and playDtmf() method for AsteriskChannel. * Added several new event properties for Asterisk 1.4: - MeetMeEvent: channel and uniqueId - MeetMeLeaveEvent: callerIdNum, callerIdName and duration - MeetMeTalkingEvent: status - StatusEvent: callerIdNum and callerIdName - OriginateEvent: callerIdNum and callerIdName - JoinEvent and LeaveEvent: uniqueId - AgentConnectEvent: brigedChannel Asterisk-Java 0.2 * Added SayDateTimeCommand (AJ-23) * Added GetFullVariableCommand (AJ-23) * Added ReceiveTextCommand (AJ-23) * Changed SetPriorityCommand to support labels (AJ-23) * Added callingPres, callingAni2, callingTns and callingTon properties to AGIRequest (AJ-22) * Fixed CallerId information in AGIRequest for Asterisk 1.2 (AJ-21) Asterisk-Java 0.2-rc2 * Fixed mapping of Variable property in OriginateAction for Asterisk 1.2 (AJ-15) * Added FaxReceived event from spandsp (AJ-20) * Added SimpleMappingStrategy and AGIServerThread to ease integration of AGIServer when using Spring Framework * Timeout for socket connection can now be specified for the ManagerConnection (AJ-16) * Added getPort() method to lookup port of an AGIServer (AJ-14) * Readded getContext(), getExtension(), getPriority() as convenience methods to Channel (AJ-12) * Decreased log level for unknown events to INFO (AJ-13) Asterisk-Java 0.2-rc1 * Added Support for the new Actions, Events and Commands of Asterisk 1.2 * Fixed getting the uniqueId from a successful originate in the DefaultAsteriskManager * Added isConnected() method to ManagerConnection * Changed ManagerAction to be an interface rather that an abstract base class. If you extended ManagerAction, please use AbstractManagerAction instead. * Added support for event generating Actions, i.e. Actions that send their result as a series of Event rather than the usual ManagerResults. See the sendEventGeneratingAction() methods in ManagerConnection for more information. * Deprecated AbstractAGIScript in favor of BaseAGIScript. This allows you write cleaner AGI scripts as you don't have to pass the channel variable to all methods. * Added convenience constructors for manager actions Asterisk-Java 0.1 * Added accessors for raw attributes in ManagerResponse * Fixed bug in action id creation * Changed logging to use either log4j or java.util.logging * Fixed ExecCommand