import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker'; import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import VertoBridge from '/imports/api/audio/client/bridge/verto'; import KurentoBridge from '/imports/api/audio/client/bridge/kurento'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import VoiceUsers from '/imports/api/voice-users'; import SIPBridge from '/imports/api/audio/client/bridge/sip'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; const MEDIA =; const USE_SIP = MEDIA.useSIPAudio; const USE_KURENTO = Meteor.settings.public.kurento.enableListenOnly; const ECHO_TEST_NUMBER = MEDIA.echoTestNumber; const CALL_STATES = { STARTED: 'started', ENDED: 'ended', FAILED: 'failed', }; class AudioManager { constructor() { this._inputDevice = { value: 'default', tracker: new Tracker.Dependency(), }; this.defineProperties({ isMuted: false, isConnected: false, isConnecting: false, isHangingUp: false, isListenOnly: false, isEchoTest: false, isTalking: false, isWaitingPermissions: false, error: null, outputDeviceId: null, muteHandle: null, }); } init(userData) { this.bridge = USE_SIP ? new SIPBridge(userData) : new VertoBridge(userData); if (USE_KURENTO) { this.listenOnlyBridge = new KurentoBridge(userData); } this.userData = userData; this.initialized = true; } setAudioMessages(messages) { this.messages = messages; } defineProperties(obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { const privateKey = `_${key}`; this[privateKey] = { value: obj[key], tracker: new Tracker.Dependency(), }; Object.defineProperty(this, key, { set: (value) => { this[privateKey].value = value; this[privateKey].tracker.changed(); }, get: () => { this[privateKey].tracker.depend(); return this[privateKey].value; }, }); }); } askDevicesPermissions() { // Only change the isWaitingPermissions for the case where the user didnt allowed it yet const permTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (!this.devicesInitialized) { this.isWaitingPermissions = true; } }, 100); this.isWaitingPermissions = false; this.devicesInitialized = false; return Promise.all([ this.setDefaultInputDevice(), this.setDefaultOutputDevice(), ]).then(() => { this.devicesInitialized = true; this.isWaitingPermissions = false; }).catch((err) => { clearTimeout(permTimeout); this.isConnecting = false; this.isWaitingPermissions = false; throw err; }); } joinMicrophone() { this.isListenOnly = false; this.isEchoTest = false; const callOptions = { isListenOnly: false, extension: null, inputStream: this.inputStream, }; return this.askDevicesPermissions() .then(this.onAudioJoining.bind(this)) .then(() => this.bridge.joinAudio(callOptions, this.callStateCallback.bind(this))); } joinEchoTest() { this.isListenOnly = false; this.isEchoTest = true; const callOptions = { isListenOnly: false, extension: ECHO_TEST_NUMBER, inputStream: this.inputStream, }; return this.askDevicesPermissions() .then(this.onAudioJoining.bind(this)) .then(() => this.bridge.joinAudio(callOptions, this.callStateCallback.bind(this))); } joinListenOnly() { this.isListenOnly = true; this.isEchoTest = false; // The kurento bridge isn't a full audio bridge yet, so we have to differ it const bridge = USE_KURENTO? this.listenOnlyBridge : this.bridge; const callOptions = { isListenOnly: true, extension: null, inputStream: this.createListenOnlyStream(), }; // We need this until we upgrade to SIP 9x. See #4690 const iceGatheringErr = 'ICE_TIMEOUT'; const iceGatheringTimeout = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(reject, 12000, iceGatheringErr); }); return this.onAudioJoining() .then(() => Promise.race([ bridge.joinAudio(callOptions, this.callStateCallback.bind(this)), iceGatheringTimeout, ])) .catch((err) => { // If theres a iceGathering timeout we retry to join after asking device permissions if (err === iceGatheringErr) { return this.askDevicesPermissions() .then(() => this.joinListenOnly()); } throw err; }); } onAudioJoining() { this.isConnecting = true; this.isMuted = false; this.error = false; return Promise.resolve(); } exitAudio() { if (!this.isConnected) return Promise.resolve(); const bridge = (USE_KURENTO && this.isListenOnly) ? this.listenOnlyBridge : this.bridge; this.isHangingUp = true; this.isEchoTest = false; return bridge.exitAudio(); } transferCall() { this.onTransferStart(); return this.bridge.transferCall(this.onAudioJoin.bind(this)); } toggleMuteMicrophone() { makeCall('toggleSelfVoice'); } onAudioJoin() { this.isConnecting = false; this.isConnected = true; // listen to the VoiceUsers changes and update the flag if (!this.muteHandle) { const query = VoiceUsers.find({ intId: Auth.userID }); this.muteHandle = query.observeChanges({ changed: (id, fields) => { if (fields.muted !== undefined && fields.muted !== this.isMuted) { this.isMuted = fields.muted; } if (fields.talking !== undefined && fields.talking !== this.isTalking) { this.isTalking = fields.talking; } if (this.isMuted) { this.isTalking = false; } }, }); } if (!this.isEchoTest) { this.notify(; } } onTransferStart() { this.isEchoTest = false; this.isConnecting = true; } onAudioExit() { this.isConnected = false; this.isConnecting = false; this.isHangingUp = false; this.isListenOnly = false; if (this.inputStream) { window.defaultInputStream.forEach(track => track.stop()); this.inputStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()); this.inputDevice = { id: 'default' }; } if (!this.error && !this.isEchoTest) { this.notify(; } } callStateCallback(response) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const { STARTED, ENDED, FAILED, } = CALL_STATES; const { status, error, bridgeError, } = response; if (status === STARTED) { this.onAudioJoin(); resolve(STARTED); } else if (status === ENDED) { this.onAudioExit(); } else if (status === FAILED) { this.error = error; this.notify(this.messages.error[error] || this.messages.error.GENERIC_ERROR, true); makeCall('failed callStateCallback audio', response); console.error('Audio Error:', error, bridgeError); this.exitAudio(); this.onAudioExit(); } }); } createListenOnlyStream() { if (this.listenOnlyAudioContext) { this.listenOnlyAudioContext.close(); } this.listenOnlyAudioContext = window.AudioContext ? new window.AudioContext() : new window.webkitAudioContext(); return this.listenOnlyAudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination().stream; } isUsingAudio() { return this.isConnected || this.isConnecting || this.isHangingUp || this.isEchoTest; } setDefaultInputDevice() { return this.changeInputDevice(); } setDefaultOutputDevice() { return this.changeOutputDevice('default'); } changeInputDevice(deviceId) { const handleChangeInputDeviceSuccess = (inputDevice) => { this.inputDevice = inputDevice; return Promise.resolve(inputDevice); }; const handleChangeInputDeviceError = () => Promise.reject({ type: 'MEDIA_ERROR', message: this.messages.error.MEDIA_ERROR, }); if (!deviceId) { return this.bridge.setDefaultInputDevice() .then(handleChangeInputDeviceSuccess) .catch(handleChangeInputDeviceError); } return this.bridge.changeInputDevice(deviceId) .then(handleChangeInputDeviceSuccess) .catch(handleChangeInputDeviceError); } async changeOutputDevice(deviceId) { this.outputDeviceId = await this.bridge.changeOutputDevice(deviceId); } set inputDevice(value) { this._inputDevice.value = value; this._inputDevice.tracker.changed(); } get inputStream() { this._inputDevice.tracker.depend(); return; } get inputDeviceId() { this._inputDevice.tracker.depend(); return; } set userData(value) { this._userData = value; } get userData() { return this._userData; } notify(message, error = false) { notify( message, error ? 'error' : 'info', this.isListenOnly ? 'audio_on' : 'unmute', ); } } const audioManager = new AudioManager(); export default audioManager;