import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import WhiteboardMultiUser from '/imports/api/whiteboard-multi-user'; import PollService from '/imports/ui/components/poll/service'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import caseInsensitiveReducer from '/imports/utils/caseInsensitiveReducer'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ notifyNotAllowedChange: { id: 'app.whiteboard.annotations.notAllowed', description: 'Label shown in toast when the user make a change on a shape he doesnt have permission', }, shapeNumberExceeded: { id: 'app.whiteboard.annotations.numberExceeded', description: 'Label shown in toast when the user tries to add more shapes than the limit', }, }); const annotationsQueue = []; // How many packets we need to have to use annotationsBufferTimeMax const annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize = 60; // Minimum bufferTime const annotationsBufferTimeMin = 30; // Maximum bufferTime const annotationsBufferTimeMax = 200; // Time before running 'sendBulkAnnotations' again if user is offline const annotationsRetryDelay = 1000; let annotationsSenderIsRunning = false; const proccessAnnotationsQueue = async (submitAnnotations) => { annotationsSenderIsRunning = true; const queueSize = annotationsQueue.length; if (!queueSize) { annotationsSenderIsRunning = false; return; } const annotations = annotationsQueue.splice(0, queueSize); try { const isAnnotationSent = await submitAnnotations(annotations); if (!isAnnotationSent) { // undo splice annotationsQueue.splice(0, 0, ...annotations); setTimeout(() => proccessAnnotationsQueue(submitAnnotations), annotationsRetryDelay); } else { // ask tiago const delayPerc = Math.min( annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize, queueSize, ) / annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize; const delayDelta = annotationsBufferTimeMax - annotationsBufferTimeMin; const delayTime = annotationsBufferTimeMin + delayDelta * delayPerc; setTimeout(() => proccessAnnotationsQueue(submitAnnotations), delayTime); } } catch (error) { annotationsQueue.splice(0, 0, ...annotations); setTimeout(() => proccessAnnotationsQueue(submitAnnotations), annotationsRetryDelay); } }; const sendAnnotation = (annotation, submitAnnotations) => { // Prevent sending annotations while disconnected // TODO: Change this to add the annotation, but delay the send until we're // reconnected. With this it will miss things if (!Meteor.status().connected) return; const index = annotationsQueue.findIndex((ann) => ===; if (index !== -1) { annotationsQueue[index] = annotation; } else { annotationsQueue.push(annotation); } if (!annotationsSenderIsRunning) setTimeout(() => proccessAnnotationsQueue(submitAnnotations), annotationsBufferTimeMin); }; const getMultiUser = (whiteboardId) => { const data = WhiteboardMultiUser.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, whiteboardId, }, { fields: { multiUser: 1 } }, ); if (!data || !data.multiUser || !Array.isArray(data.multiUser)) return []; return data.multiUser; }; const persistShape = async (shape, whiteboardId, isModerator, submitAnnotations) => { const annotation = { id:, annotationInfo: { ...shape, isModerator }, wbId: whiteboardId, userId: Auth.userID, }; sendAnnotation(annotation, submitAnnotations); }; const initDefaultPages = (count = 1) => { const pages = {}; const pageStates = {}; let i = 0; while (i < count + 1) { pages[`${i}`] = { id: `${i}`, name: `Slide ${i}`, shapes: {}, bindings: {}, }; pageStates[`${i}`] = { id: `${i}`, selectedIds: [], camera: { point: [0, 0], zoom: 1, }, }; i += 1; } return { pages, pageStates }; }; const notifyNotAllowedChange = (intl) => { if (intl) notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.notifyNotAllowedChange), 'warning', 'whiteboard'); }; const notifyShapeNumberExceeded = (intl, limit) => { if (intl) notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.shapeNumberExceeded, { 0: limit }), 'warning', 'whiteboard'); }; const toggleToolsAnimations = (activeAnim, anim, time, hasWBAccess = false) => { const handleOptionsDropdown = () => { const optionsDropdown = document.getElementById('WhiteboardOptionButton'); if (optionsDropdown) { optionsDropdown.classList.remove(activeAnim); = `opacity ${time} ease-in-out`; optionsDropdown.classList.add(anim); } } if (hasWBAccess === false) { return handleOptionsDropdown(); } const checkElementsAndRun = () => { const tlEls = document.querySelectorAll('.tlui-menu-zone, .tlui-toolbar__tools, .tlui-toolbar__extras, .tlui-style-panel__wrapper'); if (tlEls.length) { tlEls?.forEach(el => { el.classList.remove(activeAnim); = `opacity ${time} ease-in-out`; el.classList.add(anim); }); handleOptionsDropdown(); } else { // If the elements are not yet in the DOM, wait for 50ms and try again setTimeout(checkElementsAndRun, 300); } }; checkElementsAndRun(); }; const formatAnnotations = (annotations, intl, curPageId, pollResults, currentPresentationPage) => { const result = {}; if (pollResults) { // check if pollResults is already added to annotations const hasPollResultsAnnotation = annotations.find( (annotation) => annotation.annotationId === pollResults.pollId, ); if (!hasPollResultsAnnotation) { const answers = => ({ id: response.optionId, key: response.optionDesc, numVotes: response.optionResponsesCount, })); const pollResultsAnnotation = { id: pollResults.pollId, annotationInfo: JSON.stringify({ answers, id: pollResults.pollId, whiteboardId: curPageId, questionType: true, questionText: pollResults.questionText, }), wbId: curPageId, userId: Auth.userID, }; annotations.push(pollResultsAnnotation); } } annotations.forEach((annotation) => { if (annotation.annotationInfo === '') return; let annotationInfo = JSON.parse(annotation.annotationInfo); if (annotationInfo.questionType) { // poll result, convert it to text and create tldraw shape annotationInfo.answers = annotationInfo.answers.reduce( caseInsensitiveReducer, [], ); let pollResult = PollService.getPollResultString(annotationInfo, intl) .split('
').join('\n').replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ''); const lines = pollResult.split('\n'); const longestLine = lines.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b, '').length; // add empty spaces before first | in each of the lines to make them all the same length pollResult = => { if (!line.includes('|') || line.length === longestLine) return line; const splitLine = line.split(' |'); const spaces = ' '.repeat(longestLine - line.length); return `${splitLine[0]} ${spaces}|${splitLine[1]}`; }).join('\n'); // Text measurement estimation const averageCharWidth = 16; const lineHeight = 32; const annotationWidth = longestLine * averageCharWidth; // Estimate width const annotationHeight = lines.length * lineHeight; // Estimate height const slideWidth = currentPresentationPage?.scaledWidth; const slideHeight = currentPresentationPage?.scaledHeight; const xPosition = slideWidth - annotationWidth; const yPosition = slideHeight - annotationHeight; let cpg = parseInt(annotationInfo?.id?.split('/')[1]); if (cpg !== parseInt(curPageId)) return; annotationInfo = { "x": xPosition, "isLocked": false, "y": yPosition, "rotation": 0, "typeName": "shape", "opacity": 1, "parentId": `page:${curPageId}`, "index": "a1", "id": `shape:poll-result-${}`, "meta": { }, "type": "geo", "props": { "url": "", "text": `${pollResult}`, "color": "black", "font": "mono", "fill": "semi", "dash": "draw", "h": annotationHeight, "w": annotationWidth, "size": "m", "growY": 0, "align": "middle", "geo": "rectangle", "verticalAlign": "middle", "labelColor": "black" } } annotationInfo.questionType = false; } result[] = annotationInfo; }); return result; }; export { initDefaultPages, sendAnnotation, getMultiUser, persistShape, notifyNotAllowedChange, notifyShapeNumberExceeded, toggleToolsAnimations, formatAnnotations, };