const VirtualizedList = require('./virtualize'); const { TEST_DURATION_TIME } = require('../core/constants'); const { toMatchImageSnapshot } = require('jest-image-snapshot'); expect.extend({ toMatchImageSnapshot }); const virtualizedListTest = () => { test('Virtualized Users List', async () => { const test = new VirtualizedList(); let response; let screenshot; try { const testName = 'virtualizedUserList'; await test.page1.logger('begin of ', testName); await test.init(undefined, testName); await test.page1.startRecording(testName); response = await test.test(); await test.page1.stopRecording(); screenshot = await; await test.page1.logger('end of ', testName); } catch (err) { await test.page1.logger(err); } finally { await test.close(); } expect(response).toBe(true); await Page.checkRegression(0.05, screenshot); }, parseInt(TEST_DURATION_TIME)); }; module.exports = exports = virtualizedListTest;