import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { log } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import VisibilityEvent from '/imports/utils/visibilityEvent'; import VideoService from './service'; import VideoList from './video-list/component'; import { fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers } from '/imports/utils/fetchStunTurnServers'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ iceCandidateError: { id: '', description: 'Error message for ice candidate fail', }, sharingError: { id: '', description: 'Error on sharing webcam', }, chromeExtensionError: { id: '', description: 'Error message for Chrome Extension not installed', }, chromeExtensionErrorLink: { id: '', description: 'Error message for Chrome Extension not installed', }, }); const intlMediaErrorsMessages = defineMessages({ permissionError: { id: '', description: 'Error message for webcam permission', }, NotFoundError: { id: '', description: 'error message when can not get webcam video', }, NotAllowedError: { id: '', description: 'error message when webcam had permission denied', }, NotSupportedError: { id: '', description: 'error message when origin do not have ssl valid', }, NotReadableError: { id: '', description: 'error message When the webcam is being used by other software', }, 1000: { id: '', description: 'error message when kurento is offline', }, }); const CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME = 15000; const MAX_CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME = 60000; const PING_INTERVAL = 15000; class VideoProvider extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { socketOpen: false, stats: [], }; // Set a valid bbb-webrtc-sfu application server socket in the settings = new ReconnectingWebSocket(Meteor.settings.public.kurento.wsUrl); this.wsQueue = []; this.visibility = new VisibilityEvent(); this.restartTimeout = {}; this.restartTimer = {}; this.webRtcPeers = {}; this.monitoredTracks = {}; this.videoTags = {}; this.sharedWebcam = false; this.openWs =; this.onWsOpen = this.onWsOpen.bind(this); this.onWsClose = this.onWsClose.bind(this); this.onWsMessage = this.onWsMessage.bind(this); this.unshareWebcam = this.unshareWebcam.bind(this); this.shareWebcam = this.shareWebcam.bind(this); this.pauseViewers = this.pauseViewers.bind(this); this.unpauseViewers = this.unpauseViewers.bind(this); this.customGetStats = this.customGetStats.bind(this); } _sendPauseStream(id, role, state) { this.sendMessage({ cameraId: id, id: 'pause', type: 'video', role, state, }); } pauseViewers() { log('debug', 'Calling pause in viewer streams'); Object.keys(this.webRtcPeers).forEach((id) => { if (this.props.userId !== id && this.webRtcPeers[id].started) { this._sendPauseStream(id, 'viewer', true); } }); } unpauseViewers() { log('debug', 'Calling un-pause in viewer streams'); Object.keys(this.webRtcPeers).forEach((id) => { if (id !== this.props.userId && this.webRtcPeers[id].started) { this._sendPauseStream(id, 'viewer', false); } }); } componentWillMount() {'open', this.onWsOpen);'close', this.onWsClose); window.addEventListener('online', this.openWs); window.addEventListener('offline', this.onWsClose); } componentDidMount() { document.addEventListener('joinVideo', this.shareWebcam); // TODO find a better way to do this document.addEventListener('exitVideo', this.unshareWebcam);'message', this.onWsMessage); this.visibility.onVisible(this.unpauseViewers); this.visibility.onHidden(this.pauseViewers); } componentWillUpdate({ users, userId }) { const usersSharingIds = =>; const usersConnected = Object.keys(this.webRtcPeers); const usersToConnect = usersSharingIds.filter(id => !usersConnected.includes(id)); const usersToDisconnect = usersConnected.filter(id => !usersSharingIds.includes(id)); usersToConnect.forEach(id => this.createWebRTCPeer(id, userId === id)); usersToDisconnect.forEach(id => this.stopWebRTCPeer(id)); } componentWillUnmount() { document.removeEventListener('joinVideo', this.shareWebcam); document.removeEventListener('exitVideo', this.unshareWebcam);'message', this.onWsMessage);'open', this.onWsOpen);'close', this.onWsClose); window.removeEventListener('online', this.openWs); window.removeEventListener('offline', this.onWsClose); this.visibility.removeEventListeners(); // Unshare user webcam if (this.sharedWebcam) { this.unshareWebcam(); } Object.keys(this.webRtcPeers).forEach((id) => { this.stopGettingStats(id); this.stopWebRTCPeer(id); }); // Close websocket connection to prevent multiple reconnects from happening // Don't disconnect socket on unmount to prevent multiple reconnects; } onWsOpen() { log('debug', '------ Websocket connection opened.'); // -- Resend queued messages that happened when socket was not connected while (this.wsQueue.length > 0) { this.sendMessage(this.wsQueue.pop()); } this.pingInterval = setInterval(, PING_INTERVAL); this.setState({ socketOpen: true }); } onWsClose(error) { log('debug', '------ Websocket connection closed.'); this.stopWebRTCPeer(this.props.userId); clearInterval(this.pingInterval); this.setState({ socketOpen: false }); } ping() { const message = { id: 'ping', }; this.sendMessage(message); } onWsMessage(msg) { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; console.log(parsedMessage); switch ( { case 'startResponse': this.startResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStart': this.handlePlayStart(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStop': this.handlePlayStop(parsedMessage); break; case 'iceCandidate': this.handleIceCandidate(parsedMessage); break; case 'pong': break; case 'error': default: this.handleError(parsedMessage); break; } } sendMessage(message) { const { ws } = this; if (this.connectedToMediaServer()) { const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message); log('info', `Sending message: ${jsonMessage}`); ws.send(jsonMessage, (error) => { if (error) { console.error(`client: Websocket error "${error}" on message "${}"`); } }); } else { // No need to queue video stop messages if ( !== 'stop') { this.wsQueue.push(message); } } } connectedToMediaServer() { return === WebSocket.OPEN; } startResponse(message) { const id = message.cameraId; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; log('info', 'SDP answer received from server. Processing ...'); if (peer) { peer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer, (error) => { if (error) { return log('error', JSON.stringify(error)); } }); } else { log('warn', '[startResponse] Message arrived after the peer was already thrown out, discarding it...'); } } handleIceCandidate(message) { const webRtcPeer = this.webRtcPeers[message.cameraId]; if (webRtcPeer) { if (webRtcPeer.didSDPAnswered) { webRtcPeer.addIceCandidate(message.candidate, (err) => { if (err) { return log('error', `Error adding candidate: ${err}`); } }); } else { webRtcPeer.iceQueue.push(message.candidate); } } else { log('warn', '[iceCandidate] Message arrived after the peer was already thrown out, discarding it...'); } } stopWebRTCPeer(id) { log('info', 'Stopping webcam', id); const { userId } = this.props; const shareWebcam = id === userId; if (shareWebcam) { this.unshareWebcam(); } this.sendMessage({ type: 'video', role: shareWebcam ? 'share' : 'viewer', id: 'stop', cameraId: id, }); // Clear the shared camera fail timeout when destroying clearTimeout(this.restartTimeout[id]); delete this.restartTimeout[id]; this.destroyWebRTCPeer(id); } destroyWebRTCPeer(id) { const webRtcPeer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; if (webRtcPeer) { log('info', 'Stopping WebRTC peer'); webRtcPeer.dispose(); delete this.webRtcPeers[id]; } else { log('warn', 'No WebRTC peer to stop (not an error)'); } } async createWebRTCPeer(id, shareWebcam) { const { meetingId, sessionToken } = this.props; let iceServers = []; try { iceServers = await fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers(sessionToken); } catch (error) { log('error', 'Video provider failed to fetch ice servers, using default'); } finally { const videoConstraints = { width: { min: 320, max: 640, }, height: { min: 180, max: 480, }, }; if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/)) { videoConstraints.frameRate = { min: 5, ideal: 10 }; } const options = { mediaConstraints: { audio: false, video: videoConstraints, }, onicecandidate: this._getOnIceCandidateCallback(id, shareWebcam), }; if (iceServers.length > 0) { options.configuration = {}; options.configuration.iceServers = iceServers; } let WebRtcPeerObj = window.kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerRecvonly; if (shareWebcam) { WebRtcPeerObj = window.kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendonly; this.shareWebcam(); } this.webRtcPeers[id] = new WebRtcPeerObj(options, (error) => { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; peer.started = false; peer.attached = false; peer.didSDPAnswered = false; peer.iceQueue = []; if (error) { return this._webRTCOnError(error, id, shareWebcam); } peer.generateOffer((errorGenOffer, offerSdp) => { if (errorGenOffer) { return this._webRTCOnError(errorGenOffer, id, shareWebcam); } log('error', `Invoking SDP offer callback function ${}`); const message = { type: 'video', role: shareWebcam ? 'share' : 'viewer', id: 'start', sdpOffer: offerSdp, cameraId: id, meetingId, }; this.sendMessage(message); this._processIceQueue(peer); peer.didSDPAnswered = true; }); }); } } _getWebRTCStartTimeout(id, shareWebcam, peer) { const { intl } = this.props; return () => { log('error', `Camera share has not suceeded in ${CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME} for ${id}`); if (this.props.userId === id) { this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.sharingError)); this.unshareWebcam(); this.destroyWebRTCPeer(id); } else { const tag = this.webRtcPeers[id].videoTag; this.stopWebRTCPeer(id); this.createWebRTCPeer(id, shareWebcam); // We reattach the peer for a real video restart this.attachVideoStream(id); // Increment reconnect interval this.restartTimer[id] = Math.min(2 * this.restartTimer[id], MAX_CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME); } }; } _processIceQueue(peer) { const { intl } = this.props; while (peer.iceQueue.length) { const candidate = peer.iceQueue.shift(); peer.addIceCandidate(candidate, (err) => { if (err) { this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.iceCandidateError)); return console.log(`Error adding candidate: ${err}`); } }); } } _webRTCOnError(error, id, shareWebcam) { const { intl } = this.props; log('error', ' WebRTC peerObj create error'); log('error', JSON.stringify(error)); const errorMessage = intlMediaErrorsMessages[] || intlMediaErrorsMessages.permissionError; this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(errorMessage)); /* This notification error is displayed considering kurento-utils * returned the error 'The request is not allowed by the user agent * or the platform in the current context.', but there are other * errors that could be returned. */ this.stopWebRTCPeer(id); return log('error', JSON.stringify(errorMessage)); } _getOnIceCandidateCallback(id, shareWebcam) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; return (candidate) => { // Setup a timeout only when ice first is generated if (!this.restartTimeout[id]) { this.restartTimer[id] = this.restartTimer[id] || CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME; log('info', `Setting a camera connection restart in ${this.restartTimer[id]}`); this.restartTimeout[id] = setTimeout(this._getWebRTCStartTimeout(id, shareWebcam, peer), this.restartTimer[id]); } const message = { type: 'video', role: shareWebcam ? 'share' : 'viewer', id: 'onIceCandidate', candidate, cameraId: id, }; this.sendMessage(message); }; } attachVideoStream(id) { const video = this.videoTags[id]; if (video == null) { log('warn', 'Peer', id, 'has not been started yet'); return; } if (video.srcObject) { delete this.videoTags[id]; return; // Skip if the stream is already attached } const isCurrent = id === this.props.userId; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; const attachVideoStreamHelper = () => { const stream = isCurrent ? peer.getLocalStream() : peer.getRemoteStream(); video.pause(); video.srcObject = stream; video.load(); peer.attached = true; delete this.videoTags[id]; }; // If peer has started playing attach to tag, otherwise wait a while if (peer) { if (peer.started) { attachVideoStreamHelper(); } // So we can start it later when we get a playStart // or if we need to do a restart timeout peer.videoTag = video; } } createVideoTag(id, video) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; this.videoTags[id] = video; if (peer) { this.attachVideoStream(id); } } customGetStats(peer, mediaStreamTrack, callback, interval) { const statsState = this.state.stats; let promise; try { promise = peer.getStats(mediaStreamTrack); } catch (e) { promise = Promise.reject(e); } promise.then((results) => { let videoInOrOutbound = {}; results.forEach((res) => { if (res.type === 'ssrc' || res.type === 'inbound-rtp' || res.type === 'outbound-rtp') { res.packetsSent = parseInt(res.packetsSent); res.packetsLost = parseInt(res.packetsLost) || 0; res.packetsReceived = parseInt(res.packetsReceived); if ((isNaN(res.packetsSent) && res.packetsReceived === 0) || (res.type === 'outbound-rtp' && res.isRemote)) { return; // Discard local video receiving } if (res.googFrameWidthReceived) { res.width = parseInt(res.googFrameWidthReceived); res.height = parseInt(res.googFrameHeightReceived); } else if (res.googFrameWidthSent) { res.width = parseInt(res.googFrameWidthSent); res.height = parseInt(res.googFrameHeightSent); } // Extra fields available on Chrome if (res.googCodecName) res.codec = res.googCodecName; if (res.googDecodeMs) res.decodeDelay = res.googDecodeMs; if (res.googEncodeUsagePercent) res.encodeUsagePercent = res.googEncodeUsagePercent; if (res.googRtt) res.rtt = res.googRtt; if (res.googCurrentDelayMs) res.currentDelay = res.googCurrentDelayMs; videoInOrOutbound = res; } }); const videoStats = { timestamp: videoInOrOutbound.timestamp, bytesReceived: videoInOrOutbound.bytesReceived, bytesSent: videoInOrOutbound.bytesSent, packetsReceived: videoInOrOutbound.packetsReceived, packetsLost: videoInOrOutbound.packetsLost, packetsSent: videoInOrOutbound.packetsSent, decodeDelay: videoInOrOutbound.decodeDelay, codec: videoInOrOutbound.codec, height: videoInOrOutbound.height, width: videoInOrOutbound.width, encodeUsagePercent: videoInOrOutbound.encodeUsagePercent, rtt: videoInOrOutbound.rtt, currentDelay: videoInOrOutbound.currentDelay, }; const videoStatsArray = statsState; videoStatsArray.push(videoStats); while (videoStatsArray.length > 5) { // maximum interval to consider videoStatsArray.shift(); } this.setState({ stats: videoStatsArray }); const firstVideoStats = videoStatsArray[0]; const lastVideoStats = videoStatsArray[videoStatsArray.length - 1]; const videoIntervalPacketsLost = lastVideoStats.packetsLost - firstVideoStats.packetsLost; const videoIntervalPacketsReceived = lastVideoStats.packetsReceived - firstVideoStats.packetsReceived; const videoIntervalPacketsSent = lastVideoStats.packetsSent - firstVideoStats.packetsSent; const videoIntervalBytesReceived = lastVideoStats.bytesReceived - firstVideoStats.bytesReceived; const videoIntervalBytesSent = lastVideoStats.bytesSent - firstVideoStats.bytesSent; const videoReceivedInterval = lastVideoStats.timestamp - firstVideoStats.timestamp; const videoSentInterval = lastVideoStats.timestamp - firstVideoStats.timestamp; const videoKbitsReceivedPerSecond = (videoIntervalBytesReceived * 8) / videoReceivedInterval; const videoKbitsSentPerSecond = (videoIntervalBytesSent * 8) / videoSentInterval; const videoPacketDuration = (videoIntervalPacketsSent / videoSentInterval) * 1000; let videoLostPercentage, videoLostRecentPercentage, videoBitrate; if (videoStats.packetsReceived > 0) { // Remote video videoLostPercentage = ((videoStats.packetsLost / ((videoStats.packetsLost + videoStats.packetsReceived) * 100)) || 0).toFixed(1); videoBitrate = Math.floor(videoKbitsReceivedPerSecond || 0); videoLostRecentPercentage = ((videoIntervalPacketsLost / ((videoIntervalPacketsLost + videoIntervalPacketsReceived) * 100)) || 0).toFixed(1); } else { videoLostPercentage = (((videoStats.packetsLost / (videoStats.packetsLost + videoStats.packetsSent)) * 100) || 0).toFixed(1); videoBitrate = Math.floor(videoKbitsSentPerSecond || 0); videoLostRecentPercentage = ((videoIntervalPacketsLost / ((videoIntervalPacketsLost + videoIntervalPacketsSent) * 100)) || 0).toFixed(1); } const result = { video: { bytesReceived: videoStats.bytesReceived, bytesSent: videoStats.bytesSent, packetsLost: videoStats.packetsLost, packetsReceived: videoStats.packetsReceived, packetsSent: videoStats.packetsSent, bitrate: videoBitrate, lostPercentage: videoLostPercentage, lostRecentPercentage: videoLostRecentPercentage, height: videoStats.height, width: videoStats.width, codec: videoStats.codec, decodeDelay: videoStats.decodeDelay, encodeUsagePercent: videoStats.encodeUsagePercent, rtt: videoStats.rtt, currentDelay: videoStats.currentDelay, }, }; callback(result); }, (exception) => { log('error', `customGetStats() Promise rejected: ${exception.message}`); callback(null); }); } monitorTrackStart(peer, track, local, callback) { const that = this; console.log('Starting stats monitoring on',; const getStatsInterval = 2000; const callGetStats = () => { that.customGetStats( peer, track, (results) => { if (results == null || peer.signalingState === 'closed') { that.monitorTrackStop(; } else { callback(results); } }, getStatsInterval, ); }; if (!this.monitoredTracks[]) { callGetStats(); this.monitoredTracks[] = setInterval( callGetStats, getStatsInterval, ); } else { console.log('Already monitoring this track'); } } monitorTrackStop(trackId) { if (this.monitoredTracks[trackId]) { clearInterval(this.monitoredTracks[trackId]); delete this.monitoredTracks[trackId]; console.log(`Track ${trackId} removed`); } else { console.log(`Track ${trackId} is not monitored`); } } getStats(id, video, callback) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; const hasLocalStream = peer && peer.started === true && peer.peerConnection.getLocalStreams().length > 0; const hasRemoteStream = peer && peer.started === true && peer.peerConnection.getRemoteStreams().length > 0; if (hasLocalStream) { this.monitorTrackStart(peer.peerConnection, peer.peerConnection.getLocalStreams()[0].getVideoTracks()[0], true, callback); } else if (hasRemoteStream) { this.monitorTrackStart(peer.peerConnection, peer.peerConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0].getVideoTracks()[0], false, callback); } } stopGettingStats(id) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; const hasLocalStream = peer && peer.started === true && peer.peerConnection.getLocalStreams().length > 0; const hasRemoteStream = peer && peer.started === true && peer.peerConnection.getRemoteStreams().length > 0; if (hasLocalStream) { this.monitorTrackStop(peer.peerConnection.getLocalStreams()[0].getVideoTracks()[0].id); } else if (hasRemoteStream) { this.monitorTrackStop(peer.peerConnection.getRemoteStreams()[0].getVideoTracks()[0].id); } } handlePlayStop(message) { const id = message.cameraId; log('info', 'Handle play stop for camera', id); this.stopWebRTCPeer(id); } handlePlayStart(message) { const id = message.cameraId; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[id]; const videoTag = this.videoTags[id]; if (peer) { log('info', 'Handle play start for camera', id); // Clear camera shared timeout when camera succesfully starts clearTimeout(this.restartTimeout[id]); delete this.restartTimeout[id]; delete this.restartTimer[id]; peer.started = true; if (!peer.attached) { this.attachVideoStream(id); } if (id === this.props.userId) { VideoService.sendUserShareWebcam(id); VideoService.joinedVideo(); } } else { log('warn', '[playStart] Message arrived after the peer was already thrown out, discarding it...'); } } handleError(message) { const { intl } = this.props; const { userId } = this.props; if (message.cameraId === userId) { this.unshareWebcam(); this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMediaErrorsMessages[message.message] || intlMessages.sharingError)); } else { this.stopWebRTCPeer(message.cameraId); } log('debug', 'Handle error --------------------->'); log('debug', message.message); } notifyError(message) { notify(message, 'error', 'video'); } shareWebcam() { const { intl } = this.props; if (this.connectedToMediaServer()) { log('info', 'Sharing webcam'); this.sharedWebcam = true; VideoService.joiningVideo(); } else { log('debug', 'Error on sharing webcam'); this.notifyError(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.sharingError)); } } unshareWebcam() { log('info', 'Unsharing webcam'); VideoService.sendUserUnshareWebcam(this.props.userId); VideoService.exitedVideo(); this.sharedWebcam = false; } render() { if (!this.state.socketOpen) return null; return ( ); } } export default injectIntl(VideoProvider);