import Bowser from 'bowser'; const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; const BOWSER_RESULTS = Bowser.parse(userAgent); const isPhone = BOWSER_RESULTS.platform.type === 'mobile'; // we need a 'hack' to correctly detect ipads with ios > 13 const isTablet = BOWSER_RESULTS.platform.type === 'tablet' || ( === 'macOS' && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0); const isMobile = isPhone || isTablet; const hasMediaDevices = !!navigator.mediaDevices; const osName =; const isIos = osName === 'iOS' || (isTablet && osName=="macOS"); const isMacos = osName === 'macOS'; const isIphone = !!(userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)); const isPortrait = () => window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth; const deviceInfo = { isTablet, isPhone, isMobile, hasMediaDevices, osName, isPortrait, isIos, isMacos, isIphone, }; export default deviceInfo;