#!/bin/bash -ex TARGET=`basename $(pwd)` PACKAGE=$(echo $TARGET | cut -d'_' -f1) VERSION=$(echo $TARGET | cut -d'_' -f2) DISTRO=$(echo $TARGET | cut -d'_' -f3) TAG=$(echo $TARGET | cut -d'_' -f4) BUILD=$1 # Clean up directories rm -rf staging rm -rf ./build # Create directories for fpm to process DIRS="/usr/local/bin /lib/systemd/system /usr/share/bigbluebutton/nginx /usr/share/bbb-graphql-middleware/" for dir in $DIRS; do mkdir -p staging$dir done # go mod tidy go version CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o bbb-graphql-middleware cmd/bbb-graphql-middleware/main.go echo "Build of bbb-graphql-middleware finished" cp bbb-graphql-middleware staging/usr/local/bin/bbb-graphql-middleware mkdir -p staging/etc/nginx/conf.d cp bbb-graphql-client-settings-cache.conf staging/etc/nginx/conf.d # Create config file cp config/config.yml staging/usr/share/bbb-graphql-middleware/config.yml cp bbb-graphql-middleware.service staging/lib/systemd/system/bbb-graphql-middleware.service # Set nginx location cp graphql.nginx staging/usr/share/bigbluebutton/nginx . ./opts-$DISTRO.sh # # Build package fpm -s dir -C ./staging -n $PACKAGE \ --version $VERSION --epoch $EPOCH \ --after-install after-install.sh \ --after-remove after-remove.sh \ --before-install before-install.sh \ --before-remove before-remove.sh \ --description "GraphQL middleware component for BigBlueButton" \ $DIRECTORIES \ $OPTS