package common import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" log "" "hash/crc32" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) func GetStreamCursorPropsFromBrowserMessage(browserMessage BrowserSubscribeMessage) (string, string, interface{}) { streamCursorField := "" streamCursorVariableName := "" var streamCursorInitialValue interface{} cursorInitialValueRePattern := regexp.MustCompile(`cursor:\s*\{\s*initial_value\s*:\s*\{\s*([^:]+):\s*([^}]+)\s*}\s*}`) matches := cursorInitialValueRePattern.FindStringSubmatch(browserMessage.Payload.Query) if matches != nil { streamCursorField = matches[1] if strings.HasPrefix(matches[2], "$") { streamCursorVariableName, _ = strings.CutPrefix(matches[2], "$") if targetVariableValue, okTargetVariableValue := browserMessage.Payload.Variables[streamCursorVariableName]; okTargetVariableValue { streamCursorInitialValue = targetVariableValue } } else { streamCursorInitialValue = matches[2] } } return streamCursorField, streamCursorVariableName, streamCursorInitialValue } func GetLastStreamCursorValueFromReceivedMessage(message []byte, streamCursorField string) interface{} { dataChecksum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE(message) GlobalCacheLocks.Lock(dataChecksum) if streamCursorValueCache, streamCursorValueCacheExists := GetStreamCursorValueCache(dataChecksum); streamCursorValueCacheExists { //Unlock immediately once the cache was already created by other routine GlobalCacheLocks.Unlock(dataChecksum) return streamCursorValueCache } else { //It will create the cache and then Unlock (others will wait to benefit from this cache) defer GlobalCacheLocks.Unlock(dataChecksum) } var lastStreamCursorValue interface{} var messageAsMap map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal(message, &messageAsMap) if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed to unmarshal message: %v", err) //return } if payload, okPayload := messageAsMap["payload"].(map[string]interface{}); okPayload { if data, okData := payload["data"].(map[string]interface{}); okData { //Data will have only one prop, `range` because its name is unknown for _, dataItem := range data { currentDataProp, okCurrentDataProp := dataItem.([]interface{}) if okCurrentDataProp && len(currentDataProp) > 0 { // Get the last item directly (once it will contain the last cursor value) lastItemOfMessage := currentDataProp[len(currentDataProp)-1] if lastItemOfMessageAsMap, currDataOk := lastItemOfMessage.(map[string]interface{}); currDataOk { if lastItemValue, okLastItemValue := lastItemOfMessageAsMap[streamCursorField]; okLastItemValue { lastStreamCursorValue = lastItemValue } } } } } } StoreStreamCursorValueCache(dataChecksum, lastStreamCursorValue) return lastStreamCursorValue } func PatchQueryIncludingCursorField(originalQuery string, cursorField string) string { if cursorField == "" { return originalQuery } lastIndexOfTypename := LastButOneIndex(originalQuery, "}") if lastIndexOfTypename == -1 { return originalQuery } // It will include the cursorField at the end of the list of fields // It's not a problem if the field be duplicated in the list, Hasura just ignore the second occurrence return originalQuery[:lastIndexOfTypename] + " " + cursorField + "\n " + originalQuery[lastIndexOfTypename:] } func PatchQuerySettingLastCursorValue(subscription GraphQlSubscription) []byte { var browserMessage BrowserSubscribeMessage err := json.Unmarshal(subscription.Message, &browserMessage) if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed to unmarshal message: %v", err) return subscription.Message } if subscription.StreamCursorVariableName != "" { /**** This stream has its cursor value set through variables ****/ if browserMessage.Payload.Variables[subscription.StreamCursorVariableName] == subscription.StreamCursorCurrValue { return subscription.Message } browserMessage.Payload.Variables[subscription.StreamCursorVariableName] = subscription.StreamCursorCurrValue } else { /**** This stream has its cursor value set through inline value (not variables) ****/ cursorInitialValueRePattern := regexp.MustCompile(`cursor:\s*\{\s*initial_value\s*:\s*\{\s*([^:]+:\s*[^}]+)\s*}\s*}`) newValue := "" replaceInitialValueFunc := func(match string) string { switch v := subscription.StreamCursorCurrValue.(type) { case string: newValue = v //Append quotes if it is missing, it will be necessary when appending to the query if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "\"") { newValue = "\"" + newValue } if !strings.HasSuffix(v, "\"") { newValue = newValue + "\"" } case int: newValue = strconv.Itoa(v) case float32: myFloat64 := float64(v) newValue = strconv.FormatFloat(myFloat64, 'f', -1, 32) case float64: newValue = strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64) default: newValue = "" } if newValue != "" { replacement := subscription.StreamCursorField + ": " + newValue return fmt.Sprintf("cursor: {initial_value: {%s}}", replacement) } else { return match } } newQuery := cursorInitialValueRePattern.ReplaceAllStringFunc(browserMessage.Payload.Query, replaceInitialValueFunc) if browserMessage.Payload.Query == newQuery { return subscription.Message } browserMessage.Payload.Query = newQuery } newMessageJson, _ := json.Marshal(browserMessage) return newMessageJson } func LastButOneIndex(s, substr string) int { last := strings.LastIndex(s, substr) if last == -1 { return -1 } return strings.LastIndex(s[:last], substr) }