require('dotenv').config(); const { expect, default: test } = require('@playwright/test'); const { readFileSync } = require('fs'); const { format } = require('node:util'); // This is version 4 of chalk, not version 5, which uses ESM const chalk = require('chalk'); const parameters = require('./parameters'); const helpers = require('./helpers'); const e = require('./elements'); const { env } = require('node:process'); const { ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME, ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME, VIDEO_LOADING_WAIT_TIME } = require('./constants'); const { checkElement, checkElementLengthEqualTo } = require('./util'); const { generateSettingsData, getSettings } = require('./settings'); function formatWithCss(CONSOLE_options, ...args) { // For Chrome, args[0] is a format string that we will process using // node.js's util.format, but that function discards css style // information from "%c" format specifiers. So first loop over the // format string, replacing every "%c" with "%s" and replacing the // corresponding css style with an ANSI color sequence. // // See sections 2.2.1 and 2.3.4 let split_arg0 = args[0].split("%"); for (let i = 1, j = 1; i < split_arg0.length; i++, j++) { if (split_arg0[i].startsWith('c')) { split_arg0[i] = 's' + split_arg0[i].substr(1); const styles = args[j].split(';'); args[j] = ''; for (const style of styles) { const stdStyle = style.trim().toLowerCase(); if (stdStyle.startsWith('color:') && CONSOLE_options.colorize) { const color = stdStyle.substr(6).trim(); args[j] = chalk.keyword(color); } else if (stdStyle.startsWith('font-size:') && CONSOLE_options.drop_references) { // For Chrome, we "drop references" by discarding everything after a font size change split_arg0.length = i; args.length = j; } } } else if (split_arg0[i] == "") { // format is "%%", so don't do special processing for // split_arg0[i+1], and only increment i, not j i++; // NOSONAR } } args[0] = split_arg0.join('%'); return format(...args); } async function console_format(msg, CONSOLE_options) { // see playwright consoleMessage class documentation const args = await Promise.all(msg.args().map(itm => itm.jsonValue())); let result = formatWithCss(CONSOLE_options, ...args); if (CONSOLE_options.drop_references) { // For Firefox, we "drop references" by discarding a URL at the end of the line result = result.replace(/https:\/\/\S*$/, ''); } if (CONSOLE_options.noClientLogger) { result = result.replace(/clientLogger: /, ''); } if (CONSOLE_options.drop_timestamps) { // timestamp formatting is a bit complicated, with four "%s" fields and corresponding arguments, // so just filter them out (if requested) after all the other formatting is done result = result.replace(/\[\d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\d\d\] /, ''); } if (CONSOLE_options.line_label) { if (CONSOLE_options.colorize) { result = chalk.keyword('green')(CONSOLE_options.line_label) + result; } else { result = CONSOLE_options.line_label + result; } } return result; } class Page { constructor(browser, page) { this.browser = browser; = page; this.initParameters = Object.assign({}, parameters); } async bringToFront() { await; } async getLastTargetPage(context) { const contextPages = await context.pages(); return new Page(this.browser, contextPages[contextPages.length - 1]); } async init(isModerator, shouldCloseAudioModal, initOptions) { const { fullName, meetingId, customParameter, customMeetingId } = initOptions || {}; if (!isModerator) this.initParameters.moderatorPW = ''; if (fullName) this.initParameters.fullName = fullName; this.username = this.initParameters.fullName; if (env.CONSOLE !== undefined) { const CONSOLE_strings = env.CONSOLE.split(',').map(opt => opt.trim().toLowerCase()); const CONSOLE_options = { colorize: CONSOLE_strings.includes('color') || CONSOLE_strings.includes('colour'), drop_references: CONSOLE_strings.includes('norefs'), drop_timestamps: CONSOLE_strings.includes('nots'), line_label: CONSOLE_strings.includes('label') ? this.username + " " : undefined, noClientLogger: CONSOLE_strings.includes('nocl') || CONSOLE_strings.includes('noclientlogger'), };'console', async (msg) => console.log(await console_format(msg, CONSOLE_options))); } this.meetingId = (meetingId) ? meetingId : await helpers.createMeeting(parameters, customParameter, customMeetingId); const joinUrl = helpers.getJoinURL(this.meetingId, this.initParameters, isModerator, customParameter); const response = await; await expect(response.ok()).toBeTruthy(); const hasErrorLabel = await this.checkElement(e.errorMessageLabel); await expect(hasErrorLabel, 'Getting error when joining. Check if the BBB_URL and BBB_SECRET are set correctly').toBeFalsy(); this.settings = await generateSettingsData(; const { autoJoinAudioModal } = this.settings; if (shouldCloseAudioModal && autoJoinAudioModal) await this.closeAudioModal(); } async handleDownload(locator, testInfo, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const [download] = await Promise.all(['download', { timeout }),{ timeout }), ]); await expect(download).toBeTruthy(); const filePath = await download.path(); const content = await readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); await testInfo.attach('downloaded', { path: filePath }); return { download, content, } } async handleNewTab(selector, context) { const [newPage] = await Promise.all([ context.waitForEvent('page'), this.waitAndClick(selector), ]); return newPage; } async joinMicrophone() { await this.waitForSelector(e.audioModal); await this.waitAndClick(e.microphoneButton); await this.waitForSelector(e.stopHearingButton); await this.waitAndClick(e.joinEchoTestButton); await this.waitForSelector(e.establishingAudioLabel); await this.wasRemoved(e.establishingAudioLabel, ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME); await this.waitForSelector(e.isTalking); } async leaveAudio() { await this.waitAndClick(e.audioDropdownMenu); await this.waitAndClick(e.leaveAudio); await this.waitForSelector(e.joinAudio); } async logoutFromMeeting() { await this.waitAndClick(e.optionsButton); await this.waitAndClick(e.logout); } async shareWebcam(shouldConfirmSharing = true, videoPreviewTimeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const { webcamSharingEnabled } = getSettings();!webcamSharingEnabled, 'Webcam sharing is disabled'); await this.waitAndClick(e.joinVideo); if (shouldConfirmSharing) { await this.bringToFront(); await this.waitForSelector(e.videoPreview, videoPreviewTimeout); await this.waitAndClick(e.startSharingWebcam); } await this.waitForSelector(e.webcamContainer, VIDEO_LOADING_WAIT_TIME); await this.waitForSelector(e.leaveVideo, VIDEO_LOADING_WAIT_TIME); await this.wasRemoved(e.webcamConnecting); } getLocator(selector) { return; } getLocatorByIndex(selector, index) { return; } async getSelectorCount(selector) { const locator = this.getLocator(selector); return locator.count(); } async getCopiedText(context) { await context.grantPermissions(['clipboard-write', 'clipboard-read'], { origin: process.env.BBB_URL }); return () => navigator.clipboard.readText()); } async closeAudioModal() { await this.waitForSelector(e.audioModal, ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME); await this.waitAndClick(e.closeModal); } async waitForSelector(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { await, { timeout }); } async waitForSelectorDetached(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { await, { state: 'detached', timeout }); } async getElementBoundingBox(selector) { const element = await$(selector); return element.boundingBox(); } async waitUntilHaveCountSelector(selector, count, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { await checkElementLengthEqualTo, [selector, count], { timeout }, ); } async type(selector, text) { const handle = this.getLocator(selector); await handle.focus(); await handle.type(text, { timeout: ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME }); } async waitAndClickElement(element, index = 0, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { await this.waitForSelector(element, timeout); await[elem, i]) => { document.querySelectorAll(elem)[i].click(); }, [element, index]); } async waitAndClick(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { await this.waitForSelector(selector, timeout); await; await, { timeout }); } async clickOnLocator(locator, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { await{ timeout }); } async checkElement(selector, index = 0) { return, [selector, index]); } async wasRemoved(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(selector); await expect(locator).toBeHidden({ timeout }); } async wasNthElementRemoved(selector, count, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(':nth-match(' + selector + ',' + count + ')'); await expect(locator).toBeHidden({ timeout }); } async hasElement(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(selector); await expect(locator).toBeVisible({ timeout }); } async hasNElements(selector, count, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(':nth-match(' + selector + ',' + count + ')'); await expect(locator).toBeVisible({ timeout }); } async hasElementDisabled(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(selector); await expect(locator).toBeDisabled({ timeout }); } async hasElementEnabled(selector, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(`${selector}:not([disabled])`); await expect(locator).toBeEnabled({ timeout }); } async hasText(selector, text, timeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME) { const locator = this.getLocator(selector).first(); await expect(locator).toContainText(text, { timeout }); } async press(key) { await; } async down(key) { await; } async up(key) { await; } async mouseDoubleClick(x, y) { await, y); } async dragDropSelector(selector, position) { await; } async checkElementCount(selector, count) { const locator = await; await expect(locator).toHaveCount(count); } async hasValue(selector, value) { const locator = await; await expect(locator).toHaveValue(value); } async backgroundColorTest(selector, color) { await expect(await$eval(selector, e => getComputedStyle(e).backgroundColor)).toBe(color); } async textColorTest(selector, color) { await expect(await$eval(selector, e => getComputedStyle(e).color)).toBe(color); } async fontSizeCheck(selector, size) { await expect(await$eval(selector, e => getComputedStyle(e).fontSize)).toBe(size); } async comparingSelectorsBackgroundColor(selector1, selector2) { const getBackgroundColorComputed = (locator) => locator.evaluate((elem) => getComputedStyle(elem).backgroundColor); const avatarInToastElementColor =; const avatarInUserListColor =; await expect(getBackgroundColorComputed(avatarInToastElementColor)).toStrictEqual(getBackgroundColorComputed(avatarInUserListColor)); } async reloadPage() { await; } } module.exports = exports = Page;