# Module dependencies express = require("express") redis = require("redis") RedisStore = require("connect-redis")(express) config = require("./config") ClientProxy = require("./lib/clientproxy") Controller = require("./lib/controller") Logger = require("./lib/logger") MainRouter = require("./routes/main_router") MessageBus = require("./lib/messagebus") Modules = require("./lib/modules") RedisPubSub = require("./lib/redispubsub") Utils = require("./lib/utils") # Module to store the modules registered in the application config.modules = modules = new Modules() # The application, exported in this module app = config.modules.register "App", express.createServer() module.exports = app # configure the application app.configure -> app.set "views", __dirname + "/views" app.set "view engine", "jade" app.use express["static"](__dirname + "/public") app.use require('connect-assets')() app.use express.bodyParser() app.use express.methodOverride() app.use express.cookieParser() # Enables CORS # - we currently need this so that the login page can send data to the sessionView and load it enableCORS = (req, res, next) -> res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '') #TODO: modify this or move it to config file res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST') res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type') # intercept OPTIONS method if ('OPTIONS' is req.method) res.send(200) else next() # enable CORS! app.use(enableCORS) # redis app.use express.session( secret: config.app.sessionSecret cookie: secure: true store: new RedisStore( host: config.redis.host port: config.redis.port ) key: "express.sid" ) app.use app.router app.configure "development", -> app.use express.errorHandler( dumpExceptions: true showStack: true ) app.configure "production", -> app.use express.errorHandler() # view helpers app.helpers h_environment: app.settings.env # # Socket.IO # io = require("socket.io") # # reduce logging # io.set('log level', 1) # Router config.modules.register "MainRouter", new MainRouter() # Application modules config.modules.register "RedisPubSub", new RedisPubSub() config.modules.register "MessageBus", new MessageBus() config.modules.register "Controller", new Controller() clientProxy = new ClientProxy() config.modules.register "ClientProxy", clientProxy clientProxy.listen(app)