import Redis from 'redis'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { EventEmitter2 } from 'eventemitter2'; import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import Logger from './logger'; import Metrics from './metrics'; import queue from 'queue'; import { PrometheusAgent, METRIC_NAMES } from './prom-metrics/index.js' // Fake meetingId used for messages that have no meetingId const NO_MEETING_ID = '_'; const { queueMetrics } = Meteor.settings.private.redis.metrics; const { collectRedisMetrics: PROM_METRICS_ENABLED } = Meteor.settings.private.prometheus; const makeEnvelope = (channel, eventName, header, body, routing) => { const envelope = { envelope: { name: eventName, routing: routing || { sender: 'html5-server', }, timestamp:, }, core: { header, body, }, }; return JSON.stringify(envelope); }; const getInstanceIdFromMessage = (parsedMessage) => { // End meeting message does not seem to have systemProps let instanceIdFromMessage = parsedMessage.core.body.props?.systemProps?.html5InstanceId; return instanceIdFromMessage; }; class MeetingMessageQueue { constructor(eventEmitter, asyncMessages = [], redisDebugEnabled = false) { this.asyncMessages = asyncMessages; this.emitter = eventEmitter; this.queue = queue({ autostart: true, concurrency: 1 }); this.redisDebugEnabled = redisDebugEnabled; this.handleTask = this.handleTask.bind(this); this.queue.taskHandler = this.handleTask; } handleTask(data, next) { const { channel } = data; const { envelope } = data.parsedMessage; const { header } = data.parsedMessage.core; const { body } = data.parsedMessage.core; const { meetingId } = header; const eventName =; const isAsync = this.asyncMessages.includes(channel) || this.asyncMessages.includes(eventName); const beginHandleTimestamp =; let called = false; check(eventName, String); check(body, Object); const callNext = () => { if (called) return; if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.debug(`Redis: ${eventName} completed ${isAsync ? 'async' : 'sync'}`); } called = true; if (queueMetrics) { const queueId = meetingId || NO_MEETING_ID; const dataLength = JSON.stringify(data).length; Metrics.processEvent(queueId, eventName, dataLength, beginHandleTimestamp); } const queueLength = this.queue.length; if (PROM_METRICS_ENABLED) { const dataLength = JSON.stringify(data).length; const currentTimestamp =; const processTime = currentTimestamp - beginHandleTimestamp; PrometheusAgent.observe(METRIC_NAMES.REDIS_PROCESSING_TIME, processTime, { eventName }); PrometheusAgent.observe(METRIC_NAMES.REDIS_PAYLOAD_SIZE, dataLength, { eventName }); meetingId && PrometheusAgent.set(METRIC_NAMES.REDIS_MESSAGE_QUEUE, queueLength, { meetingId }); } if (queueLength > 100) { Logger.warn(`Redis: MeetingMessageQueue for meetingId=${meetingId} has queue size=${queueLength} `); } next(); }; const onError = (reason) => { Logger.error(`${eventName}: ${reason.stack ? reason.stack : reason}`); callNext(); }; try { if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { if (! && eventName === 'GroupChatMessageBroadcastEvtMsg') { return; } Logger.debug(`Redis: ${JSON.stringify(data.parsedMessage.core)} emitted`); } if (isAsync) { callNext(); } this.emitter .emitAsync(eventName, { envelope, header, body }, meetingId) .then(callNext) .catch(onError); } catch (reason) { onError(reason); } } add(...args) { const { taskHandler } = this.queue; this.queue.push(function (next) { taskHandler(...args, next); }) } } class RedisPubSub { static handlePublishError(err) { if (err) { Logger.error(err); } } constructor(config = {}) { this.config = config; this.didSendRequestEvent = false; const host = process.env.REDIS_HOST ||; const redisConf = Meteor.settings.private.redis; this.instanceId = parseInt(process.env.INSTANCE_ID, 10) || 1; // 1 also handles running in dev mode this.role = process.env.BBB_HTML5_ROLE; this.customRedisChannel = `to-html5-redis-channel${this.instanceId}`; const { password, port } = redisConf; if (password) { = Redis.createClient({ host, port, password }); this.sub = Redis.createClient({ host, port, password });; this.sub.auth(password); } else { = Redis.createClient({ host, port }); this.sub = Redis.createClient({ host, port }); } if (queueMetrics) { Metrics.startDumpFile(); } this.emitter = new EventEmitter2(); this.meetingsQueues = {}; // We create this _ meeting queue because we need to be able to handle system messages (no meetingId in core.header) this.meetingsQueues[NO_MEETING_ID] = new MeetingMessageQueue(this.emitter, this.config.async, this.config.debug); this.handleSubscribe = this.handleSubscribe.bind(this); this.handleMessage = this.handleMessage.bind(this); } init() { this.sub.on('psubscribe', Meteor.bindEnvironment(this.handleSubscribe)); this.sub.on('pmessage', Meteor.bindEnvironment(this.handleMessage)); const channelsToSubscribe = this.config.subscribeTo; channelsToSubscribe.push(this.customRedisChannel); switch (this.role) { case 'frontend': this.sub.psubscribe('from-akka-apps-frontend-redis-channel'); if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.debug(`Redis: NodeJSPool:${this.instanceId} Role: frontend. Subscribed to 'from-akka-apps-frontend-redis-channel'`); } break; case 'backend': channelsToSubscribe.forEach((channel) => { this.sub.psubscribe(channel); if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.debug(`Redis: NodeJSPool:${this.instanceId} Role: backend. Subscribed to '${channelsToSubscribe}'`); } }); break; default: this.sub.psubscribe('from-akka-apps-frontend-redis-channel'); channelsToSubscribe.forEach((channel) => { this.sub.psubscribe(channel); if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.debug(`Redis: NodeJSPool:${this.instanceId} Role:${this.role} (likely only one nodejs running, doing both frontend and backend. Dev env? ). Subscribed to '${channelsToSubscribe}'`); } }); break; } } updateConfig(config) { this.config = Object.assign({}, this.config, config); this.redisDebugEnabled = this.config.debug; } // TODO: Move this out of this class, maybe pass as a callback to init? handleSubscribe() { if (this.didSendRequestEvent || this.role === 'frontend') return; // populate collections with pre-existing data const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.private.redis; const CHANNEL = REDIS_CONFIG.channels.toAkkaApps; const EVENT_NAME = 'GetAllMeetingsReqMsg'; const body = { requesterId: 'nodeJSapp', html5InstanceId: this.instanceId, }; this.publishSystemMessage(CHANNEL, EVENT_NAME, body); this.didSendRequestEvent = true; } handleMessage(pattern, channel, message) { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message); const { ignored: ignoredMessages, async } = this.config; const eventName =; if (ignoredMessages.includes(channel) || ignoredMessages.includes(eventName)) { if (eventName === 'CheckAlivePongSysMsg') { return; } if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.debug(`Redis: ${eventName} skipped`); } return; } if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.warn('Received event to handle', { date: new Date().toISOString(), eventName }); } // System messages like Create / Destroy Meeting, etc do not have core.header.meetingId. // Process them in MeetingQueue['_'] --- the NO_MEETING queueId const meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader = parsedMessage.core.header.meetingId || NO_MEETING_ID; if (this.role === 'frontend') { // receiving this message means we need to look at it. Frontends do not have instanceId. if (meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader === NO_MEETING_ID) { // if this is a system message if (eventName === 'MeetingCreatedEvtMsg' || eventName === 'SyncGetMeetingInfoRespMsg') { const meetingIdFromMessageMeetingProp = parsedMessage.core.body.props.meetingProp.intId; this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdFromMessageMeetingProp] = new MeetingMessageQueue(this.emitter, async, this.redisDebugEnabled); if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.warn('Created frontend queue for meeting', { date: new Date().toISOString(), eventName, meetingIdFromMessageMeetingProp }); } } } if (eventName === 'SendWhiteboardAnnotationsEvtMsg') { // we need the instanceId in the handler to avoid calling the same upsert on the // Annotations collection multiple times parsedMessage.core.body.myInstanceId = this.instanceId; } if (!this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader]) { Logger.warn(`Frontend meeting queue had not been initialized ${message}`, { eventName, meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader }); this.meetingsQueues[NO_MEETING_ID].add({ pattern, channel, eventName, parsedMessage, }); } else { // process the event - whether it's a system message or not, the meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader value is adjusted this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader].add({ pattern, channel, eventName, parsedMessage, }); } } else { // backend if (meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader === NO_MEETING_ID) { // if this is a system message const meetingIdFromMessageMeetingProp = parsedMessage.core.body.props?.meetingProp?.intId; const instanceIdFromMessage = getInstanceIdFromMessage(parsedMessage); if (this.instanceId === instanceIdFromMessage) { // create queue or destroy queue if (eventName === 'MeetingCreatedEvtMsg' || eventName === 'SyncGetMeetingInfoRespMsg') { this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdFromMessageMeetingProp] = new MeetingMessageQueue(this.emitter, async, this.redisDebugEnabled); if (this.redisDebugEnabled) { Logger.warn('Created backend queue for meeting', { date: new Date().toISOString(), eventName, meetingIdFromMessageMeetingProp }); } } this.meetingsQueues[NO_MEETING_ID].add({ pattern, channel, eventName, parsedMessage, }); } else { if (eventName === 'MeetingEndedEvtMsg' || eventName === 'MeetingDestroyedEvtMsg') { // MeetingEndedEvtMsg does not follow the system message pattern for meetingId // but we still need to process it on the backend which is processing the rest of the events // for this meetingId (it does not contain instanceId either, so we cannot compare that) const meetingIdForMeetingEnded = parsedMessage.core.body.meetingId; if (!!this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdForMeetingEnded]) { this.meetingsQueues[NO_MEETING_ID].add({ pattern, channel, eventName, parsedMessage, }); } } // ignore } } else { // add to existing queue if (!!this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader]) { // only handle message if we have a queue for the meeting. If we don't have a queue, it means it's for a different instanceId this.meetingsQueues[meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader].add({ pattern, channel, eventName, parsedMessage, }); } else { // If we reach this line, this means that there is no existing queue for this redis "backend" message // which means that the meeting is fully handled by another bbb-html5-backend. // Logger.warn('Backend meeting queue had not been initialized', { eventName, meetingIdFromMessageCoreHeader }) } } } } destroyMeetingQueue(id) { delete this.meetingsQueues[id]; } on(...args) { return this.emitter.on(...args); } publishVoiceMessage(channel, eventName, voiceConf, payload) { const header = { name: eventName, voiceConf, }; const envelope = makeEnvelope(channel, eventName, header, payload); return, envelope, RedisPubSub.handlePublishError); } publishSystemMessage(channel, eventName, payload) { const header = { name: eventName, }; const envelope = makeEnvelope(channel, eventName, header, payload); return, envelope, RedisPubSub.handlePublishError); } publishMeetingMessage(channel, eventName, meetingId, payload) { const header = { name: eventName, meetingId, }; const envelope = makeEnvelope(channel, eventName, header, payload); return, envelope, RedisPubSub.handlePublishError); } publishUserMessage(channel, eventName, meetingId, userId, payload) { const header = { name: eventName, meetingId, userId, }; if (!meetingId || !userId) { Logger.warn(`Publishing ${eventName} with potentially missing data userId=${userId} meetingId=${meetingId}`); } const envelope = makeEnvelope(channel, eventName, header, payload, { meetingId, userId }); return, envelope, RedisPubSub.handlePublishError); } } const RedisPubSubSingleton = new RedisPubSub(); Meteor.startup(() => { const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.private.redis; RedisPubSubSingleton.updateConfig(REDIS_CONFIG); RedisPubSubSingleton.init(); }); export default RedisPubSubSingleton;