import React, { useRef } from 'react'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import { toast } from 'react-toastify'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import Icon from '/imports/ui/components/common/icon/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import { uniqueId } from '/imports/utils/string-utils'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ maximumSizeExceeded: { id: '', description: 'Label for the maximum file size exceeded notification', }, typeNotAllowed: { id: '', description: 'Label for the file type not allowed notification', }, errorOnRead: { id: '', description: 'Label for the error on read notification', }, uploaded: { id: '', description: 'Label for when the file is uploaded', }, uploading: { id: '', description: 'Label for when the file is uploading', }, }); const STATUS = { LOADING: 'loading', DONE: 'done', ERROR: 'error', }; /** * HOC for injecting a file reader utility. * @param {React.Component} Component * @param {string[]} mimeTypesAllowed String array containing MIME types allowed. * @param {number} maxFileSize Max file size allowed in Mbytes. * @returns A new component which accepts the same props as the wrapped component plus * a function called readFile. */ const withFileReader = ( Component, mimeTypesAllowed, maxFileSize, ) => (props) => { const { intl } = props; const toastId = useRef(null); const parseFilename = (filename = '') => { const substrings = filename.split('.'); substrings.pop(); const filenameWithoutExtension = substrings.join(''); return filenameWithoutExtension; }; const renderToastContent = (text, status) => { let icon; let statusMessage; switch (status) { case STATUS.LOADING: icon = 'blank'; statusMessage = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.uploading); break; case STATUS.DONE: icon = 'check'; statusMessage = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.uploaded); break; case STATUS.ERROR: default: icon = 'circle_close' statusMessage = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.errorOnRead); } return ( {text} {statusMessage} ); }; const renderToast = (text = '', status = STATUS.DONE, callback) => { if (toastId.current) { toast.dismiss(toastId.current); } toastId.current =, status), { hideProgressBar: status === STATUS.DONE ? false : true, autoClose: status === STATUS.DONE ? 5000 : false, newestOnTop: true, closeOnClick: true, onClose: () => { toastId.current = null; }, onOpen: () => { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }, }); }; const readFile = ( file, onSuccess = () => {}, onError = () => {}, ) => { if (!file) return; const { name, size, type } = file; const sizeInKB = size / 1024; if (sizeInKB > maxFileSize) { notify( intl.formatMessage( intlMessages.maximumSizeExceeded, { 0: (maxFileSize / 1000).toFixed(0) }, ), 'error', ); return onError(new Error('Maximum file size exceeded.')); } if (!mimeTypesAllowed.includes(type)) { notify( intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.typeNotAllowed), 'error', ); return onError(new Error('File type not allowed.')); } const filenameWithoutExtension = parseFilename(name); const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (e) => { const data = { filename: filenameWithoutExtension, data:, uniqueId: uniqueId(), }; renderToast(name, STATUS.DONE, () => { onSuccess(data); }); }; reader.onerror = () => { renderToast(name, STATUS.ERROR, () => { onError(new Error('Something went wrong when reading the file.')); }); }; reader.onloadstart = () => { renderToast(name, STATUS.LOADING); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }; return ; } export default withFileReader;