const { test } = require('@playwright/test'); const { Presentation } = require('./presentation'); test.describe.parallel('Presentation', () => { // test('Skip slide @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.skipSlide(); }); // test('Hide/Restore presentation @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.hideAndRestorePresentation(); }); // test('Start external video', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.startExternalVideo(); }); // test('Presentation fit to width', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.fitToWidthTest(); }); test.describe.parallel('Manage', () => { // test('Upload single presentation @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { test.fixme(true, 'Different behaviors in the development and production environment'); const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page, true); await presentation.uploadSinglePresentationTest(); }); // test('Upload multiple presentations', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page, true); await presentation.uploadMultiplePresentationsTest(); }); // test.skip('Allow and disallow presentation download @ci', async ({ browser, context, page }, testInfo) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.allowAndDisallowDownload(testInfo); }); test('Remove all presentation', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.removeAllPresentation(); }); test('Upload and remove all presentations', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.uploadAndRemoveAllPresentations(); }); test('Remove previous presentation from previous presenter', async ({ browser, context, page }) => { const presentation = new Presentation(browser, context); await presentation.initPages(page); await presentation.removePreviousPresentationFromPreviousPresenter(); }); }); });