import Screenshare from '/imports/api/screenshare'; import KurentoBridge from '/imports/api/screenshare/client/bridge'; import BridgeService from '/imports/api/screenshare/client/bridge/service'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { tryGenerateIceCandidates } from '/imports/utils/safari-webrtc'; import { stopWatching } from '/imports/ui/components/external-video-player/service'; import Meetings from '/imports/api/meetings'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; // when the meeting information has been updated check to see if it was // screensharing. If it has changed either trigger a call to receive video // and display it, or end the call and hide the video const isVideoBroadcasting = () => { const ds = Screenshare.findOne({}); if (!ds) { return false; } return !!; }; // if remote screenshare has been ended disconnect and hide the video stream const presenterScreenshareHasEnded = () => { // references a function in the global namespace inside kurento-extension.js // that we load dynamically KurentoBridge.kurentoExitVideo(); }; // if remote screenshare has been started connect and display the video stream const presenterScreenshareHasStarted = () => { // KurentoBridge.kurentoWatchVideo: references a function in the global // namespace inside kurento-extension.js that we load dynamically // WebRTC restrictions may need a capture device permission to release // useful ICE candidates on recvonly/no-gUM peers tryGenerateIceCandidates().then(() => { KurentoBridge.kurentoWatchVideo(); }).catch((error) => { logger.error({ logCode: 'screenshare_no_valid_candidate_gum_failure', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, }, }, `Forced gUM to release additional ICE candidates failed due to ${}.`); // The fallback gUM failed. Try it anyways and hope for the best. KurentoBridge.kurentoWatchVideo(); }); }; const shareScreen = (onFail) => { // stop external video share if running const meeting = Meetings.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }); if (meeting && meeting.externalVideoUrl) { stopWatching(); } BridgeService.getScreenStream().then((stream) => { KurentoBridge.kurentoShareScreen(onFail, stream); }).catch(onFail); }; const screenShareEndAlert = () => new Audio(`${ +}/resources/sounds/ScreenshareOff.mp3`).play(); const unshareScreen = () => { KurentoBridge.kurentoExitScreenShare(); screenShareEndAlert(); }; const dataSavingSetting = () => Settings.dataSaving.viewScreenshare; export { isVideoBroadcasting, presenterScreenshareHasEnded, presenterScreenshareHasStarted, shareScreen, screenShareEndAlert, unshareScreen, dataSavingSetting, };