import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import _ from 'lodash'; import AudioService from '/imports/ui/components/audio/service'; import ChatPushAlert from './push-alert/component'; import Service from '../service'; import { styles } from '../styles'; const CHAT_CONFIG =; const PUBLIC_CHAT_CLEAR = CHAT_CONFIG.chat_clear; const PUBLIC_CHAT_ID = CHAT_CONFIG.public_id; const propTypes = { pushAlertEnabled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, audioAlertEnabled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, unreadMessagesCountByChat: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), unreadMessagesByChat: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.array), idChatOpen: PropTypes.string.isRequired, intl: PropTypes.shape({ formatMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }).isRequired, }; const defaultProps = { unreadMessagesCountByChat: null, unreadMessagesByChat: null, }; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ appToastChatPublic: { id: '', description: 'when entry various message', }, appToastChatPrivate: { id: '', description: 'when entry various message', }, appToastChatSystem: { id: '', description: 'system for use', }, publicChatClear: { id: '', description: 'message of when clear the public chat', }, }); const ALERT_INTERVAL = 5000; // 5 seconds const ALERT_DURATION = 4000; // 4 seconds const ChatAlert = (props) => { const { audioAlertEnabled, pushAlertEnabled, idChatOpen, unreadMessagesCountByChat, unreadMessagesByChat, intl, layoutContextDispatch, } = props; const [unreadMessagesCount, setUnreadMessagesCount] = useState(0); const [unreadMessages, setUnreadMessages] = useState([]); const [lastAlertTimestampByChat, setLastAlertTimestampByChat] = useState({}); const [alertEnabledTimestamp, setAlertEnabledTimestamp] = useState(null); // audio alerts useEffect(() => { if (audioAlertEnabled) { const unreadObject = unreadMessagesCountByChat; const unreadCount = document.hidden ? unreadObject.reduce((a, b) => a + b.unreadCounter, 0) : unreadObject.filter((chat) => chat.chatId !== idChatOpen) .reduce((a, b) => a + b.unreadCounter, 0); if (audioAlertEnabled && unreadCount > unreadMessagesCount) { AudioService.playAlertSound(`${ + +}` + '/resources/sounds/notify.mp3'); } setUnreadMessagesCount(unreadCount); } }, [unreadMessagesCountByChat]); // push alerts useEffect(() => { if (pushAlertEnabled) { setAlertEnabledTimestamp(new Date().getTime()); } }, [pushAlertEnabled]); useEffect(() => { if (pushAlertEnabled) { const alertsObject = unreadMessagesByChat; let timewindowsToAlert = []; let filteredTimewindows = []; alertsObject.forEach((chat) => { filteredTimewindows = filteredTimewindows.concat( chat.filter((timeWindow) => timeWindow.timestamp > alertEnabledTimestamp), ); }); filteredTimewindows.forEach((timeWindow) => { const durationDiff = ALERT_DURATION - (new Date().getTime() - timeWindow.timestamp); if ((timeWindow.lastTimestamp > timeWindow.timestamp && durationDiff > 0 && timeWindow.lastTimestamp > (lastAlertTimestampByChat[timeWindow.chatId] || 0)) || timeWindow.timestamp > (lastAlertTimestampByChat[timeWindow.chatId] || 0) + ALERT_INTERVAL) { timewindowsToAlert = timewindowsToAlert .filter((item) => item.chatId !== timeWindow.chatId); const newTimeWindow = { ...timeWindow }; newTimeWindow.durationDiff = durationDiff; timewindowsToAlert.push(newTimeWindow); const newLastAlertTimestampByChat = { ...lastAlertTimestampByChat }; if (timeWindow.timestamp > (lastAlertTimestampByChat[timeWindow.chatId] || 0)) { newLastAlertTimestampByChat[timeWindow.chatId] = timeWindow.timestamp; setLastAlertTimestampByChat(newLastAlertTimestampByChat); } } }); setUnreadMessages(timewindowsToAlert); } }, [unreadMessagesByChat]); const mapContentText = (message) => { const contentMessage = message .map((content) => { if (content.text === PUBLIC_CHAT_CLEAR) { return intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.publicChatClear); } /* this code is to remove html tags that come in the server's messages */ const tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); tempDiv.innerHTML = content.text; const textWithoutTag = tempDiv.innerText; return textWithoutTag; }); return contentMessage; }; const createMessage = (name, message) => (


{ mapContentText(message) .reduce((acc, text) => [...acc, (
), text], []) }
); return pushAlertEnabled ? => { const mappedMessage = Service.mapGroupMessage(timeWindow); const content = mappedMessage ? createMessage(, mappedMessage.content.slice(-5)) : null; const messageChatId = mappedMessage.chatId === 'MAIN-PUBLIC-GROUP-CHAT' ? PUBLIC_CHAT_ID : mappedMessage.chatId; const newUnreadMessages = unreadMessages .filter((message) => message.key !== mappedMessage.key); return content ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.appToastChatPublic)} : {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.appToastChatPrivate)} } onOpen={ () => setUnreadMessages(newUnreadMessages) } onClose={ () => setUnreadMessages(newUnreadMessages) } alertDuration={timeWindow.durationDiff} layoutContextDispatch={layoutContextDispatch} /> ) : null; }) : null; }; ChatAlert.propTypes = propTypes; ChatAlert.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default injectIntl(ChatAlert);