import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { isEmpty } from 'radash'; import { ApolloLink, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'; import { JoinErrorCodeTable, MeetingEndedTable, openLearningDashboardUrl, setLearningDashboardCookie, } from './service'; import { MeetingEndDataResponse, getMeetingEndData } from './queries'; import useAuthData from '/imports/ui/core/local-states/useAuthData'; import Icon from '/imports/ui/components/common/icon/icon-ts/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import Rating from './rating/component'; import { LoadingContext } from '../common/loading-screen/loading-screen-HOC/component'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import apolloContextHolder from '/imports/ui/core/graphql/apolloContextHolder/apolloContextHolder'; const intlMessage = defineMessages({ 410: { id: 'app.meeting.ended', description: 'message when meeting is ended', }, 403: { id: 'app.error.removed', description: 'Message to display when user is removed from the conference', }, 430: { id: 'app.error.meeting.ended', description: 'user logged conference', }, 'acl-not-allowed': { id: 'app.error.removed', description: 'Message to display when user is removed from the conference', }, messageEnded: { id: 'app.meeting.endedMessage', description: 'message saying to go back to home screen', }, messageEndedByUser: { id: 'app.meeting.endedByUserMessage', description: 'message informing who ended the meeting', }, messageEndedByNoModeratorSingular: { id: 'app.meeting.endedByNoModeratorMessageSingular', description: 'message informing that the meeting was ended due to no moderator present (singular)', }, messageEndedByNoModeratorPlural: { id: 'app.meeting.endedByNoModeratorMessagePlural', description: 'message informing that the meeting was ended due to no moderator present (plural)', }, buttonOkay: { id: 'app.meeting.endNotification.ok.label', description: 'label okay for button', }, title: { id: '', description: 'title for feedback screen', }, subtitle: { id: '', description: 'subtitle for feedback screen', }, textarea: { id: '', description: 'placeholder for textarea', }, confirmDesc: { id: 'app.leaveConfirmation.confirmDesc', description: 'adds context to confim option', }, sendLabel: { id: '', description: 'send feedback button label', }, sendDesc: { id: '', description: 'adds context to send feedback option', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.DUPLICATE_USER]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.duplicateUserEjectReason', description: 'message for duplicate users', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.PERMISSION_FAILED]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.permissionEjectReason', description: 'message for whom was kicked by doing something without permission', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.EJECT_USER]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.ejectedFromMeeting', description: 'message when the user is removed by someone', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.SYSTEM_EJECT_USER]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.ejectedFromMeeting', description: 'message when the user is removed by the system', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.MAX_PARTICIPANTS]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.maxParticipantsReached', description: 'message when the user is rejected due to max participants limit', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.VALIDATE_TOKEN]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.validateTokenFailedEjectReason', description: 'invalid auth token', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.USER_INACTIVITY]: { id: 'app.meeting.logout.userInactivityEjectReason', description: 'message to whom was kicked by inactivity', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.USER_LOGGED_OUT]: { id: '', description: 'message to whom was kicked by logging out', }, [JoinErrorCodeTable.BANNED_USER_REJOINING]: { id: 'app.error.userBanned', description: 'message to whom was banned', }, open_activity_report_btn: { id: 'app.learning-dashboard.clickHereToOpen', description: 'description of link to open activity report', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_FROM_API]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedFromAPI', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_WHEN_NOT_JOINED]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedWhenNoUserJoined', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_WHEN_LAST_USER_LEFT]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedWhenLastUserLeft', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_AFTER_USER_LOGGED_OUT]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedWhenLastUserLeft', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_AFTER_EXCEEDING_DURATION]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedAfterExceedingDuration', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.BREAKOUT_ENDED_EXCEEDING_DURATION]: { id: 'app.meeting.breakoutEndedAfterExceedingDuration', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.BREAKOUT_ENDED_BY_MOD]: { id: 'app.meeting.breakoutEndedByModerator', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_DUE_TO_NO_AUTHED_USER]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedDueNoAuthed', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_DUE_TO_NO_MODERATOR]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedDueNoModerators', description: '', }, [MeetingEndedTable.ENDED_DUE_TO_SERVICE_INTERRUPTION]: { id: 'app.meeting.endedDueServiceInterruption', description: '', }, }); interface MeetingEndedContainerProps { endedBy: string; meetingEndedCode: string; joinErrorCode: string; } interface MeetingEndedProps extends MeetingEndedContainerProps { allowDefaultLogoutUrl: boolean; askForFeedbackOnLogout: boolean learningDashboardAccessToken: string; isModerator: boolean; learningDashboardBase: string; isBreakout: boolean; } const MeetingEnded: React.FC = ({ endedBy, joinErrorCode, meetingEndedCode, allowDefaultLogoutUrl, askForFeedbackOnLogout, learningDashboardAccessToken, isModerator, learningDashboardBase, isBreakout, }) => { const loadingContextInfo = useContext(LoadingContext); const intl = useIntl(); const [{ authToken, meetingId, logoutUrl, userName, userId, }] = useAuthData(); const [selectedStars, setSelectedStars] = useState(0); const [dispatched, setDispatched] = useState(false); const generateEndMessage = useCallback((joinErrorCode: string, meetingEndedCode: string, endedBy: string) => { if (!isEmpty(endedBy)) { return intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.messageEndedByUser, { 0: endedBy }); } // OR opetaror always returns the first truthy value const code = meetingEndedCode || joinErrorCode || '410'; return intl.formatMessage(intlMessage[code]); }, []); const sendFeedback = useCallback(() => { const textarea = document.getElementById('feedbackComment') as HTMLTextAreaElement; const comment = (textarea?.value || '').trim(); const message = { rating: selectedStars, userId, userName, authToken, meetingId, comment, isModerator, }; const pathMatch = window.location.pathname.match('^(.*)/html5client/join$'); if (pathMatch == null) { throw new Error('Failed to match BBB client URI'); } const serverPathPrefix = pathMatch[1]; const sessionToken = sessionStorage.getItem('sessionToken'); const url = `https://${window.location.hostname}${serverPathPrefix}/bigbluebutton/api/feedback?sessionToken=${sessionToken}`; const options = { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(message), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }; setDispatched(true); fetch(url, options).then(() => { if (!isModerator) { const REDIRECT_WAIT_TIME = 5000; setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = logoutUrl; }, REDIRECT_WAIT_TIME); } }).catch((e) => { logger.warn({ logCode: 'user_feedback_not_sent_error', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: e.message, }, }, `Unable to send feedback: ${e.message}`); }); }, [selectedStars]); const confirmRedirect = (isBreakout: boolean, allowRedirect: boolean) => { if (isBreakout) window.close(); if (allowRedirect) { window.location.href = logoutUrl; } }; const logoutButton = useMemo(() => { const { locale } = intl; return ( ( { learningDashboardAccessToken && isModerator // Always set cookie in case Dashboard is already opened && setLearningDashboardCookie(learningDashboardAccessToken, meetingId) === true ? ( openLearningDashboardUrl(learningDashboardAccessToken, meetingId, authToken, learningDashboardBase, locale)} aria-description={intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.open_activity_report_btn)} > ) : null } {intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.messageEnded)} confirmRedirect(isBreakout, allowDefaultLogoutUrl)} aria-description={intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.confirmDesc)} > {intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.buttonOkay)} ) ); }, [learningDashboardAccessToken, isModerator, meetingId, authToken, learningDashboardBase]); const feedbackScreen = useMemo(() => { const shouldShowFeedback = askForFeedbackOnLogout && !dispatched; const noRating = selectedStars === 0; return ( <> {shouldShowFeedback ? intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.subtitle) : intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.messageEnded)} {shouldShowFeedback ? (
{!noRating ? ( ) : null}
) : null} {noRating ? ( setDispatched(true)} aria-description={intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.confirmDesc)} > {intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.buttonOkay)} ) : null} {!noRating ? ( {intl.formatMessage(intlMessage.sendLabel)} ) : null} ); }, [askForFeedbackOnLogout, dispatched, selectedStars]); useEffect(() => { // Sets Loading to falsed and removes loading splash screen loadingContextInfo.setLoading(false, ''); // Stops all media tracks window.dispatchEvent(new Event('StopAudioTracks')); // get the media tag from the session storage const data = JSON.parse((sessionStorage.getItem('clientStartupSettings')) || '{}'); // get media element and stops it and removes the audio source const mediaElement = document.querySelector(data.mediaTag); if (mediaElement) { mediaElement.pause(); mediaElement.srcObject = null; } // stops apollo client and removes it connection const apolloClient = apolloContextHolder.getClient(); // stops client queries if (apolloClient) { apolloClient.stop(); } apolloContextHolder.setShouldRetry(false); const ws = apolloContextHolder.getLink(); // stops client connection after 5 seconds, if made immediately some data is lost if (ws) { setTimeout(() => { // overwrites the link with an empty link // if not new connection is made apolloClient.setLink(ApolloLink.empty()); // closes the connection ws.terminate(); }, 5000); } }, []); return ( {generateEndMessage(joinErrorCode, meetingEndedCode, endedBy)} {allowDefaultLogoutUrl && !askForFeedbackOnLogout ? logoutButton : null} {askForFeedbackOnLogout ? feedbackScreen : null} ); }; const MeetingEndedContainer: React.FC = ({ endedBy, meetingEndedCode, joinErrorCode, }) => { const { loading: meetingEndLoading, error: meetingEndError, data: meetingEndData, } = useQuery(getMeetingEndData); if (meetingEndLoading || !meetingEndData) { return ( ); } if (meetingEndError) { logger.error('Error on fetching meeting end data: ', meetingEndError); return ( ); } const { user_current, } = meetingEndData; const { isModerator, meeting, } = user_current[0]; const { learningDashboard, isBreakout, clientSettings, } = meeting; const { askForFeedbackOnLogout, allowDefaultLogoutUrl, learningDashboardBase, } = clientSettings; return ( ); }; export default MeetingEndedContainer;