import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { withModalMounter, getModal } from '/imports/ui/components/common/modal/service'; import withShortcutHelper from '/imports/ui/components/shortcut-help/service'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import Styled from './styles'; import RecordingIndicator from './recording-indicator/container'; import TalkingIndicatorContainer from '/imports/ui/components/nav-bar/talking-indicator/container'; import ConnectionStatusButton from '/imports/ui/components/connection-status/button/container'; import ConnectionStatusService from '/imports/ui/components/connection-status/service'; import { addNewAlert } from '/imports/ui/components/screenreader-alert/service'; import SettingsDropdownContainer from './settings-dropdown/container'; import browserInfo from '/imports/utils/browserInfo'; import deviceInfo from '/imports/utils/deviceInfo'; import _ from "lodash"; import { PANELS, ACTIONS } from '../layout/enums'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ toggleUserListLabel: { id: 'app.navBar.userListToggleBtnLabel', description: 'Toggle button label', }, toggleUserListAria: { id: 'app.navBar.toggleUserList.ariaLabel', description: 'description of the lists inside the userlist', }, newMessages: { id: 'app.navBar.toggleUserList.newMessages', description: 'label for toggleUserList btn when showing red notification', }, newMsgAria: { id: 'app.navBar.toggleUserList.newMsgAria', description: 'label for new message screen reader alert', }, defaultBreakoutName: { id: '', description: 'default breakout room name', }, }); const propTypes = { presentationTitle: PropTypes.string, hasUnreadMessages: PropTypes.bool, shortcuts: PropTypes.string, breakoutNum: PropTypes.number, breakoutName: PropTypes.string, meetingName: PropTypes.string, }; const defaultProps = { presentationTitle: 'Default Room Title', hasUnreadMessages: false, shortcuts: '', }; class NavBar extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { acs: props.activeChats, } this.handleToggleUserList = this.handleToggleUserList.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { shortcuts: TOGGLE_USERLIST_AK, intl, breakoutNum, breakoutName, meetingName, } = this.props; if (breakoutNum && breakoutNum > 0) { if (breakoutName && meetingName) { const defaultBreakoutName = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.defaultBreakoutName, { 0: breakoutNum, }); if (breakoutName === defaultBreakoutName) { document.title = `${breakoutNum} - ${meetingName}`; } else { document.title = `${breakoutName} - ${meetingName}`; } } } const { isFirefox } = browserInfo; const { isMacos } = deviceInfo; // accessKey U does not work on firefox for macOS for some unknown reason if (isMacos && isFirefox && TOGGLE_USERLIST_AK === 'U') { document.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { const { key, code } = event; const eventKey = key?.toUpperCase(); const eventCode = code; if (event?.altKey && (eventKey === TOGGLE_USERLIST_AK || eventCode === `Key${TOGGLE_USERLIST_AK}`)) { this.handleToggleUserList(); } }); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (!_.isEqual(prevProps.activeChats, this.props.activeChats)) { this.setState({ acs: this.props.activeChats}) } } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.interval); } handleToggleUserList() { const { sidebarNavigation, sidebarContent, layoutContextDispatch, } = this.props; if (sidebarNavigation.isOpen) { if (sidebarContent.isOpen) { layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_ID_CHAT_OPEN, value: '', }); } layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_NAVIGATION_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_NAVIGATION_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); } else { layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_NAVIGATION_IS_OPEN, value: true, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_NAVIGATION_PANEL, value: PANELS.USERLIST, }); } } render() { const { hasUnreadMessages, hasUnreadNotes, activeChats, intl, shortcuts: TOGGLE_USERLIST_AK, mountModal, presentationTitle, amIModerator, style, main, sidebarNavigation, currentUserId, } = this.props; const hasNotification = hasUnreadMessages || hasUnreadNotes; let ariaLabel = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.toggleUserListAria); ariaLabel += hasNotification ? (` ${intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.newMessages)}`) : ''; const isExpanded = sidebarNavigation.isOpen; const { isPhone } = deviceInfo; const { acs } = this.state;, i) => { if (c?.unreadCounter > 0 && c?.unreadCounter !== acs[i]?.unreadCounter) { addNewAlert(`${intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.newMsgAria, { 0: })}`); } }); return ( {isExpanded && document.dir === 'ltr' && } {!isExpanded && document.dir === 'rtl' && } {!isExpanded && document.dir === 'ltr' && } {isExpanded && document.dir === 'rtl' && } {presentationTitle} {ConnectionStatusService.isEnabled() ? : null} ); } } NavBar.propTypes = propTypes; NavBar.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default withShortcutHelper(withModalMounter(injectIntl(NavBar)), 'toggleUserList');