import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import cx from 'classnames'; import Tooltip from '/imports/ui/components/tooltip/component'; import { styles } from './styles'; import Icon from '../icon/component'; import BaseButton from './base/component'; const SIZES = [ 'jumbo', 'lg', 'md', 'sm', ]; const COLORS = [ 'default', 'primary', 'danger', 'success', 'dark', ]; const propTypes = { ...BaseButton.propTypes, /** * Defines the button size style * @type {("lg"|"md"|"sm")} * @defaultValue 'md' */ size: PropTypes.oneOf(SIZES), /** * Defines the button color style * @type {("default"|"primary"|"danger"|"success")} * @defaultValue 'md' */ color: PropTypes.oneOf(COLORS), /** * Defines if the button should be styled as a ghost (outline) * @defaultValue false */ ghost: PropTypes.bool, /** * Defines if the button should be styled as circle * @defaultValue false */ circle: PropTypes.bool, /** * Defines if the button should have `display: block` * @defaultValue false */ block: PropTypes.bool, /** * Defines the button icon * @defaultValue undefined */ icon: PropTypes.string, /** * Defines the button icon is on the right side * @defaultValue false */ iconRight: PropTypes.bool, /** * Defines the button label should be visible * @defaultValue false */ hideLabel: PropTypes.bool, /** * Optional SVG / html object can be passed to the button as an icon * Has to be styled before being sent to the Button * (e.g width, height, position and percentage-based object's coordinates) * @defaultvalue undefined */ customIcon: PropTypes.node, }; const defaultProps = { ...BaseButton.defaultProps, size: 'md', color: 'default', ghost: false, circle: false, block: false, iconRight: false, hideLabel: false, tooltipLabel: '', }; export default class Button extends BaseButton { _getClassNames() { const { size, color, ghost, circle, block, } = this.props; const propClassNames = {}; propClassNames[styles.button] = true; propClassNames[styles[size]] = true; propClassNames[styles[color]] = true; propClassNames[styles.ghost] = ghost; propClassNames[] = circle; propClassNames[styles.block] = block; return propClassNames; } render() { const { circle, hideLabel, label, 'aria-label': ariaLabel, 'aria-expanded': ariaExpanded, tooltipDistance, tooltipLabel, } = this.props; const renderFuncName = circle ? 'renderCircle' : 'renderDefault'; if ((hideLabel && !ariaExpanded) || tooltipLabel) { const buttonLabel = label || ariaLabel; return ( {this[renderFuncName]()} ); } return this[renderFuncName](); } renderDefault() { const { className, iconRight, ...otherProps } = this.props; const remainingProps = Object.assign({}, otherProps); delete remainingProps.icon; delete remainingProps.customIcon; delete remainingProps.size; delete remainingProps.color; delete remainingProps.ghost; delete; delete remainingProps.block; delete remainingProps.hideLabel; delete remainingProps.tooltipDistance; delete remainingProps.tooltipLabel; /* TODO: We can change this and make the button with flexbox to avoid html changes */ const renderLeftFuncName = !iconRight ? 'renderIcon' : 'renderLabel'; const renderRightFuncName = !iconRight ? 'renderLabel' : 'renderIcon'; return ( {this[renderLeftFuncName]()} {this[renderRightFuncName]()} ); } renderCircle() { const { className, size, iconRight, ...otherProps } = this.props; const remainingProps = Object.assign({}, otherProps); delete remainingProps.icon; delete remainingProps.color; delete remainingProps.ghost; delete; delete remainingProps.block; delete remainingProps.hideLabel; delete remainingProps.tooltipDistance; delete remainingProps.tooltipLabel; return ( {!iconRight ? null : this.renderLabel()} {this.renderIcon()} {iconRight ? null : this.renderLabel()} ); } renderIcon() { const { icon: iconName, customIcon, } = this.props; if (iconName) { return (); } if (customIcon) { return customIcon; } return null; } renderLabel() { const { label, hideLabel } = this.props; const classNames = {}; classNames[styles.label] = true; classNames[styles.hideLabel] = hideLabel; return ( {label} {this.props.children} ); } } Button.propTypes = propTypes; Button.defaultProps = defaultProps;