ANNOUNCEMENT: Asterisk-Java 0.3.1 released Asterisk-Java 0.3.1, the free Java library for Asterisk PBX integration, has been released. The Asterisk-Java package consists of a set of Java classes that allow you to easily build Java applications that interact with an Asterisk PBX Server. Asterisk-Java supports both interfaces that Asterisk provides for this scenario: The FastAGI protocol and the Manager API. Asterisk-Java 0.3.1 is a maintenance release that solves the following issues: * [AJ-81] - executeCliCommand() always executes "show voicemail users" * [AJ-86] - getChannelByName doesn't return the latest channel * [AJ-80] - getMeetMeRooms() should only return active rooms * [AJ-68] - Support for Bridge Action * [AJ-74] - Support Strategy property in QueueParamsEvent Asterisk-Java takes advantage of the features of Java 5.0 and therefore requires a Java Virtual Machine of at least version 1.5.0. Asterisk-Java is used in several commercial environments and by the following Open Source projects: * Asterisk-JTAPI JTAPI implementation for Asterisk. * Asterisk-IM A plugin for the Openfire XMPP (jabber) server. It provides integrated presence between your IM client and phone, notification of incoming calls by IM and originate calls from supported IM clients. * Asterisk Desktop Manager (ADM) A desktop application that will allow for automatic on-call volume reduction, one click dial from clipboard, integrated phonebook and more. Asterisk-Java is available under Apache 2.0 license at