const path = require('path'); const e = require('../core/elements'); const { ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME, ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME } = require('../core/constants'); const { checkElementTextIncludes } = require('../core/util'); function checkSvgIndex(element) { return document.querySelector('svg g g g').outerHTML.indexOf(element) !== -1; } function getSvgOuterHtml() { return document.querySelector('svg g g g').outerHTML; } async function uploadPresentation(test, fileName, uploadTimeout = ELEMENT_WAIT_LONGER_TIME) { await test.waitAndClick(e.actions); await test.waitAndClick(e.uploadPresentation); await test.waitForSelector(e.fileUpload); const fileUpload = await$(e.fileUpload); await fileUpload.uploadFile(path.join(__dirname, `../media/${fileName}`)); await, { timeout: ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME }, 'body', 'To be uploaded ...' ); await test.waitAndClick(e.upload); await test.logger('Waiting for the new presentation to upload...'); await, { timeout: ELEMENT_WAIT_TIME }, 'body', 'Converting file' ); await test.logger('Presentation uploaded!'); await, { timeout: uploadTimeout }, 'body', 'Current presentation' ); } exports.checkSvgIndex = checkSvgIndex; exports.getSvgOuterHtml = getSvgOuterHtml; exports.uploadPresentation = uploadPresentation;