import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { useQuery } from '@apollo/client'; import BBBMenu from '/imports/ui/components/common/menu/component'; import Trigger from '/imports/ui/components/common/control-header/right/component'; import useCurrentUser from '/imports/ui/core/hooks/useCurrentUser'; import { uniqueId } from '/imports/utils/string-utils'; import { layoutSelect } from '/imports/ui/components/layout/context'; import { PROCESSED_PRESENTATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION } from '/imports/ui/components/whiteboard/queries'; import Service from './service'; import { GET_PAD_ID, GetPadIdQueryResponse } from './queries'; import useDeduplicatedSubscription from '/imports/ui/core/hooks/useDeduplicatedSubscription'; const DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT = 15000; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ convertAndUploadLabel: { id: 'app.notes.notesDropdown.covertAndUpload', description: 'Export shared notes as a PDF and upload to the main room', }, pinNotes: { id: 'app.notes.notesDropdown.pinNotes', description: 'Label for pin shared notes button', }, options: { id: 'app.notes.notesDropdown.notesOptions', description: 'Label for shared notes options', }, }); interface NotesDropdownContainerGraphqlProps { handlePinSharedNotes: (pinned: boolean) => void; presentationEnabled: boolean; } interface NotesDropdownGraphqlProps extends NotesDropdownContainerGraphqlProps { amIPresenter: boolean; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any presentations: any; isRTL: boolean; padId: string; } const NotesDropdownGraphql: React.FC = (props) => { const { amIPresenter, presentations, handlePinSharedNotes, isRTL, padId, presentationEnabled, } = props; const [converterButtonDisabled, setConverterButtonDisabled] = useState(false); const intl = useIntl(); const NOTES_IS_PINNABLE = window.meetingClientSettings.public.notes.pinnable; const getAvailableActions = () => { const uploadIcon = 'upload'; const pinIcon = 'presentation'; const menuItems = []; if (amIPresenter) { menuItems.push( { key: uniqueId('notes-option-'), icon: uploadIcon, dataTest: 'moveNotesToWhiteboard', label: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.convertAndUploadLabel), disabled: converterButtonDisabled, onClick: () => { setConverterButtonDisabled(true); setTimeout(() => setConverterButtonDisabled(false), DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT); return Service.convertAndUpload(presentations, padId, presentationEnabled); }, }, ); } if (amIPresenter && NOTES_IS_PINNABLE) { menuItems.push( { key: uniqueId('notes-option-'), icon: pinIcon, dataTest: 'pinNotes', label: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.pinNotes), onClick: () => { handlePinSharedNotes(true); }, }, ); } return menuItems; }; const actions = getAvailableActions(); if (actions.length === 0) return null; return ( <> null} /> )} opts={{ id: 'notes-options-dropdown', keepMounted: true, transitionDuration: 0, elevation: 3, getcontentanchorel: null, fullwidth: 'true', anchorOrigin: { vertical: 'bottom', horizontal: isRTL ? 'right' : 'left' }, transformOrigin: { vertical: 'top', horizontal: isRTL ? 'right' : 'left' }, }} actions={actions} /> ); }; const NotesDropdownContainerGraphql: React.FC = (props) => { const { handlePinSharedNotes, presentationEnabled } = props; const { data: currentUserData } = useCurrentUser((user) => ({ presenter: user.presenter, })); const amIPresenter = !!currentUserData?.presenter; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const isRTL = layoutSelect((i: any) => i.isRTL); const { data: presentationData } = useDeduplicatedSubscription(PROCESSED_PRESENTATIONS_SUBSCRIPTION); const presentations = presentationData?.pres_presentation || []; const NOTES_CONFIG = window.meetingClientSettings.public.notes; const { data: padIdData } = useQuery( GET_PAD_ID, { variables: { externalId: } }, ); const padId = padIdData?.sharedNotes?.[0]?.padId; if (!padId) return null; return ( ); }; export default NotesDropdownContainerGraphql;