import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import { escapeHtml } from '/imports/utils/string-utils'; const POLL_AVATAR_COLOR = '#3B48A9'; const MAX_POLL_RESULT_BARS = 10; const MAX_POLL_RESULT_KEY_LENGTH = 30; const POLL_BAR_CHAR = '\u220E'; interface PollResultData { id: string; answers: { id: number; key: string; numVotes: number; }[]; numRespondents: number; numResponders: number; questionText: string; questionType: string; type: string; whiteboardId: string; } interface Intl { formatMessage: (descriptor: { id: string; description: string }) => string; } export const pollTypes = { YesNo: 'YN', YesNoAbstention: 'YNA', TrueFalse: 'TF', Letter: 'A-', A2: 'A-2', A3: 'A-3', A4: 'A-4', A5: 'A-5', Custom: 'CUSTOM', Response: 'R-', }; const pollAnswerIds = { true: { id: 'app.poll.answer.true', description: 'label for poll answer True', }, false: { id: 'app.poll.answer.false', description: 'label for poll answer False', }, yes: { id: 'app.poll.answer.yes', description: 'label for poll answer Yes', }, no: { id: '', description: 'label for poll answer No', }, abstention: { id: 'app.poll.answer.abstention', description: 'label for poll answer Abstention', }, a: { id: 'app.poll.answer.a', description: 'label for poll answer A', }, b: { id: 'app.poll.answer.b', description: 'label for poll answer B', }, c: { id: 'app.poll.answer.c', description: 'label for poll answer C', }, d: { id: 'app.poll.answer.d', description: 'label for poll answer D', }, e: { id: 'app.poll.answer.e', description: 'label for poll answer E', }, }; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ legendTitle: { id: 'app.polling.pollingTitle', description: 'heading for chat poll legend', }, pollQuestionTitle: { id: 'app.polling.pollQuestionTitle', description: 'title displayed before poll question', }, }); const getUsedLabels = (listOfAnswers: PollResultData['answers'], possibleLabels: string[]) => (answer) => { if (answer.key.length >= 2) { const formattedLabel = answer.key.slice(0, 2).toUpperCase(); if (possibleLabels.includes(formattedLabel)) { return formattedLabel; } } return undefined; }, ); const getFormattedAnswerValue = (answerText: string) => { // In generatePossibleLabels there is a check to see if the // answer's length is greater than 2 const newText = answerText.slice(2).trim(); return newText; }; const generateAlphabetList = () => Array.from(Array(26)) .map((_, i) => i + 65).map((x) => String.fromCharCode(x)); const generatePossibleLabels = (alphabetCharacters: string[]) => { // Remove the Letter from the beginning and the following sign, if any, like so: // "A- the answer is" -> Remove "A-" -> "the answer is" const listOfForbiddenSignsToStart = ['.', ':', '-']; const possibleLabels = []; for (let i = 0; i < alphabetCharacters.length; i += 1) { for (let j = 0; j < listOfForbiddenSignsToStart.length; j += 1) { possibleLabels.push(alphabetCharacters[i] + listOfForbiddenSignsToStart[j]); } } return possibleLabels; }; const truncate = (text: string, length: number) => { let resultText = text; if (resultText.length < length) { const diff = length - resultText.length; const padding = ' '.repeat(diff); resultText += padding; } else if (resultText.length > length) { resultText = `${resultText.substring(0, MAX_POLL_RESULT_KEY_LENGTH - 3)}...`; } return resultText; }; const getPollResultsText = (isDefaultPoll: boolean, answers: PollResultData['answers'], numRespondents: number, intl: Intl) => { let responded = 0; let resultString = ''; let optionsString = ''; const alphabetCharacters = generateAlphabetList(); const possibleLabels = generatePossibleLabels(alphabetCharacters); // We need to guarantee that the labels are in the correct order, and that all options have label const pollAnswerMatchLabeledFormat = getUsedLabels(answers, possibleLabels); const isPollAnswerMatchFormat = !isDefaultPoll ? pollAnswerMatchLabeledFormat.reduce( (acc, label, index) => acc && !!label && label[0] === alphabetCharacters[index][0], true, ) : false; let longestKeyLength = answers.reduce( (acc, item) => (item.key.length > acc ? item.key.length : acc), 0, ); longestKeyLength = Math.min(longestKeyLength, MAX_POLL_RESULT_KEY_LENGTH); => { responded += item.numVotes; return item; }).forEach((item, index) => { const numResponded = responded === numRespondents ? numRespondents : responded; const pct = Math.round((item.numVotes / (numResponded || 1)) * 100); const pctBars = POLL_BAR_CHAR.repeat((pct * MAX_POLL_RESULT_BARS) / 100); const pctFotmatted = `${Number.isNaN(pct) ? 0 : pct}%`; if (isDefaultPoll) { let translatedKey = pollAnswerIds[item.key.toLowerCase() as keyof typeof pollAnswerIds] ? intl.formatMessage(pollAnswerIds[item.key.toLowerCase() as keyof typeof pollAnswerIds]) : item.key; translatedKey = truncate(translatedKey, longestKeyLength); resultString += `${translatedKey}: ${item.numVotes || 0} ${pctBars}${POLL_BAR_CHAR} ${pctFotmatted}\n`; } else { if (isPollAnswerMatchFormat) { resultString += `${pollAnswerMatchLabeledFormat[index]?.[0]}`; const formattedAnswerValue = getFormattedAnswerValue(item.key); optionsString += `${pollAnswerMatchLabeledFormat[index]?.[0]}: ${formattedAnswerValue}\n`; } else { let { key } = item; key = truncate(key, longestKeyLength); resultString += key; } resultString += `: ${item.numVotes || 0} ${pctBars}${POLL_BAR_CHAR} ${pctFotmatted}\n`; } }); return { resultString, optionsString }; }; const getPollResultString = (pollResultData: PollResultData, intl: Intl) => { const formatBoldBlack = (s: string) => s.bold().fontcolor('black'); const sanitize = (value: string) => escapeHtml(value); const { answers, numRespondents, questionType } = pollResultData; const isDefault = isDefaultPoll(questionType); let { resultString, optionsString, } = getPollResultsText(isDefault, answers, numRespondents, intl); resultString = sanitize(resultString); optionsString = sanitize(optionsString); let pollText = formatBoldBlack(resultString); if (optionsString !== '') { pollText += formatBoldBlack(`

`); pollText += optionsString; } const pollQuestion = pollResultData.questionText; if (pollQuestion.trim() !== '') { const sanitizedPollQuestion = sanitize(pollQuestion.split('').join(' ')); pollText = `${formatBoldBlack(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.pollQuestionTitle))}

${pollText}`; } return pollText; }; export const validateInput = (input: string) => { let i = input; while (/^\s/.test(i)) i = i.substring(1); return i; }; export const getSplittedQuestionAndOptions = (questionAndOptions: string[] | string) => { const inputList = Array.isArray(questionAndOptions) ? questionAndOptions : questionAndOptions.split('\n').filter((val: string) => val !== ''); const splittedQuestion = inputList.length > 0 ? inputList[0] : questionAndOptions; const optList = inputList.slice(1); const optionsList = => { const option = validateInput(val); return { val: option }; }); return { splittedQuestion, optionsList, }; }; export const removeEmptyLineSpaces = (input: string) => { const filteredInput = input.split('\n').filter((val) => val.trim() !== ''); return filteredInput; }; export const isDefaultPoll = (pollType: string) => pollType !== pollTypes.Response; const matchYesNoPoll = (yesValue: string, noValue: string, contentString: string) => { const ynPollString = `(${yesValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${noValue})|(${noValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${yesValue})`; const ynOptionsRegex = new RegExp(ynPollString, 'gi'); const ynPoll = contentString.replace(/\n/g, '').match(ynOptionsRegex) || []; return ynPoll; }; const matchYesNoAbstentionPoll = (yesValue:string, noValue:string, abstentionValue:string, contentString:string) => { /* eslint max-len: [off] */ const ynaPollString = `(${yesValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${noValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${abstentionValue})|(${yesValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${abstentionValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${noValue})|(${abstentionValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${yesValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${noValue})|(${abstentionValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${noValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${yesValue})|(${noValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${yesValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${abstentionValue})|(${noValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${abstentionValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${yesValue})`; const ynaOptionsRegex = new RegExp(ynaPollString, 'gi'); const ynaPoll = contentString.replace(/\n/g, '').match(ynaOptionsRegex) || []; return ynaPoll; }; const matchTrueFalsePoll = (trueValue:string, falseValue:string, contentString:string) => { const tfPollString = `(${trueValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${falseValue})|(${falseValue}\\s*\\/\\s*${trueValue})`; const tgOptionsRegex = new RegExp(tfPollString, 'gi'); const tfPoll = contentString.match(tgOptionsRegex) || []; return tfPoll; }; export const checkPollType = ( type: string | null, optList: { val: string }[], yesValue: string, noValue: string, abstentionValue: string, trueValue: string, falseValue: string, ) => { /* eslint no-underscore-dangle: "off" */ let _type = type; let pollString = ''; let defaultMatch: RegExpMatchArray | [] | null = null; let isDefault = null; switch (_type) { case pollTypes.Letter: pollString = => x.val.toUpperCase()).sort().join(''); defaultMatch = pollString.match(/^(ABCDEF)|(ABCDE)|(ABCD)|(ABC)|(AB)$/gi); isDefault = defaultMatch && pollString.length === defaultMatch[0].length; _type = isDefault && Array.isArray(defaultMatch) ? `${_type}${defaultMatch[0].length}` : pollTypes.Custom; break; case pollTypes.TrueFalse: pollString = => x.val).join('/'); defaultMatch = matchTrueFalsePoll(trueValue, falseValue, pollString); isDefault = defaultMatch.length > 0 && pollString.length === (defaultMatch[0]?.length); if (!isDefault) _type = pollTypes.Custom; break; case pollTypes.YesNoAbstention: pollString = => x.val).join('/'); defaultMatch = matchYesNoAbstentionPoll(yesValue, noValue, abstentionValue, pollString); isDefault = Array.isArray(defaultMatch) && defaultMatch.length > 0 && pollString.length === defaultMatch[0]?.length; if (!isDefault) { // also try to match only yes/no defaultMatch = matchYesNoPoll(yesValue, noValue, pollString); isDefault = defaultMatch.length > 0 && pollString.length === defaultMatch[0]?.length; _type = isDefault ? pollTypes.YesNo : _type = pollTypes.Custom; } break; default: break; } return _type; }; export default { pollTypes, validateInput, getSplittedQuestionAndOptions, removeEmptyLineSpaces, isDefaultPoll, pollAnswerIds, POLL_AVATAR_COLOR, getPollResultString, matchYesNoPoll, matchYesNoAbstentionPoll, matchTrueFalsePoll, checkPollType, POLL_BAR_CHAR, };