import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import Timer from '/imports/api/timer'; import RedisPubSub from '/imports/startup/server/redis'; import Logger from '/imports/startup/server/logger'; import { extractCredentials } from '/imports/api/common/server/helpers'; export default function stopTimer() { const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.private.redis; const CHANNEL = REDIS_CONFIG.channels.toAkkaApps; const EVENT_NAME = 'StopTimerReqMsg'; try { const { meetingId, requesterUserId } = extractCredentials(this.userId); check(meetingId, String); check(requesterUserId, String); const now =; const timer = Timer.findOne( { meetingId }, { fields: { stopwatch: 1, time: 1, accumulated: 1, timestamp: 1, }, }, ); if (timer) { const { timestamp, } = timer; const accumulated = timer.accumulated + (now - timestamp); const payload = { accumulated, }; RedisPubSub.publishUserMessage(CHANNEL, EVENT_NAME, meetingId, requesterUserId, payload); } else { Logger.warn(`Could not stop timer for meeting=${meetingId}, timer not found`); } } catch (err) { Logger.error(`Stopping timer: ${err}`); } } // This method should only be used by the server export function sysStopTimer(meetingId) { const REDIS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.private.redis; const CHANNEL = REDIS_CONFIG.channels.toAkkaApps; const EVENT_NAME = 'StopTimerReqMsg'; const USER_ID = 'nodeJSapp'; try { check(meetingId, String); const now =; const timer = Timer.findOne( { meetingId }, { fields: { stopwatch: 1, time: 1, accumulated: 1, timestamp: 1, }, }, ); if (timer) { const { timestamp, } = timer; const accumulated = timer.accumulated + (now - timestamp); const payload = { accumulated, }; RedisPubSub.publishUserMessage(CHANNEL, EVENT_NAME, meetingId, USER_ID, payload); } else { Logger.warn(`Could not stop timer for meeting=${meetingId}, timer not found`); } } catch (err) { Logger.error(`Stopping timer: ${err}`); } }