Template.footer.helpers getFooterString: -> # info = Meteor.call('getServerInfo') year = "YEAR" #info.getBuildYear() month = "MONTH" #info.getBuildMonth() day = "DAY" #info.getBuildDay() version = "VERSION_XXXX" #info.getBuildVersion() copyrightYear = (new Date()).getFullYear() link = "http://bigbluebutton.org" foot = "(c) #{copyrightYear} BigBlueButton Inc. [build #{version}-#{year}-#{month}-#{day}] - For more information visit #{link}" Template.header.events "click .usersListIcon": (event) -> toggleUsersList() "click .chatBarIcon": (event) -> toggleChatbar() "click .videoFeedIcon": (event) -> toggleCam @ "click .audioFeedIcon": (event) -> toggleVoiceCall @ "click .muteIcon": (event) -> toggleMic @ "click .signOutIcon": (event) -> userLogout getInSession("meetingId"), getInSession("userId"), true "click .hideNavbarIcon": (event) -> toggleNavbar() "click .settingsIcon": (event) -> alert "settings" "click .raiseHand": (event) -> Meteor.call('userRaiseHand', @id) "click .lowerHand": (event) -> Meteor.call('userLowerHand', @id) "click .whiteboardIcon": (event) -> toggleWhiteBoard() Template.recordingStatus.rendered = -> $('button[rel=tooltip]').tooltip() Template.makeButton.rendered = -> $('button[rel=tooltip]').tooltip() # Gets called last in main template, just an easy place to print stuff out Handlebars.registerHelper "doFinalStuff", -> console.log "-----Doing Final Stuff-----" # These settings can just be stored locally in session, created at start up Meteor.startup -> @SessionAmplify = _.extend({}, Session, keys: _.object(_.map(amplify.store(), (value, key) -> [ key JSON.stringify(value) ] )) set: (key, value) -> Session.set.apply this, arguments amplify.store key, value return ) SessionAmplify.set "display_usersList", true SessionAmplify.set "display_navbar", true SessionAmplify.set "display_chatbar", true SessionAmplify.set "display_whiteboard", true SessionAmplify.set "display_chatPane", true SessionAmplify.set 'inChatWith', "PUBLIC_CHAT" SessionAmplify.set "joinedAt", getTime() SessionAmplify.set "isSharingAudio", false SessionAmplify.set "inChatWith", 'PUBLIC_CHAT'