import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import WhiteboardMultiUser from '/imports/api/whiteboard-multi-user'; import addAnnotationQuery from '/imports/api/annotations/addAnnotation'; import { Slides } from '/imports/api/slides'; import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import PresentationService from '/imports/ui/components/presentation/service'; import PollService from '/imports/ui/components/poll/service'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; import caseInsensitiveReducer from '/imports/utils/caseInsensitiveReducer'; import { getTextSize } from './utils'; const Annotations = new Mongo.Collection(null); const intlMessages = defineMessages({ notifyNotAllowedChange: { id: 'app.whiteboard.annotations.notAllowed', description: 'Label shown in toast when the user make a change on a shape he doesnt have permission', }, shapeNumberExceeded: { id: 'app.whiteboard.annotations.numberExceeded', description: 'Label shown in toast when the user tries to add more shapes than the limit', }, }); let annotationsStreamListener = null; async function handleAddedAnnotation({ meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation, }) { const query = await addAnnotationQuery(meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, annotation, Annotations); Annotations.upsert(query.selector, query.modifier); } function handleRemovedAnnotation({ meetingId, whiteboardId, userId, shapeId, }) { const query = { meetingId, whiteboardId }; if (userId) { query.userId = userId; } if (shapeId) { = shapeId; } Annotations.remove(query); } export function initAnnotationsStreamListener() { { logCode: 'init_annotations_stream_listener' }, 'initAnnotationsStreamListener called', ); /** * We create a promise to add the handlers after a ddp subscription stop. * The problem was caused because we add handlers to stream before the onStop event happens, * which set the handlers to undefined. */ annotationsStreamListener = new Meteor.Streamer( `annotations-${Auth.meetingID}`, { retransmit: false }, ); const startStreamHandlersPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { const checkStreamHandlersInterval = setInterval(() => { const streamHandlersSize = Object.values( Meteor.StreamerCentral.instances[`annotations-${Auth.meetingID}`] .handlers, ).filter((el) => el !== undefined).length; if (!streamHandlersSize) { resolve(clearInterval(checkStreamHandlersInterval)); } }, 250); }); startStreamHandlersPromise.then(() => { logger.debug( { logCode: 'annotations_stream_handler_attach' }, 'Attaching handlers for annotations stream', ); annotationsStreamListener.on('removed', handleRemovedAnnotation); annotationsStreamListener.on('added', ({ annotations }) => { annotations.forEach((annotation) => handleAddedAnnotation(annotation)); }); }); } const annotationsQueue = []; // How many packets we need to have to use annotationsBufferTimeMax const annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize = 60; // Minimum bufferTime const annotationsBufferTimeMin = 30; // Maximum bufferTime const annotationsBufferTimeMax = 200; // Time before running 'sendBulkAnnotations' again if user is offline const annotationsRetryDelay = 1000; let annotationsSenderIsRunning = false; const proccessAnnotationsQueue = async () => { annotationsSenderIsRunning = true; const queueSize = annotationsQueue.length; if (!queueSize) { annotationsSenderIsRunning = false; return; } const annotations = annotationsQueue.splice(0, queueSize); const isAnnotationSent = await makeCall('sendBulkAnnotations', annotations); if (!isAnnotationSent) { // undo splice annotationsQueue.splice(0, 0, ...annotations); setTimeout(proccessAnnotationsQueue, annotationsRetryDelay); } else { // ask tiago const delayPerc = Math.min( annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize, queueSize, ) / annotationsMaxDelayQueueSize; const delayDelta = annotationsBufferTimeMax - annotationsBufferTimeMin; const delayTime = annotationsBufferTimeMin + delayDelta * delayPerc; setTimeout(proccessAnnotationsQueue, delayTime); } }; const sendAnnotation = (annotation) => { // Prevent sending annotations while disconnected // TODO: Change this to add the annotation, but delay the send until we're // reconnected. With this it will miss things if (!Meteor.status().connected) return; const index = annotationsQueue.findIndex((ann) => ===; if (index !== -1) { annotationsQueue[index] = annotation; } else { annotationsQueue.push(annotation); } if (!annotationsSenderIsRunning) setTimeout(proccessAnnotationsQueue, annotationsBufferTimeMin); }; const getMultiUser = (whiteboardId) => { const data = WhiteboardMultiUser.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, whiteboardId, }, { fields: { multiUser: 1 } }, ); if (!data || !data.multiUser || !Array.isArray(data.multiUser)) return []; return data.multiUser; }; const getMultiUserSize = (whiteboardId) => { const multiUser = getMultiUser(whiteboardId); if (multiUser.length === 0) return 0; // Individual whiteboard access is controlled by an array of userIds. // When an user leaves the meeting or the presenter role moves from an // user to another we applying a filter at the whiteboard collection. // Ideally this should change to something more cohese but this would // require extra changes at multiple backend modules. const multiUserSize = Users.find( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, $or: [ { userId: { $in: multiUser }, presenter: false, }, { presenter: true }, ], }, { fields: { userId: 1 } }, ).fetch(); return multiUserSize.length; }; const getCurrentWhiteboardId = () => { const podId = 'DEFAULT_PRESENTATION_POD'; const currentPresentation = PresentationService.getCurrentPresentation(podId); if (!currentPresentation) return null; const currentSlide = Slides.findOne( { podId, presentationId:, current: true, }, { fields: { id: 1 } }, ); return currentSlide &&; }; const isMultiUserActive = (whiteboardId) => { const multiUser = getMultiUser(whiteboardId); return multiUser.length !== 0; }; const hasMultiUserAccess = (whiteboardId, userId) => { const multiUser = getMultiUser(whiteboardId); return multiUser.includes(userId); }; const addGlobalAccess = (whiteboardId) => { makeCall('addGlobalAccess', whiteboardId); }; const addIndividualAccess = (whiteboardId, userId) => { makeCall('addIndividualAccess', whiteboardId, userId); }; const removeGlobalAccess = (whiteboardId) => { makeCall('removeGlobalAccess', whiteboardId); }; const removeIndividualAccess = (whiteboardId, userId) => { makeCall('removeIndividualAccess', whiteboardId, userId); }; const changeWhiteboardAccess = (userId, access) => { const whiteboardId = getCurrentWhiteboardId(); if (!whiteboardId) return; if (access) { addIndividualAccess(whiteboardId, userId); } else { removeIndividualAccess(whiteboardId, userId); } }; const persistShape = (shape, whiteboardId) => { const annotation = { id:, annotationInfo: shape, wbId: whiteboardId, userId: Auth.userID, }; sendAnnotation(annotation); }; const removeShapes = (shapes, whiteboardId) => makeCall('deleteAnnotations', shapes, whiteboardId); const changeCurrentSlide = (s) => { makeCall('changeCurrentSlide', s); }; const getShapes = (whiteboardId, curPageId, intl) => { const annotations = Annotations.find( { whiteboardId, }, { fields: { annotationInfo: 1, userId: 1 }, }, ).fetch(); const result = {}; annotations.forEach((annotation) => { if (annotation.annotationInfo.questionType) { const modAnnotation = annotation; // poll result, convert it to text and create tldraw shape modAnnotation.annotationInfo.answers = annotation.annotationInfo.answers.reduce( caseInsensitiveReducer, [], ); let pollResult = PollService.getPollResultString(annotation.annotationInfo, intl) .split('
').join('\n').replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ''); const lines = pollResult.split('\n'); const longestLine = lines.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b, '').length; // add empty spaces before first | in each of the lines to make them all the same length pollResult = => { if (!line.includes('|') || line.length === longestLine) return line; const splitLine = line.split(' |'); const spaces = ' '.repeat(longestLine - line.length); return `${splitLine[0]} ${spaces}|${splitLine[1]}`; }).join('\n'); const style = { color: 'white', dash: 'solid', font: 'mono', isFilled: true, size: 'small', scale: 1, }; const textSize = getTextSize(pollResult, style, padding = 20); modAnnotation.annotationInfo = { childIndex: 0, id:, name: `poll-result-${}`, type: 'rectangle', label: pollResult, labelPoint: [0.5, 0.5], parentId: `${curPageId}`, point: [0, 0], size: textSize, style, }; modAnnotation.annotationInfo.questionType = false; } result[] = annotation.annotationInfo; }); return result; }; const getCurrentPres = () => { const podId = 'DEFAULT_PRESENTATION_POD'; return PresentationService.getCurrentPresentation(podId); }; const initDefaultPages = (count = 1) => { const pages = {}; const pageStates = {}; let i = 0; while (i < count + 1) { pages[`${i}`] = { id: `${i}`, name: `Slide ${i}`, shapes: {}, bindings: {}, }; pageStates[`${i}`] = { id: `${i}`, selectedIds: [], camera: { point: [0, 0], zoom: 1, }, }; i += 1; } return { pages, pageStates }; }; const notifyNotAllowedChange = (intl) => { if (intl) notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.notifyNotAllowedChange), 'warning', 'whiteboard'); }; const notifyShapeNumberExceeded = (intl, limit) => { if (intl) notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.shapeNumberExceeded, { 0: limit }), 'warning', 'whiteboard'); }; export { initDefaultPages, Annotations, sendAnnotation, getMultiUser, getMultiUserSize, getCurrentWhiteboardId, isMultiUserActive, hasMultiUserAccess, changeWhiteboardAccess, addGlobalAccess, addIndividualAccess, removeGlobalAccess, removeIndividualAccess, persistShape, getShapes, getCurrentPres, removeShapes, changeCurrentSlide, notifyNotAllowedChange, notifyShapeNumberExceeded, };