import * as React from 'react'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { throttle } from 'lodash'; const XS_OFFSET = 8; const SMALL_OFFSET = 18; const XL_OFFSET = 85; const BOTTOM_CAM_HANDLE_HEIGHT = 10; const PRES_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT = 35; const { cursorInterval: CURSOR_INTERVAL } = Meteor.settings.public.whiteboard; const baseName = +; const makeCursorUrl = (filename) => `${baseName}/resources/images/whiteboard-cursor/${filename}`; const TOOL_CURSORS = { select: 'none', erase: 'none', arrow: 'none', draw: `url('${makeCursorUrl('pencil.png')}') 2 22, default`, rectangle: `url('${makeCursorUrl('square.png')}'), default`, ellipse: `url('${makeCursorUrl('ellipse.png')}'), default`, triangle: `url('${makeCursorUrl('triangle.png')}'), default`, line: `url('${makeCursorUrl('line.png')}'), default`, text: `url('${makeCursorUrl('text.png')}'), default`, sticky: `url('${makeCursorUrl('square.png')}'), default`, pan: `url('${makeCursorUrl('pan.png')}'), default`, }; const Cursor = (props) => { const { name, color, x, y, currentPoint, pageState, isMultiUserActive, owner = false, } = props; const z = !owner ? 2 : 1; let _x = null; let _y = null; if (!currentPoint) { _x = (x + pageState?.camera?.point[0]) * pageState?.camera?.zoom; _y = (y + pageState?.camera?.point[1]) * pageState?.camera?.zoom; } return ( <>
{isMultiUserActive && (
)} ); }; const PositionLabel = (props) => { const { currentUser, currentPoint, pageState, publishCursorUpdate, whiteboardId, pos, isMultiUserActive, } = props; const { name, color, userId } = currentUser; const { x, y } = pos; const cursorUpdate = (x,y) => { try { const point = [x, y]; publishCursorUpdate({ xPercent: point[0] / pageState?.camera?.zoom - pageState?.camera?.point[0], yPercent: point[1] / pageState?.camera?.zoom - pageState?.camera?.point[1], whiteboardId, }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; const throttledCursorUpdate = React.useRef(throttle((x,y) => { cursorUpdate(x,y); }, CURSOR_INTERVAL, { trailing: false })); React.useEffect(() => { throttledCursorUpdate.current(x,y); }, [x, y]); return ( <>
); }; export default function Cursors(props) { const cursorWrapper = React.useRef(); const [active, setActive] = React.useState(false); const [pos, setPos] = React.useState({ x: 0, y: 0 }); const { whiteboardId, otherCursors, currentUser, tldrawAPI, publishCursorUpdate, children, isViewersCursorLocked, hasMultiUserAccess, isMultiUserActive, isPanning, currentTool, } = props; const start = () => setActive(true); const end = () => { if (whiteboardId) { publishCursorUpdate({ xPercent: -1.0, yPercent: -1.0, whiteboardId, }); } setActive(false); }; const moved = (event) => { const { type, x, y } = event; const nav = document.getElementById('Navbar'); const getSibling = (el) => { if (el?.previousSibling && !el?.previousSibling?.hasAttribute('data-test')) { return el?.previousSibling; } return null; }; const panel = getSibling(nav); const webcams = document.getElementById('cameraDock'); const subPanel = panel && getSibling(panel); const camPosition = document.getElementById('layout')?.getAttribute('data-cam-position') || null; const sl = document.getElementById('layout')?.getAttribute('data-layout'); const presentationContainer = document.querySelector('[data-test="presentationContainer"]'); const presentation = document.getElementById('currentSlideText')?.parentElement; const banners = document.querySelectorAll('[data-test="notificationBannerBar"]'); let yOffset = 0; let xOffset = 0; const calcPresOffset = () => { yOffset += (parseFloat(presentationContainer?.style?.height) - (parseFloat(presentation?.style?.height) + (currentUser.presenter ? PRES_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT : 0)) ) / 2; xOffset += (parseFloat(presentationContainer?.style?.width) - parseFloat(presentation?.style?.width) ) / 2; }; // If the presentation container is the full screen element we don't // need any offsets const { webkitFullscreenElement, fullscreenElement } = document; const fsEl = webkitFullscreenElement || fullscreenElement; if (fsEl?.getAttribute('data-test') === 'presentationContainer') { calcPresOffset(); return setPos({ x: x - xOffset, y: y - yOffset }); } if (nav) yOffset += parseFloat(nav?.style?.height); if (panel) xOffset += parseFloat(panel?.style?.width); if (subPanel) xOffset += parseFloat(subPanel?.style?.width); // offset native tldraw eraser animation container const overlay = document.getElementsByClassName('tl-overlay')[0]; if (overlay) = '0px'; if (type === 'touchmove') { calcPresOffset(); if (!active) { setActive(true); } const newX = event?.changedTouches[0]?.clientX - xOffset; const newY = event?.changedTouches[0]?.clientY - yOffset; return setPos({ x: newX, y: newY }); } if (document?.documentElement?.dir === 'rtl') { xOffset = 0; if (presentationContainer && presentation) { calcPresOffset(); } if (sl.includes('custom')) { if (webcams) { if (camPosition === 'contentTop' || !camPosition) { yOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.height || 0) + BOTTOM_CAM_HANDLE_HEIGHT); } if (camPosition === 'contentBottom') { yOffset -= BOTTOM_CAM_HANDLE_HEIGHT; } if (camPosition === 'contentRight') { xOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.width || 0) + SMALL_OFFSET); } } } if (sl?.includes('smart')) { if (panel || subPanel) { const dockPos = webcams?.getAttribute('data-position'); if (dockPos === 'contentTop') { yOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.height || 0) + SMALL_OFFSET); } } } if (webcams && sl?.includes('videoFocus')) { xOffset += parseFloat(nav?.style?.width); yOffset += (parseFloat(panel?.style?.height || 0) - XL_OFFSET); } } else { if (sl.includes('custom')) { if (webcams) { if (camPosition === 'contentTop' || !camPosition) { yOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.height) || 0) + XS_OFFSET; } if (camPosition === 'contentBottom') { yOffset -= BOTTOM_CAM_HANDLE_HEIGHT; } if (camPosition === 'contentLeft') { xOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.width) || 0) + SMALL_OFFSET; } } } if (sl.includes('smart')) { if (panel || subPanel) { const dockPos = webcams?.getAttribute('data-position'); if (dockPos === 'contentLeft') { xOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.width || 0) + SMALL_OFFSET); } if (dockPos === 'contentTop') { yOffset += (parseFloat(webcams?.style?.height || 0) + SMALL_OFFSET); } } if (!panel && !subPanel) { if (webcams) { xOffset = parseFloat(webcams?.style?.width || 0) + SMALL_OFFSET; } } } if (sl?.includes('videoFocus')) { if (webcams) { xOffset = parseFloat(subPanel?.style?.width); yOffset = parseFloat(panel?.style?.height); } } if (presentationContainer && presentation) { calcPresOffset(); } } if (banners) { banners.forEach((el) => { yOffset += parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el).height); }); } return setPos({ x: event.x - xOffset, y: event.y - yOffset }); }; React.useEffect(() => { const currentCursor = cursorWrapper?.current; currentCursor?.addEventListener('mouseenter', start); currentCursor?.addEventListener('mouseleave', end); currentCursor?.addEventListener('touchend', end); currentCursor?.addEventListener('mousemove', moved); currentCursor?.addEventListener('touchmove', moved); return () => { currentCursor?.removeEventListener('mouseenter', start); currentCursor?.removeEventListener('mouseleave', end); currentCursor?.removeEventListener('touchend', end); currentCursor?.removeEventListener('mousemove', moved); currentCursor?.removeEventListener('touchmove', moved); }; }, [cursorWrapper, whiteboardId, currentUser.presenter]); const multiUserAccess = hasMultiUserAccess(whiteboardId, currentUser?.userId); let cursorType = multiUserAccess || currentUser?.presenter ? TOOL_CURSORS[currentTool] || 'none' : 'default'; if (isPanning) cursorType = TOOL_CURSORS.pan; return (
{((active && multiUserAccess) || (active && currentUser?.presenter)) && ( )} {children}
{otherCursors .filter((c) => c?.xPercent && c.xPercent !== -1.0 && c?.yPercent && c.yPercent !== -1.0) .filter((c) => { if ((isViewersCursorLocked && c?.role !== 'VIEWER') || !isViewersCursorLocked || currentUser?.presenter ) { return c; } return null; }) .map((c) => { if (c && currentUser.userId !== c?.userId) { if (c.presenter) { return ( ); } return hasMultiUserAccess(whiteboardId, c?.userId) && ( ); } return null; })}
); }