import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import SanitizeHTML from 'sanitize-html'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import { setCustomLogoUrl, setModeratorOnlyMessage } from '/imports/ui/components/user-list/service'; import { makeCall } from '/imports/ui/services/api'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import LoadingScreen from '/imports/ui/components/common/loading-screen/component'; import { CurrentUser } from '/imports/api/users'; const propTypes = { children: PropTypes.element.isRequired, }; class JoinHandler extends Component { static setError(codeError) { if (codeError) Session.set('codeError', codeError); } constructor(props) { super(props); this.fetchToken = this.fetchToken.bind(this); this.state = { joined: false, hasAlreadyJoined: false, }; } componentDidMount() { this._isMounted = true; if (!this.firstJoinTime) { this.firstJoinTime = new Date(); } Tracker.autorun((c) => { const { connected, status, } = Meteor.status(); const { hasAlreadyJoined } = this.state; if (status === 'connecting' && !hasAlreadyJoined) { this.setState({ joined: false }); } logger.debug(`Initial connection status change. status: ${status}, connected: ${connected}`); if (connected) { const msToConnect = (new Date() - this.firstJoinTime) / 1000; const secondsToConnect = parseFloat(msToConnect).toFixed(2);{ logCode: 'joinhandler_component_initial_connection_time', extraInfo: { attemptForUserInfo: Auth.fullInfo, timeToConnect: secondsToConnect, }, }, `Connection to Meteor took ${secondsToConnect}s`); this.firstJoinTime = undefined; this.fetchToken(); } else if (status === 'failed') { c.stop(); const msToConnect = (new Date() - this.firstJoinTime) / 1000; const secondsToConnect = parseFloat(msToConnect).toFixed(2);{ logCode: 'joinhandler_component_initial_connection_failed', extraInfo: { attemptForUserInfo: Auth.fullInfo, timeToConnect: secondsToConnect, }, }, `Connection to Meteor failed, took ${secondsToConnect}s`); JoinHandler.setError('400'); Session.set('errorMessageDescription', 'Failed to connect to server'); this.firstJoinTime = undefined; } }); } componentWillUnmount() { this._isMounted = false; } async fetchToken() { const { hasAlreadyJoined } = this.state; const APP =; if (!this._isMounted) return; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const sessionToken = urlParams.get('sessionToken'); if (!sessionToken) { JoinHandler.setError('400'); Session.set('errorMessageDescription', 'Session token was not provided'); } // Old credentials stored in memory were being used when joining a new meeting if (!hasAlreadyJoined) { Auth.clearCredentials(); } const logUserInfo = () => { const userInfo = window.navigator; // Browser information is sent once on startup // Sent here instead of Meteor.startup, as the // user might not be validated by then, thus user's data // would not be sent with this information const clientInfo = { language: userInfo.language, userAgent: userInfo.userAgent, screenSize: { width: window.screen.width, height: window.screen.height }, windowSize: { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }, bbbVersion:, location: window.location.href, };{ logCode: 'joinhandler_component_clientinfo', extraInfo: { clientInfo }, }, 'Log information about the client'); }; const setAuth = (resp) => { const { meetingID, internalUserID, authToken, logoutUrl, fullname, externUserID, confname, } = resp; return new Promise((resolve) => { Auth.set( meetingID, internalUserID, authToken, logoutUrl, sessionToken, fullname, externUserID, confname, ); resolve(resp); }); }; const setLogoutURL = (url) => { Auth.logoutURL = url; return true; }; const setLogoURL = (resp) => { setCustomLogoUrl(resp.customLogoURL); return resp; }; const setModOnlyMessage = (resp) => { if (resp && resp.modOnlyMessage) { const sanitizedModOnlyText = SanitizeHTML(resp.modOnlyMessage, { allowedTags: ['a', 'b', 'br', 'i', 'img', 'li', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'u', 'ul'], allowedAttributes: { a: ['href', 'name', 'target'], img: ['src', 'width', 'height'], }, allowedSchemes: ['https'], }); setModeratorOnlyMessage(sanitizedModOnlyText); } return resp; }; const setCustomData = (resp) => { const { customdata } = resp; return new Promise((resolve) => { if (customdata.length) { makeCall('addUserSettings', customdata).then((r) => resolve(r)); } resolve(true); }); }; const setBannerProps = (resp) => { Session.set('bannerText', resp.bannerText); Session.set('bannerColor', resp.bannerColor); }; // use enter api to get params for the client const url = `${APP.bbbWebBase}/api/enter?sessionToken=${sessionToken}`; const fetchContent = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'include' }); const parseToJson = await fetchContent.json(); const { response } = parseToJson; setLogoutURL(response); logUserInfo(); if (response.returncode !== 'FAILED') { await setAuth(response); setBannerProps(response); setLogoURL(response); setModOnlyMessage(response); Tracker.autorun(async (cd) => { const user = CurrentUser .findOne({ userId: Auth.userID, approved: true }, { fields: { _id: 1 } }); if (user) { await setCustomData(response); cd.stop(); } });{ logCode: 'joinhandler_component_joinroutehandler_success', extraInfo: { response, }, }, 'User successfully went through main.joinRouteHandler'); } else { if(['missingSession','meetingForciblyEnded','notFound'].includes(response.messageKey)) { JoinHandler.setError('410'); Session.set('errorMessageDescription', 'meeting_ended'); } else if(response.messageKey == "guestDeny") { JoinHandler.setError('401'); Session.set('errorMessageDescription', 'guest_deny'); } else if(response.messageKey == "maxParticipantsReached") { JoinHandler.setError('401'); Session.set('errorMessageDescription', 'max_participants_reason'); } else { JoinHandler.setError('401'); Session.set('errorMessageDescription', response.message); } logger.error({ logCode: 'joinhandler_component_joinroutehandler_error', extraInfo: { response, error: new Error(response.message), }, }, 'User faced an error on main.joinRouteHandler.'); } this.setState({ joined: true, hasAlreadyJoined: true, }); } render() { const { children } = this.props; const { joined } = this.state; return joined ? children : (); } } export default JoinHandler; JoinHandler.propTypes = propTypes;