Verto = function ( tag, voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, userCallback, onFail = null, chromeExtension = null, stunTurnInfo = null, loadingCallback = null) { voiceBridge += "-SCREENSHARE"; this.cur_call = null; this.share_call = null; this.vertoHandle; this.vid_width = Math.max(window.screen.width, 1920); this.vid_height = Math.max(window.screen.height, 1080); this.outgoingBandwidth = "default"; this.incomingBandwidth = "default"; // this.sessid = $.verto.genUUID(); this.sessid = Math.random().toString(); this.renderTag = 'remote-media'; this.destination_number = voiceBridge; this.caller_id_name = conferenceUsername; this.caller_id_number = conferenceUsername; this.vertoPort = "verto"; this.hostName = window.location.hostname; this.socketUrl = 'wss://' + this.hostName + '/' + this.vertoPort; this.login = "bbbuser"; this.password = "secret"; this.useVideo = false; this.useCamera = false; this.useMic = false; this.callWasSuccessful = false; this.shouldConnect = true; this.iceServers = stunTurnInfo; this.userCallback = userCallback; if (loadingCallback != null) { this.videoLoadingCallback = Verto.normalizeCallback(loadingCallback); } else { this.videoLoadingCallback = function() {}; } if (chromeExtension != null) { this.chromeExtension = chromeExtension; } if (onFail != null) { this.onFail = Verto.normalizeCallback(onFail); } else { var _this = this; this.onFail = function () { _this.logError('Default error handler'); }; } }; Verto.prototype.logger = function (obj) { console.log(obj); }; Verto.prototype.logError = function (obj) { console.error(obj); }; Verto.prototype.setRenderTag = function (tag) { this.renderTag = tag; }; // receives either a string variable holding the name of an actionscript // registered callback, or a javascript function object. // The function will return either the function if it is a javascript Function // or if it is an actionscript string it will return a javascript Function // that when invokved will invoke the actionscript registered callback // and passes along parameters Verto.normalizeCallback = function (callback) { if (typeof callback == 'function') { return callback; } else { return function (args) { document.getElementById('BigBlueButton')[callback](args); }; } }; Verto.prototype.onWSLogin = function (v, success) { this.cur_call = null; if (success) { if (!this.shouldConnect) { return; } this.callWasSuccessful = true; this.mediaCallback(); return; } else { // error logging verto into freeswitch this.logError({ status: 'failed', errorcode: '10XX' }); this.callWasSuccessful = false; this.onFail(); return; } }; Verto.prototype.registerCallbacks = function () { var callbacks = { onMessage: function (verto, dialog, msg, data) { switch (msg) { case $.verto.enum.message.pvtEvent: if (data.pvtData) { switch (data.pvtData.action) { // This client has joined the live array for the conference. case "conference-liveArray-join": initLiveArray(verto, dialog, data); break; // This client has left the live array for the conference. case "conference-liveArray-part": // Some kind of client-side wrapup... break; } } break; } }, onDialogState: function (d) {}, onWSLogin: this.onWSLogin.bind(this), onWSClose: function (v, success) { cur_call = null; if (this.callWasSuccessful) { // the connection was dropped in an already established call this.logError('websocket disconnected'); // WebSocket disconnected this.logError({ status: 'failed', errorcode: 1001 }); toDisplayDisconnectCallback = false; } else { // this callback was triggered and a call was never successfully established this.logError('websocket connection could not be established'); // Could not make a WebSocket connection this.logError({ status: 'failed', errorcode: 1002 }); this.onFail(); return; } }.bind(this), }; this.callbacks = callbacks; }; var initLiveArray = function(verto, dialog, data) { // Set up addtional configuration specific to the call. window.vertoConf = new $.verto.conf(verto, { dialog: dialog, hasVid: true, laData: data.pvtData, // For subscribing to published chat messages. chatCallback: function(verto, eventObj) { var from = || || 'Unknown'; var message = || ''; }, }); var config = { subParams: { callID: dialog ? dialog.callID : null }, }; // Set up the live array, using the live array data received from FreeSWITCH. window.liveArray = new $.verto.liveArray(window.vertoHandle, data.pvtData.laChannel, data.pvtData.laName, config); // Subscribe to live array changes. window.liveArray.onChange = function(liveArrayObj, args) { console.log("Call UUID is: " + args.key); console.log("Call data is: ",; console.log(liveArrayObj); console.log(args); try { switch (args.action) { // Initial list of existing conference users. case "bootObj": break; // New user joined conference. case "add": break; // User left conference. case "del": break; // Existing user's state changed (mute/unmute, talking, floor, etc) case "modify": break; } } catch (err) { console.error("ERROR: " + err); } }; // Called if the live array throws an error. window.liveArray.onErr = function (obj, args) { console.error("Error: ", obj, args); }; }; Verto.prototype.hold = function () { this.cur_call.toggleHold(); }; Verto.prototype.hangup = function () { if (this.cur_call) { // the duration of the call if (this.cur_call.audioStream) { this.logger('call ended ' + this.cur_call.audioStream.currentTime); } this.cur_call.hangup(); this.cur_call = null; } if (this.share_call) { if (this.share_call.state == $ { this.shouldConnect = false; } else { this.shouldConnect = true; } // the duration of the call this.logger('call ended ' + this.share_call.audioStream.currentTime); this.share_call.rtc.localStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop()); this.share_call.hangup(); this.share_call = null; } // the user ended the call themself // if (callPurposefullyEnded === true) { if (true) { this.logger({ status: 'ended' }); } else { // Call ended unexpectedly this.logError({ status: 'failed', errorcode: 1005 }); } }; Verto.prototype.mute = function () { this.cur_call.dtmf('0'); }; Verto.prototype.localmute = function () { // var muted = cur_call.setMute('toggle'); // if (muted) { // display('Talking to: ' + cur_call.cidString() + ' [LOCALLY MUTED]'); // } else { // display('Talking to: ' + cur_call.cidString()); // } }; Verto.prototype.localvidmute = function () { // var muted = cur_call.setVideoMute('toggle'); // if (muted) { // display('Talking to: ' + cur_call.cidString() + ' [VIDEO LOCALLY MUTED]'); // } else { // display('Talking to: ' + cur_call.cidString()); // } }; Verto.prototype.vmute = function () { this.cur_call.dtmf('*0'); }; Verto.prototype.setWatchVideo = function (tag) { this.mediaCallback = this.docall; this.useVideo = true; this.useCamera = 'none'; this.useMic = 'none'; this.create(tag); }; Verto.prototype.setListenOnly = function (tag) { this.mediaCallback = this.docall; this.useVideo = false; this.useCamera = 'none'; this.useMic = 'none'; this.create(tag); }; Verto.prototype.setMicrophone = function (tag) { this.mediaCallback = this.docall; this.useVideo = false; this.useCamera = 'none'; this.useMic = 'any'; this.create(tag); }; Verto.prototype.setScreenShare = function (tag) { // required for Verto to know we want to use video // tell Verto we want to share webcam so it knows there will be a video stream // but instead of a webcam we pass screen constraints this.useCamera = 'any'; this.useMic = 'none'; this.mediaCallback = this.makeShare; this.create(tag); }; Verto.prototype.create = function (tag) { this.setRenderTag(tag); this.registerCallbacks(); // fetch ice information from server if (this.iceServers == null) { this.configStuns(this.init); } else { // already have it. proceed with init this.init(); } }; Verto.prototype.docall = function () { if (this.cur_call) { this.logger('Quitting: Call already in progress'); return; } this.shouldConnect = true; this.cur_call = window.vertoHandle.newCall({ destination_number: this.destination_number, caller_id_name: this.caller_id_name, caller_id_number: this.caller_id_number, outgoingBandwidth: this.outgoingBandwidth, incomingBandwidth: this.incomingBandwidth, useVideo: this.useVideo, useStereo: true, useCamera: this.useCamera, useMic: this.useMic, useSpeak: 'any', dedEnc: true, tag: this.renderTag, }); this.logger(this.cur_call); }; Verto.prototype.makeShare = function () { if (this.share_call) { this.logError('Quitting: Call already in progress'); return; } var screenInfo = null; if (!!navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { // no screen parameters for FF, just screenShare: true down below screenInfo = {}; this.doShare(screenInfo); } else if (!! { var _this = this; if (!_this.chromeExtension) { _this.logError({ status: 'failed', message: 'Missing Chrome Extension key', }); _this.onFail(); return; } // bring up Chrome screen picker getMyScreenConstraints(function (constraints) { if (constraints == null || constraints == "" || constraints.streamId == null || constraints.streamId == "") { _this.onFail(); return _this.logError(constraints); } screenInfo = { chromeMediaSource: "desktop", chromeMediaSourceId: constraints.streamId, }; _this.logger(screenInfo); _this.doShare(screenInfo); }, _this.chromeExtension); } }; Verto.prototype.doShare = function (screenConstraints) { this.shouldConnect = true; screenConstraints.maxWidth = this.vid_width; screenConstraints.maxHeight = this.vid_height; this.share_call = window.vertoHandle.newCall({ destination_number: this.destination_number, caller_id_name: this.caller_id_name, caller_id_number: this.caller_id_number, outgoingBandwidth: "default", incomingBandwidth: "default", videoParams: screenConstraints, useVideo: true, screenShare: true, dedEnc: true, mirrorInput: false, tag: this.renderTag, }); var stopSharing = function() { console.log("stopSharing"); this.share_call.hangup(); this.share_call = null; }; var _this = this; // Override onStream callback in $.FSRTC instance this.share_call.rtc.options.callbacks.onStream = function (rtc, stream) { _this.videoLoadingCallback(); if (stream) { var StreamTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; StreamTrack.addEventListener('ended', stopSharing.bind(_this)); } }; }; Verto.prototype.init = function () { this.cur_call = null; if (!window.vertoHandle) { window.vertoHandle = new $.verto({ useVideo: true, login: this.login, passwd: this.password, socketUrl: this.socketUrl, tag: this.renderTag, ringFile: 'sounds/bell_ring2.wav', sessid: this.sessid, videoParams: { minFrameRate: 15, vertoBestFrameRate: 30, }, deviceParams: { useCamera: false, useMic: false, useSpeak: 'none', }, audioParams: { googAutoGainControl: false, googNoiseSuppression: false, googHighpassFilter: false, }, iceServers: this.iceServers, }, this.callbacks); } else { this.mediaCallback(); return; } }; Verto.prototype.configStuns = function (callback) { this.logger('Fetching STUN/TURN server info for Verto initialization'); var _this = this; var stunsConfig = {}; // flash client has api access. html5 user passes array. // client provided no stuns and cannot make api calls // use defaults in verto and try making a call if (BBB.getSessionToken == undefined) { // uses defaults this.iceServers = true; // run init callback return callback(); } // TODO: screensharing and audio use this exact same function. Should be // moved to a shared library for retrieving stun/turn and just pass // success/fail callbacks BBB.getSessionToken(function(sessionToken) { $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', url: '/bigbluebutton/api/stuns/', data: {sessionToken}, }).done(function (data) { _this.logger('ajax request done'); _this.logger(data); if (data.response && data.response.returncode == 'FAILED') { _this.logError(data.response.message, { error: true }); _this.logError({ status: 'failed', errorcode: data.response.message }); return; } stunsConfig.stunServers = (data.stunServers ? (data) { return { url: data.url }; }) : []); stunsConfig.turnServers = (data.turnServers ? (data) { return { urls: data.url, username: data.username, credential: data.password, }; }) : []); stunsConfig = stunsConfig.stunServers.concat(stunsConfig.turnServers); _this.logger('success got stun data, making verto'); _this.iceServers = stunsConfig; callback.apply(_this); }).fail(function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) { _this.logError({ status: 'failed', errorcode: 1009 }); _this.onFail(); return; }); }); }; // checks whether Google Chrome or Firefox have the WebRTCPeerConnection object Verto.prototype.isWebRTCAvailable = function () { return (typeof window.webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined' || typeof window.mozRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined'); }; this.VertoManager = function () { this.vertoAudio = null; this.vertoVideo = null; this.vertoScreenShare = null; window.vertoHandle = null; }; Verto.prototype.logout = function () { this.exitAudio(); this.exitVideo(); this.exitScreenShare(); window.vertoHandle.logout(); }; VertoManager.prototype.exitAudio = function () { if (this.vertoAudio != null) { console.log('Hanging up vertoAudio'); this.vertoAudio.hangup(); } }; VertoManager.prototype.exitVideo = function () { if (this.vertoVideo != null) { console.log('Hanging up vertoVideo'); this.vertoVideo.hangup(); } }; VertoManager.prototype.exitScreenShare = function () { if (this.vertoScreenShare != null) { console.log('Hanging up vertoScreenShare'); this.vertoScreenShare.hangup(); } }; VertoManager.prototype.joinListenOnly = function (tag) { this.exitAudio(); if (this.vertoAudio == null) { var obj = Object.create(Verto.prototype); Verto.apply(obj, arguments); this.vertoAudio = obj; } this.vertoAudio.setListenOnly(tag); }; VertoManager.prototype.joinMicrophone = function (tag) { this.exitAudio(); if (this.vertoAudio == null) { var obj = Object.create(Verto.prototype); Verto.apply(obj, arguments); this.vertoAudio = obj; } this.vertoAudio.setMicrophone(tag); }; VertoManager.prototype.joinWatchVideo = function (tag) { this.exitVideo(); if (this.vertoVideo == null) { var obj = Object.create(Verto.prototype); Verto.apply(obj, arguments); this.vertoVideo = obj; } this.vertoVideo.setWatchVideo(tag); }; VertoManager.prototype.shareScreen = function (tag) { this.exitScreenShare(); if (this.vertoScreenShare == null) { var obj = Object.create(Verto.prototype); Verto.apply(obj, arguments); this.vertoScreenShare = obj; } this.vertoScreenShare.setScreenShare(tag); }; window.vertoInitialize = function () { if (window.vertoManager == null || window.vertoManager == undefined) { window.vertoManager = new VertoManager(); } }; window.vertoExitAudio = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.exitAudio(); }; window.vertoExitVideo = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.exitVideo(); }; window.vertoExitScreenShare = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.exitScreenShare(); }; window.vertoJoinListenOnly = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.joinListenOnly.apply(window.vertoManager, arguments); }; window.vertoJoinMicrophone = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.joinMicrophone.apply(window.vertoManager, arguments); }; window.vertoWatchVideo = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.joinWatchVideo.apply(window.vertoManager, arguments); }; window.vertoShareScreen = function () { window.vertoInitialize(); window.vertoManager.shareScreen.apply(window.vertoManager, arguments); }; // a function to check whether the browser (Chrome only) is in an isIncognito // session. Requires 1 mandatory callback that only gets called if the browser // session is incognito. The callback for not being incognito is optional. // Attempts to retrieve the chrome filesystem API. window.checkIfIncognito = function(isIncognito, isNotIncognito = function () {}) { isIncognito = Verto.normalizeCallback(isIncognito); isNotIncognito = Verto.normalizeCallback(isNotIncognito); var fs = window.RequestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem; if (!fs) { isNotIncognito(); return; } fs(window.TEMPORARY, 100, function(){isNotIncognito()}, function(){isIncognito()}); }; window.checkChromeExtInstalled = function (callback, chromeExtensionId) { callback = Verto.normalizeCallback(callback); if (typeof chrome === "undefined" || !chrome || !chrome.runtime) { // No API, so no extension for sure callback(false); return; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage( chromeExtensionId, { getVersion: true }, function (response) { if (!response || !response.version) { // Communication failure - assume that no endpoint exists callback(false); return; } callback(true); } ); } window.getMyScreenConstraints = function(theCallback, extensionId) { theCallback = Verto.normalizeCallback(theCallback); chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extensionId, { getStream: true, sources: [ "window", "screen", "tab" ]}, function(response) { console.log(response); theCallback(response); }); };