import _ from 'lodash'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import injectWbResizeEvent from '/imports/ui/components/presentation/resize-wrapper/component'; import UserAvatar from '/imports/ui/components/user-avatar/component'; import TextInput from '/imports/ui/components/text-input/component'; import Styled from './styles'; import { PANELS, ACTIONS } from '../layout/enums'; import Settings from '/imports/ui/services/settings'; import browserInfo from '/imports/utils/browserInfo'; import Header from '/imports/ui/components/common/control-header/component'; import { notify } from '/imports/ui/services/notification'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ waitingUsersTitle: { id: 'app.userList.guest.waitingUsersTitle', description: 'Title for the notes list', }, title: { id: 'app.userList.guest.waitingUsers', description: 'Label for the waiting users', }, optionTitle: { id: 'app.userList.guest.optionTitle', description: 'Label above the options', }, allowAllAuthenticated: { id: 'app.userList.guest.allowAllAuthenticated', description: 'Title for the waiting users', }, allowAllGuests: { id: 'app.userList.guest.allowAllGuests', description: 'Title for the waiting users', }, allowEveryone: { id: 'app.userList.guest.allowEveryone', description: 'Title for the waiting users', }, denyEveryone: { id: 'app.userList.guest.denyEveryone', description: 'Title for the waiting users', }, pendingUsers: { id: 'app.userList.guest.pendingUsers', description: 'Title for the waiting users', }, pendingGuestUsers: { id: 'app.userList.guest.pendingGuestUsers', description: 'Title for the waiting users', }, noPendingUsers: { id: 'app.userList.guest.noPendingUsers', description: 'Label for no users waiting', }, rememberChoice: { id: 'app.userList.guest.rememberChoice', description: 'Remember label for checkbox', }, emptyMessage: { id: 'app.userList.guest.emptyMessage', description: 'Empty guest lobby message label', }, inputPlaceholder: { id: 'app.userList.guest.inputPlaceholder', description: 'Placeholder to guest lobby message input', }, privateMessageLabel: { id: 'app.userList.guest.privateMessageLabel', description: 'Private message button label', }, privateInputPlaceholder: { id: 'app.userList.guest.privateInputPlaceholder', description: 'Private input placeholder', }, accept: { id: 'app.userList.guest.acceptLabel', description: 'Accept guest button label', }, deny: { id: 'app.userList.guest.denyLabel', description: 'Deny guest button label', }, feedbackMessage: { id: 'app.userList.guest.feedbackMessage', description: 'Feedback message moderator action', }, }); const ALLOW_STATUS = 'ALLOW'; const DENY_STATUS = 'DENY'; const { animations } = Settings.application; const getNameInitials = (name) => { const nameInitials = name.slice(0, 2); return nameInitials.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase()); }; const renderGuestUserItem = ( name, color, handleAccept, handleDeny, role, sequence, userId, avatar, intl, privateMessageVisible, setPrivateGuestLobbyMessage, privateGuestLobbyMessage, isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled, ) => ( {getNameInitials(name)} {`[${sequence}] ${name}`} { isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled ? ( ) : null} | | { isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled ? (

" {privateGuestLobbyMessage.length > 0 ? privateGuestLobbyMessage : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.emptyMessage)} "

) : null}
); const renderNoUserWaitingItem = (message) => ( {message} ); const renderPendingUsers = (message, usersArray, action, intl, privateMessageVisible, setPrivateGuestLobbyMessage, privateGuestLobbyMessage, isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled ) => { if (!usersArray.length) return null; return ( {message} {, idx) => renderGuestUserItem(, user.color, () => action([user], ALLOW_STATUS), () => action([user], DENY_STATUS), user.role, idx + 1, user.intId, user.avatar, intl, () => privateMessageVisible(`privateMessage-${user.intId}`), (message) => setPrivateGuestLobbyMessage(message, user.intId), privateGuestLobbyMessage(user.intId), isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled, ))} ); }; const WaitingUsers = (props) => { const [rememberChoice, setRememberChoice] = useState(false); const { intl, authenticatedUsers, privateMessageVisible, guestUsers, guestUsersCall, changeGuestPolicy, isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled, setGuestLobbyMessage, guestLobbyMessage, setPrivateGuestLobbyMessage, privateGuestLobbyMessage, authenticatedGuest, layoutContextDispatch, allowRememberChoice, } = props; const existPendingUsers = authenticatedUsers.length > 0 || guestUsers.length > 0; const closePanel = () => { layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_IS_OPEN, value: false, }); layoutContextDispatch({ type: ACTIONS.SET_SIDEBAR_CONTENT_PANEL, value: PANELS.NONE, }); }; useEffect(() => { const { isWaitingRoomEnabled, } = props; if (!isWaitingRoomEnabled && !existPendingUsers) { closePanel(); } }); const onCheckBoxChange = (e) => { const { checked } =; setRememberChoice(checked); }; const changePolicy = (shouldExecutePolicy, policyRule, cb, message) => () => { if (shouldExecutePolicy) { changeGuestPolicy(policyRule); } closePanel(); notify(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.feedbackMessage) + message.toUpperCase(), 'success'); return cb(); }; const renderButton = (message, { key, color, policy, action, dataTest }) => ( ); const authGuestButtonsData = [ { messageId: intlMessages.allowAllAuthenticated, action: () => guestUsersCall(authenticatedUsers, ALLOW_STATUS), key: 'allow-all-auth', color: 'primary', policy: 'ALWAYS_ACCEPT_AUTH', }, { messageId: intlMessages.allowAllGuests, action: () => guestUsersCall( [...guestUsers].concat(rememberChoice ? authenticatedUsers : []), ALLOW_STATUS, ), key: 'allow-all-guest', color: 'primary', policy: 'ALWAYS_ACCEPT', }, ]; const guestButtonsData = [ { messageId: intlMessages.allowEveryone, action: () => guestUsersCall([...guestUsers, ...authenticatedUsers], ALLOW_STATUS), key: 'allow-everyone', color: 'primary', policy: 'ALWAYS_ACCEPT', dataTest: 'allowEveryone', }, { messageId: intlMessages.denyEveryone, action: () => guestUsersCall([...guestUsers, ...authenticatedUsers], DENY_STATUS), key: 'deny-everyone', color: 'danger', policy: 'ALWAYS_DENY', dataTest: 'denyEveryone', }, ]; const buttonsData = authenticatedGuest ? _.concat(authGuestButtonsData, guestButtonsData) : guestButtonsData; const { isChrome } = browserInfo; return (
closePanel(), label: intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.title), }} /> {isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled ? (

" { guestLobbyMessage.length > 0 ? guestLobbyMessage : intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.emptyMessage) } "

) : null} {intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.optionTitle)} { => renderButton( intl.formatMessage(buttonData.messageId), buttonData, )) } {allowRememberChoice ? ( ) : null} {renderPendingUsers( intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.pendingUsers, { 0: authenticatedUsers.length }), authenticatedUsers, guestUsersCall, intl, privateMessageVisible, setPrivateGuestLobbyMessage, privateGuestLobbyMessage, isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled, )} {renderPendingUsers( intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.pendingGuestUsers, { 0: guestUsers.length }), guestUsers, guestUsersCall, intl, privateMessageVisible, setPrivateGuestLobbyMessage, privateGuestLobbyMessage, isGuestLobbyMessageEnabled, )} {!existPendingUsers && ( renderNoUserWaitingItem(intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.noPendingUsers)) )}
); }; export default injectWbResizeEvent(injectIntl(WaitingUsers));