import AudioCaptions from '/imports/api/audio-captions'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; const CAPTIONS_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public.captions; const CAPTIONS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE =; const CHARACTERS_PER_LINE = CAPTIONS_CONFIG.lineLimit; const LINES_PER_MESSAGE = CAPTIONS_CONFIG.lines; const CAPTION_TIME = CAPTIONS_CONFIG.time; const CAPTION_LIMIT = CAPTIONS_CONFIG.captionLimit; function splitTranscript(obj) { const transcripts = []; const words = obj.transcript.split(' '); let currentLine = ''; let result = ''; for (const word of words) { if ((currentLine + word).length <= CHARACTERS_PER_LINE) { currentLine += word + ' '; } else { result += currentLine.trim() + '\n'; currentLine = word + ' '; } if (result.split('\n').length > LINES_PER_MESSAGE) { transcripts.push(result) result = '' } } if (result.length) { transcripts.push(result) } transcripts.push(currentLine.trim()) return => { return { ...obj, transcript: t} }); } const getAudioCaptionsData = () => { // the correct way woulde to use { limit: CAPTION_LIMIT } but something // is up with this mongo query and it does not seem to work let audioCaptions = AudioCaptions.find({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID}, { sort: { lastUpdate: -1 } }).fetch().slice(-CAPTION_LIMIT); const recentEnough = (c) => (new Date().getTime()/1000 - c.lastUpdated) < CAPTIONS_CONFIG.time/1000; audioCaptions = audioCaptions.filter(recentEnough).map((c) => { const splits = splitTranscript(c); return splits; }); return audioCaptions.flat().filter((c) => c.transcript).slice(-CAPTION_LIMIT); }; const getAudioCaptions = () => Session.get('audioCaptions') || false; const setAudioCaptions = (value) => Session.set('audioCaptions', value); const hasAudioCaptions = () => { const audioCaptions = AudioCaptions.findOne( { meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: {} }, ); return CAPTIONS_ALWAYS_VISIBLE || !!audioCaptions; }; export default { getAudioCaptionsData, getAudioCaptions, setAudioCaptions, hasAudioCaptions, };