import Screenshare from '/imports/api/screenshare'; import KurentoBridge from '/imports/api/screenshare/client/bridge'; import BridgeService from '/imports/api/screenshare/client/bridge/service'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import AudioService from '/imports/ui/components/audio/service'; import MediaStreamUtils from '/imports/utils/media-stream-utils'; import ConnectionStatusService from '/imports/ui/components/connection-status/service'; import browserInfo from '/imports/utils/browserInfo'; const SCREENSHARE_MEDIA_ELEMENT_NAME = 'screenshareVideo'; const DEFAULT_SCREENSHARE_STATS_TYPES = [ 'outbound-rtp', 'inbound-rtp', ]; const CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA = "camera"; const CONTENT_TYPE_SCREENSHARE = "screenshare"; let _isSharingScreen = false; const _isSharingDep = { value: false, tracker: new Tracker.Dependency(), }; const _sharingContentTypeDep = { value: false, tracker: new Tracker.Dependency(), }; const _cameraAsContentDeviceIdTypeDep = { value: '', tracker: new Tracker.Dependency(), }; const isSharing = () => { _isSharingDep.tracker.depend(); return _isSharingDep.value; }; const setIsSharing = (isSharing) => { if (_isSharingDep.value !== isSharing) { _isSharingDep.value = isSharing; _isSharingDep.tracker.changed(); } }; const setSharingContentType = (contentType) => { if (_sharingContentTypeDep.value !== contentType) { _sharingContentTypeDep.value = contentType; _sharingContentTypeDep.tracker.changed(); } } const getSharingContentType = () => { _sharingContentTypeDep.tracker.depend(); return _sharingContentTypeDep.value; }; const getCameraAsContentDeviceId = () => { _cameraAsContentDeviceIdTypeDep.tracker.depend(); return _cameraAsContentDeviceIdTypeDep.value; }; const setCameraAsContentDeviceId = (deviceId) => { if (_cameraAsContentDeviceIdTypeDep.value !== deviceId) { _cameraAsContentDeviceIdTypeDep.value = deviceId; _cameraAsContentDeviceIdTypeDep.tracker.changed(); } }; const _trackStreamTermination = (stream, handler) => { if (typeof stream !== 'object' || typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Invalid trackStreamTermination arguments'); } let _handler = handler; // Dirty, but effective way of checking whether the browser supports the 'inactive' // event. If the oninactive interface is null, it can be overridden === supported. // If undefined, it's not; so we fallback to the track 'ended' event. // The track ended listener should probably be reviewed once we create // thin wrapper classes for MediaStreamTracks as well, because we'll want a single // media stream holding multiple tracks in the future if (stream.oninactive !== undefined) { if (typeof stream.oninactive === 'function') { const oldHandler = stream.oninactive; _handler = () => { oldHandler(); handler(); }; } stream.addEventListener('inactive', handler, { once: true }); } else { const track = MediaStreamUtils.getVideoTracks(stream)[0]; if (track) { track.addEventListener('ended', handler, { once: true }); if (typeof track.onended === 'function') { const oldHandler = track.onended; _handler = () => { oldHandler(); handler(); }; } track.onended = _handler; } } }; const _isStreamActive = (stream) => { const tracksAreActive = !stream.getTracks().some(track => track.readyState === 'ended'); return tracksAreActive &&; } const _handleStreamTermination = () => { screenshareHasEnded(); }; // A simplified, trackable version of isScreenBroadcasting that DOES NOT // account for the presenter's local sharing state. // It reflects the GLOBAL screen sharing state (akka-apps) const isScreenGloballyBroadcasting = () => { const screenshareEntry = Screenshare.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, "screenshare.contentType": CONTENT_TYPE_SCREENSHARE }, { fields: { '': 1 } }); return (!screenshareEntry ? false : !!; } // A simplified, trackable version of isCameraContentBroadcasting that DOES NOT // account for the presenter's local sharing state. // It reflects the GLOBAL camera as content sharing state (akka-apps) const isCameraAsContentGloballyBroadcasting = () => { const cameraAsContentEntry = Screenshare.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, "screenshare.contentType": CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA }, { fields: { '': 1 } }); return (!cameraAsContentEntry ? false : !!; } // when the meeting information has been updated check to see if it was // screensharing. If it has changed either trigger a call to receive video // and display it, or end the call and hide the video const isScreenBroadcasting = () => { const sharing = isSharing() && getSharingContentType() == CONTENT_TYPE_SCREENSHARE; const screenshareEntry = Screenshare.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, "screenshare.contentType": CONTENT_TYPE_SCREENSHARE }, { fields: { '': 1 } }); const screenIsShared = !screenshareEntry ? false : !!; if (screenIsShared && isSharing) { setIsSharing(false); } return sharing || screenIsShared; }; // when the meeting information has been updated check to see if it was // sharing camera as content. If it has changed either trigger a call to receive video // and display it, or end the call and hide the video const isCameraAsContentBroadcasting = () => { const sharing = isSharing() && getSharingContentType() === CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA; const screenshareEntry = Screenshare.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID, "screenshare.contentType": CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA }, { fields: { '': 1 } }); const cameraAsContentIsShared = !screenshareEntry ? false : !!; if (cameraAsContentIsShared && isSharing) { setIsSharing(false); } return sharing || cameraAsContentIsShared; }; const screenshareHasAudio = () => { const screenshareEntry = Screenshare.findOne({ meetingId: Auth.meetingID }, { fields: { 'screenshare.hasAudio': 1 } }); if (!screenshareEntry) { return false; } return !!screenshareEntry.screenshare.hasAudio; } const getBroadcastContentType = () => { const screenshareEntry = Screenshare.findOne({meetindId: Auth.meedingID}, { fields: { 'screenshare.contentType': 1} }); if (!screenshareEntry) { // defaults to contentType: "camera" return CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA; } return screenshareEntry.screenshare.contentType; } const screenshareHasEnded = () => { if (isSharing()) { setIsSharing(false); } if (getSharingContentType() === CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA) { setCameraAsContentDeviceId(''); } KurentoBridge.stop(); }; const getMediaElement = () => { return document.getElementById(SCREENSHARE_MEDIA_ELEMENT_NAME); } const getMediaElementDimensions = () => { const element = getMediaElement(); return { width: element?.videoWidth ?? 0, height: element?.videoHeight ?? 0, }; }; const setVolume = (volume) => { KurentoBridge.setVolume(volume); }; const getVolume = () => KurentoBridge.getVolume(); const shouldEnableVolumeControl = () => { const VOLUME_CONTROL_ENABLED = window.meetingClientSettings.public.kurento.screenshare.enableVolumeControl; return VOLUME_CONTROL_ENABLED && screenshareHasAudio(); } const attachLocalPreviewStream = (mediaElement) => { const {isTabletApp} = browserInfo; if (isTabletApp) { // We don't show preview for mobile app, as the stream is only available in native code return; } const stream = KurentoBridge.gdmStream; if (stream && mediaElement) { // Always muted, presenter preview. BridgeService.screenshareLoadAndPlayMediaStream(stream, mediaElement, true); } }; const setOutputDeviceId = (outputDeviceId) => { const screenShareElement = document.getElementById(SCREENSHARE_MEDIA_ELEMENT_NAME); const sinkIdSupported = screenShareElement && typeof screenShareElement.setSinkId === 'function'; const srcStream = screenShareElement?.srcObject; if (typeof outputDeviceId === 'string' && sinkIdSupported && screenShareElement.sinkId !== outputDeviceId && srcStream && srcStream.getAudioTracks().length > 0) { try { screenShareElement.setSinkId(outputDeviceId); logger.debug({ logCode: 'screenshare_output_device_change', extraInfo: { newDeviceId: outputDeviceId, }, }, `Screenshare output device changed: to ${outputDeviceId || 'default'}`); } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'screenshare_output_device_change_failure', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, newDeviceId: outputDeviceId, }, }, `Error changing screenshare output device - {${}: ${error.message}}`); } } }; const screenshareHasStarted = (isPresenter, options = {}) => { // Presenter's screen preview is local, so skip if (!isPresenter) { viewScreenshare({ outputDeviceId: options.outputDeviceId }); } }; const shareScreen = async (stopWatching, isPresenter, onFail, options = {}) => { if (isCameraAsContentBroadcasting()) { screenshareHasEnded(); } try { let stream; let contentType = CONTENT_TYPE_SCREENSHARE; if ( == null) { stream = await BridgeService.getScreenStream(); } else { contentType = CONTENT_TYPE_CAMERA; stream =; } _trackStreamTermination(stream, _handleStreamTermination); if (!isPresenter) { MediaStreamUtils.stopMediaStreamTracks(stream); return; } await KurentoBridge.share(stream, onFail, contentType); // Stream might have been disabled in the meantime. I love badly designed // async components like this screen sharing bridge :) - prlanzarin 09 May 22 if (!_isStreamActive(stream)) { _handleStreamTermination(); return; } // stop external video share if running stopWatching(); setSharingContentType(contentType); setIsSharing(true); } catch (error) { onFail(error); } }; const viewScreenshare = (options = {}) => { const hasAudio = screenshareHasAudio(); KurentoBridge.view({ hasAudio, outputDeviceId: options.outputDeviceId }) .catch((error) => { logger.error({ logCode: 'screenshare_view_failed', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, }, }, 'Screenshare viewer failure'); }); }; const screenShareEndAlert = () => AudioService .playAlertSound(`${ + +}` + '/resources/sounds/ScreenshareOff.mp3'); /** * Get stats about all active screenshare peers. * * For more information see: * - * - * @param {Array[String]} statsType - An array containing valid RTCStatsType * values to include in the return object * * @returns {Object} The information about each active screen sharing peer. * The returned format follows the format returned by video's service * getStats, which considers more than one peer connection to be returned. * The format is given by: * { * peerIdString: RTCStatsReport * } */ const getStats = async (statsTypes = DEFAULT_SCREENSHARE_STATS_TYPES) => { const screenshareStats = {}; const peer = KurentoBridge.getPeerConnection(); if (!peer) return null; const peerStats = await peer.getStats(); peerStats.forEach((stat) => { if (statsTypes.includes(stat.type)) { screenshareStats[stat.type] = stat; } }); return { screenshareStats }; }; // This method may throw errors const isMediaFlowing = (previousStats, currentStats) => { const bpsData = ConnectionStatusService.calculateBitsPerSecond( currentStats?.screenshareStats, previousStats?.screenshareStats, ); const bpsDataAggr = Object.values(bpsData) .reduce((sum, partialBpsData = 0) => sum + parseFloat(partialBpsData), 0); return bpsDataAggr > 0; }; export { SCREENSHARE_MEDIA_ELEMENT_NAME, isMediaFlowing, isScreenBroadcasting, isCameraAsContentBroadcasting, screenshareHasEnded, screenshareHasStarted, screenshareHasAudio, getBroadcastContentType, shareScreen, screenShareEndAlert, isSharing, setIsSharing, setSharingContentType, getSharingContentType, getMediaElement, getMediaElementDimensions, attachLocalPreviewStream, isScreenGloballyBroadcasting, isCameraAsContentGloballyBroadcasting, getStats, setVolume, getVolume, shouldEnableVolumeControl, setCameraAsContentDeviceId, getCameraAsContentDeviceId, setOutputDeviceId, };