import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Session } from 'meteor/session'; import _ from 'lodash'; import cx from 'classnames'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Icon from '/imports/ui/components/icon/component'; import BreakoutJoinConfirmation from '/imports/ui/components/breakout-join-confirmation/container'; import Dropdown from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/component'; import DropdownTrigger from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/trigger/component'; import DropdownContent from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/content/component'; import DropdownList from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/list/component'; import DropdownListItem from '/imports/ui/components/dropdown/list/item/component'; import { withModalMounter } from '/imports/ui/components/modal/service'; import withShortcutHelper from '/imports/ui/components/shortcut-help/service'; import getFromUserSettings from '/imports/ui/services/users-settings'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { styles } from './styles.scss'; import Button from '../button/component'; import RecordingIndicator from './recording-indicator/component'; import SettingsDropdownContainer from './settings-dropdown/container'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ toggleUserListLabel: { id: 'app.navBar.userListToggleBtnLabel', description: 'Toggle button label', }, toggleUserListAria: { id: 'app.navBar.toggleUserList.ariaLabel', description: 'description of the lists inside the userlist', }, newMessages: { id: 'app.navBar.toggleUserList.newMessages', description: 'label for toggleUserList btn when showing red notification', }, recordingSession: { id: 'app.navBar.recording', description: 'label for when the session is being recorded', }, recordingIndicatorOn: { id: 'app.navBar.recording.on', description: 'label for indicator when the session is being recorded', }, recordingIndicatorOff: { id: '', description: 'label for indicator when the session is not being recorded', }, startTitle: { id: 'app.recording.startTitle', description: 'start recording title', }, stopTitle: { id: 'app.recording.stopTitle', description: 'stop recording title', }, }); const propTypes = { presentationTitle: PropTypes.string, hasUnreadMessages: PropTypes.bool, recordProps: PropTypes.shape({ time: PropTypes.number, recording: PropTypes.bool, }), shortcuts: PropTypes.string, }; const defaultProps = { presentationTitle: 'Default Room Title', hasUnreadMessages: false, recordProps: { allowStartStopRecording: false, autoStartRecording: false, record: false, recording: false, }, shortcuts: '', }; const openBreakoutJoinConfirmation = (breakout, breakoutName, mountModal) => mountModal( , ); const closeBreakoutJoinConfirmation = mountModal => mountModal(null); class NavBar extends PureComponent { static handleToggleUserList() { Session.set( 'openPanel', Session.get('openPanel') !== '' ? '' : 'userlist', ); Session.set('idChatOpen', ''); } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isActionsOpen: false, didSendBreakoutInvite: false, time: (props.recordProps.time ? props.recordProps.time : 0), }; this.incrementTime = this.incrementTime.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { const { processOutsideToggleRecording, connectRecordingObserver, } = this.props; if (Meteor.settings.public.allowOutsideCommands.toggleRecording || getFromUserSettings('outsideToggleRecording', false)) { connectRecordingObserver(); window.addEventListener('message', processOutsideToggleRecording); } } componentDidUpdate(oldProps) { const { breakouts, isBreakoutRoom, mountModal, recordProps, } = this.props; if (!recordProps.recording) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = null; } else if (this.interval === null) { this.interval = setInterval(this.incrementTime, 1000); } const { didSendBreakoutInvite, } = this.state; const hadBreakouts = oldProps.breakouts.length; const hasBreakouts = breakouts.length; if (!hasBreakouts && hadBreakouts) { closeBreakoutJoinConfirmation(mountModal); } breakouts.forEach((breakout) => { if (!breakout.users) { return; } const userOnMeeting = breakout.users.filter(u => u.userId === Auth.userID).length; if (!userOnMeeting) return; if (!didSendBreakoutInvite && !isBreakoutRoom) { this.inviteUserToBreakout(breakout); } }); if (!breakouts.length && didSendBreakoutInvite) { this.setState({ didSendBreakoutInvite: false }); } } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.interval); } inviteUserToBreakout(breakout) { const { mountModal, } = this.props; this.setState({ didSendBreakoutInvite: true }, () => {, breakout,, mountModal); }); } incrementTime() { const { recordProps } = this.props; const { time } = this.state; if (recordProps.time > time) { this.setState({ time: recordProps.time + 1 }); } else { this.setState({ time: time + 1 }); } } renderPresentationTitle() { const { breakouts, isBreakoutRoom, presentationTitle, } = this.props; const { isActionsOpen, } = this.state; if (isBreakoutRoom || !breakouts.length) { return (


); } const breakoutItems = => this.renderBreakoutItem(breakout)); return (

{presentationTitle} {' '}

); } renderBreakoutItem(breakout) { const { mountModal, } = this.props; const breakoutName =; return ( ); } render() { const { amIModerator, hasUnreadMessages, recordProps, isExpanded, intl, shortcuts: TOGGLE_USERLIST_AK, mountModal, } = this.props; const recordingMessage = recordProps.recording ? 'recordingIndicatorOn' : 'recordingIndicatorOff'; const { time } = this.state; if (!this.interval) { this.interval = setInterval(this.incrementTime, 1000); } const toggleBtnClasses = {}; toggleBtnClasses[styles.btn] = true; toggleBtnClasses[styles.btnWithNotificationDot] = hasUnreadMessages; let ariaLabel = intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.toggleUserListAria); ariaLabel += hasUnreadMessages ? (` ${intl.formatMessage(intlMessages.newMessages)}`) : ''; return (
{this.renderPresentationTitle()} {recordProps.record ? | : null}
); } } NavBar.propTypes = propTypes; NavBar.defaultProps = defaultProps; export default withShortcutHelper(withModalMounter(injectIntl(NavBar)), 'toggleUserList');