import browser from 'browser-detect'; import BaseAudioBridge from './base'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers, getFallbackStun, } from '/imports/utils/fetchStunTurnServers'; import { isUnifiedPlan, toUnifiedPlan, toPlanB, stripMDnsCandidates, analyzeSdp, logSelectedCandidate, } from '/imports/utils/sdpUtils'; import { Tracker } from 'meteor/tracker'; import VoiceCallStates from '/imports/api/voice-call-states'; import CallStateOptions from '/imports/api/voice-call-states/utils/callStates'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; const MEDIA =; const MEDIA_TAG = MEDIA.mediaTag; const CALL_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT = MEDIA.callTransferTimeout; const CALL_HANGUP_TIMEOUT = MEDIA.callHangupTimeout; const CALL_HANGUP_MAX_RETRIES = MEDIA.callHangupMaximumRetries; const IPV4_FALLBACK_DOMAIN =; const CALL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20000; const ICE_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT = 20000; const AUDIO_SESSION_NUM_KEY = 'AudioSessionNumber'; const USER_AGENT_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS = 3; const USER_AGENT_RECONNECTION_DELAY_MS = 5000; const USER_AGENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; const getAudioSessionNumber = () => { let currItem = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem(AUDIO_SESSION_NUM_KEY), 10); if (!currItem) { currItem = 0; } currItem += 1; sessionStorage.setItem(AUDIO_SESSION_NUM_KEY, currItem); return currItem; }; class SIPSession { constructor(user, userData, protocol, hostname, baseCallStates, baseErrorCodes, reconnectAttempt) { this.user = user; this.userData = userData; this.protocol = protocol; this.hostname = hostname; this.baseCallStates = baseCallStates; this.baseErrorCodes = baseErrorCodes; this.reconnectAttempt = reconnectAttempt; this.currentSession = null; this.remoteStream = null; this._hangupFlag = false; this._reconnecting = false; this._currentSessionState = null; } joinAudio({ isListenOnly, extension, inputStream }, managerCallback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const callExtension = extension ? `${extension}${this.userData.voiceBridge}` : this.userData.voiceBridge; const callback = (message) => { // There will sometimes we erroneous errors put out like timeouts and improper shutdowns, // but only the first error ever matters if (this.alreadyErrored) {{ logCode: 'sip_js_absorbing_callback_message', extraInfo: { message }, }, 'Absorbing a redundant callback message.'); return; } if (message.status === this.baseCallStates.failed) { this.alreadyErrored = true; } managerCallback(message).then(resolve); }; this.callback = callback; // If there's an extension passed it means that we're joining the echo test first this.inEchoTest = !!extension; return this.doCall({ callExtension, isListenOnly, inputStream }) .catch((reason) => { reject(reason); }); }); } async getIceServers(sessionToken) { try { const iceServers = await fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers(sessionToken); return iceServers; } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'sip_js_fetchstunturninfo_error', extraInfo: { errorCode: error.code, errorMessage: error.message, callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'Full audio bridge failed to fetch STUN/TURN info'); return getFallbackStun(); } } doCall(options) { const { isListenOnly, } = options; const { userId, name, sessionToken, } = this.user; const callerIdName = [ `${userId}_${getAudioSessionNumber()}`, 'bbbID', isListenOnly ? `LISTENONLY-${name}` : name, ].join('-').replace(/"/g, "'"); this.user.callerIdName = callerIdName; this.callOptions = options; return this.getIceServers(sessionToken) .then(this.createUserAgent.bind(this)) .then(this.inviteUserAgent.bind(this)); } transferCall(onTransferSuccess) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.inEchoTest = false; let trackerControl = null; const timeout = setTimeout(() => { trackerControl.stop(); logger.error({ logCode: 'sip_js_transfer_timed_out' }, 'Timeout on transferring from echo test to conference'); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1008, bridgeError: 'Timeout on call transfer', }); this.exitAudio(); reject(this.baseErrorCodes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT); }, CALL_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT); // This is is the call transfer code ask @chadpilkey if (this.sessionSupportRTPPayloadDtmf(this.currentSession)) { this.currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler.sendDtmf(1); } else { // RFC4733 not supported , sending DTMF through INFO logger.debug({ logCode: 'sip_js_rtp_payload_dtmf_not_supported', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'Browser do not support payload dtmf, using INFO instead'); this.sendDtmf(1); } Tracker.autorun((c) => { trackerControl = c; const selector = { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, userId: Auth.userID }; const query = VoiceCallStates.find(selector); query.observeChanges({ changed: (id, fields) => { if (fields.callState === CallStateOptions.IN_CONFERENCE) { clearTimeout(timeout); onTransferSuccess(); c.stop(); resolve(); } }, }); }); }); } /** * * sessionSupportRTPPayloadDtmf * tells if browser support RFC4733 DTMF. * Safari 13 doens't support it yet */ sessionSupportRTPPayloadDtmf(session) { try { const sessionDescriptionHandler = session ? session.sessionDescriptionHandler : this.currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler; const senders = sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection.getSenders(); return !!(senders[0].dtmf); } catch (error) { return false; } } /** * sendDtmf - send DTMF Tones using INFO message * * same as SimpleUser's dtmf */ sendDtmf(tone) { const dtmf = tone; const duration = 2000; const body = { contentDisposition: 'render', contentType: 'application/dtmf-relay', content: `Signal=${dtmf}\r\nDuration=${duration}`, }; const requestOptions = { body }; return{ requestOptions }); } exitAudio() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let hangupRetries = 0; this._hangupFlag = false; this.userRequestedHangup = true; const tryHangup = () => { if (this._hangupFlag) { resolve(); } if ((this.currentSession && (this.currentSession.state === SIP.SessionState.Terminated)) || (this.userAgent && (!this.userAgent.isConnected()))) { this._hangupFlag = true; return resolve(); } if (this.currentSession && ((this.currentSession.state === SIP.SessionState.Establishing) || (this.currentSession.state === SIP.SessionState.Established))) { this.currentSession.bye().then(() => { this._hangupFlag = true; return resolve(); }); } if (this.userAgent && this.userAgent.isConnected()) { this.userAgent.stop(); } hangupRetries += 1; setTimeout(() => { if (hangupRetries > CALL_HANGUP_MAX_RETRIES) { this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1006, bridgeError: 'Timeout on call hangup', }); return reject(this.baseErrorCodes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT); } if (!this._hangupFlag) return tryHangup(); return resolve(); }, CALL_HANGUP_TIMEOUT); }; return tryHangup(); }); } createUserAgent(iceServers) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.userRequestedHangup === true) reject(); const { hostname, protocol, } = this; const { callerIdName, sessionToken, } = this.user; logger.debug({ logCode: 'sip_js_creating_user_agent', extraInfo: { callerIdName } }, 'Creating the user agent'); if (this.userAgent && this.userAgent.isConnected()) { if (this.userAgent.configuration.hostPortParams === this.hostname) { logger.debug({ logCode: 'sip_js_reusing_user_agent', extraInfo: { callerIdName } }, 'Reusing the user agent'); resolve(this.userAgent); return; } logger.debug({ logCode: 'sip_js_different_host_name', extraInfo: { callerIdName } }, 'Different host name. need to kill'); } const localSdpCallback = (sdp) => { // For now we just need to call the utils function to parse and log the different pieces. // In the future we're going to want to be tracking whether there were TURN candidates // and IPv4 candidates to make informed decisions about what to do on fallbacks/reconnects. analyzeSdp(sdp); }; const remoteSdpCallback = (sdp) => { // We have have to find the candidate that FS sends back to us to determine if the client // is connecting with IPv4 or IPv6 const sdpInfo = analyzeSdp(sdp, false); this.protocolIsIpv6 = sdpInfo.v6Info.found; }; let userAgentConnected = false; const token = `sessionToken=${sessionToken}`; this.userAgent = new SIP.UserAgent({ uri: SIP.UserAgent.makeURI(`sip:${encodeURIComponent(callerIdName)}@${hostname}`), transportOptions: { server: `${(protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss://' : 'ws://')}${hostname}/ws?${token}`, connectionTimeout: USER_AGENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS, }, sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions: { peerConnectionConfiguration: { iceServers, }, }, displayName: callerIdName, register: false, userAgentString: 'BigBlueButton', }); const handleUserAgentConnection = () => { userAgentConnected = true; resolve(this.userAgent); }; const handleUserAgentDisconnection = () => { if (this.userAgent) { if (this.userRequestedHangup) return; let error; let bridgeError; if (!this._reconnecting) { if (userAgentConnected) { error = 1001; bridgeError = 'Websocket disconnected'; } else { error = 1002; bridgeError = 'Websocket failed to connect'; } this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error, bridgeError, }); }{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_disconnected', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent disconnected: trying to reconnect...' + `${this.userRequestedHangup}`);{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_reconnecting', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent failed to connect, reconnecting'); this.userAgent.reconnect().then(() => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_reconnected', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent succesfully reconnected'); }).catch(() => { reject(this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR); }); } }; this.userAgent.transport.onConnect = handleUserAgentConnection; this.userAgent.transport.onDisconnect = handleUserAgentDisconnection; const preturn = this.userAgent.start().then(() => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_connected', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent succesfully connected'); resolve(); }).catch(() => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_reconnecting', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent failed to connect, reconnecting'); this.reconnect().then(() => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_reconnected', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent succesfully reconnected'); resolve(); }).catch(() => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_ua_disconnected', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'User agent failed to reconnect after' + ` ${USER_AGENT_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS} attemps`); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1002, bridgeError: 'Websocket failed to connect', }); reject({ type: this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, }); }); }); return preturn; }); } reconnect(attempts = 1) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this._reconnecting) { return resolve(); } if (attempts > USER_AGENT_RECONNECTION_ATTEMPTS) { return reject({ type: this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, }); } this._reconnecting = true; setTimeout(() => { this.userAgent.reconnect().then(() => { this._reconnecting = false; resolve(); }).catch(() => { this._reconnecting = false; this.reconnect(++attempts).then(() => { resolve(); }).catch((error) => { reject(error); }); }); }, USER_AGENT_RECONNECTION_DELAY_MS); }); } inviteUserAgent(userAgent) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.userRequestedHangup === true) reject(); const { hostname, } = this; const { callExtension, isListenOnly, } = this.callOptions; const target = SIP.UserAgent.makeURI(`sip:${callExtension}@${hostname}`); const inviterOptions = { sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: { constraints: { audio: !isListenOnly, video: false, }, }, sessionDescriptionHandlerModifiersPostICEGathering: [stripMDnsCandidates], }; if (isListenOnly) { inviterOptions.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions.offerOptions = { offerToReceiveAudio: true, }; } const inviter = new SIP.Inviter(userAgent, target, inviterOptions); this.currentSession = inviter; this.setupEventHandlers(inviter).then(() => { inviter.invite().then(() => { resolve(); }).catch(e => reject(e)); }); }); } setupEventHandlers(currentSession) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.userRequestedHangup === true) reject(); let iceCompleted = false; let fsReady = false; const setupRemoteMedia = () => { const mediaElement = document.querySelector(MEDIA_TAG); this.remoteStream = new MediaStream(); this.currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler .peerConnection.getReceivers().forEach((receiver) => { if (receiver.track) { this.remoteStream.addTrack(receiver.track); } });{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_playing_remote_media', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'Audio call - playing remote media'); mediaElement.srcObject = this.remoteStream;; }; const checkIfCallReady = () => { if (this.userRequestedHangup === true) { this.exitAudio(); resolve(); }{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_check_if_call_ready', extraInfo: { iceCompleted, fsReady, }, }, 'Audio call - check if ICE is finished and FreeSWITCH is ready'); if (iceCompleted && fsReady) { this.webrtcConnected = true; setupRemoteMedia(); const { sdp } = this.currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler .peerConnection.remoteDescription;{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_setup_remote_media', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, sdp, }, }, 'Audio call - setup remote media'); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.started }); resolve(); } }; // Sometimes FreeSWITCH just won't respond with anything and hangs. This timeout is to // avoid that issue const callTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1006, bridgeError: `Call timed out on start after ${CALL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT / 1000}s`, }); this.exitAudio(); }, CALL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); let iceNegotiationTimeout; const handleSessionAccepted = () => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_accepted', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName } }, 'Audio call session accepted'); clearTimeout(callTimeout); // If ICE isn't connected yet then start timeout waiting for ICE to finish if (!iceCompleted) { iceNegotiationTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1010, bridgeError: 'ICE negotiation timeout after ' + `${ICE_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT / 1000}s`, }); this.exitAudio(); reject({ type: this.baseErrorCodes.CONNECTION_ERROR, }); }, ICE_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT); } checkIfCallReady(); }; const handleIceNegotiationFailed = (peer) => { if (iceCompleted) { logger.error({ logCode: 'sipjs_ice_failed_after', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'ICE connection failed after success'); } else { logger.error({ logCode: 'sipjs_ice_failed_before', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'ICE connection failed before success'); } clearTimeout(callTimeout); clearTimeout(iceNegotiationTimeout); this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1007, bridgeError: 'ICE negotiation failed. Current state ' + `- ${peer.iceConnectionState}`, }); }; const handleIceConnectionTerminated = (peer) => { if (!this.userRequestedHangup) { logger.error({ logCode: 'sipjs_ice_closed', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'ICE connection closed'); } this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: 1012, bridgeError: 'ICE connection closed. Current state -' + `${peer.iceConnectionState}`, }); }; const handleSessionProgress = (update) => {{ logCode: 'sip_js_session_progress', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, update, }, }, 'Audio call session progress update'); this.currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnectionDelegate = { onconnectionstatechange: (event) => { const peer =; switch (peer.connectionState) { case 'connected':{ logCode: 'sip_js_ice_connection_success', extraInfo: { currentState: peer.connectionState, callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'ICE connection success. Current state - ' + `${peer.iceConnectionState}`); clearTimeout(callTimeout); clearTimeout(iceNegotiationTimeout); iceCompleted = true; logSelectedCandidate(peer, this.protocolIsIpv6); checkIfCallReady(); break; case 'failed': handleIceNegotiationFailed(peer); break; case 'closed': handleIceConnectionTerminated(peer); break; default: break; } }, }; }; const handleSessionTerminated = (message, cause) => { clearTimeout(callTimeout); clearTimeout(iceNegotiationTimeout); if (!message && !cause && !!this.userRequestedHangup) { return this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.ended, }); } // if session hasn't even started, we let audio-modal to handle // any possile errors if (!this._currentSessionState) return false; logger.error({ logCode: 'sip_js_call_terminated', extraInfo: { cause, callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName }, }, `Audio call terminated. cause=${cause}`); let mappedCause; if (!iceCompleted) { mappedCause = '1004'; } else { mappedCause = '1005'; } return this.callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.failed, error: mappedCause, bridgeError: cause, }); }; currentSession.stateChange.addListener((state) => { switch (state) { case SIP.SessionState.Initial: break; case SIP.SessionState.Establishing: handleSessionProgress(); break; case SIP.SessionState.Established: handleSessionAccepted(); break; case SIP.SessionState.Terminating: break; case SIP.SessionState.Terminated: handleSessionTerminated(); break; default: logger.error({ logCode: 'sipjs_ice_session_unknown_state', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName, }, }, 'SIP.js unknown session state'); break; } this._currentSessionState = state; }); Tracker.autorun((c) => { const selector = { meetingId: Auth.meetingID, userId: Auth.userID }; const query = VoiceCallStates.find(selector); query.observeChanges({ changed: (id, fields) => { if ((this.inEchoTest && fields.callState === CallStateOptions.IN_ECHO_TEST) || (!this.inEchoTest && fields.callState === CallStateOptions.IN_CONFERENCE)) { fsReady = true; checkIfCallReady(); c.stop(); } }, }); }); resolve(); }); } } export default class SIPBridge extends BaseAudioBridge { constructor(userData) { super(userData); const { userId, username, sessionToken, } = userData; this.user = { userId, sessionToken, name: username, }; = { inputDevice: {}, }; this.protocol = window.document.location.protocol; this.hostname = window.document.location.hostname; // SDP conversion utilitary methods to be used inside SIP.js window.isUnifiedPlan = isUnifiedPlan; window.toUnifiedPlan = toUnifiedPlan; window.toPlanB = toPlanB; window.stripMDnsCandidates = stripMDnsCandidates; // No easy way to expose the client logger to sip.js code so we need to attach it globally window.clientLogger = logger; } joinAudio({ isListenOnly, extension, inputStream }, managerCallback) { const hasFallbackDomain = typeof IPV4_FALLBACK_DOMAIN === 'string' && IPV4_FALLBACK_DOMAIN !== ''; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let { hostname } = this; this.activeSession = new SIPSession(this.user, this.userData, this.protocol, hostname, this.baseCallStates, this.baseErrorCodes, false); const callback = (message) => { if (message.status === this.baseCallStates.failed) { let shouldTryReconnect = false; // Try and get the call to clean up and end on an error this.activeSession.exitAudio().catch(() => {}); if (this.activeSession.webrtcConnected) { // webrtc was able to connect so just try again message.silenceNotifications = true; callback({ status: this.baseCallStates.reconnecting }); shouldTryReconnect = true; } else if (hasFallbackDomain === true && hostname !== IPV4_FALLBACK_DOMAIN) { message.silenceNotifications = true;{ logCode: 'sip_js_attempt_ipv4_fallback', extraInfo: { callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName } }, 'Attempting to fallback to IPv4 domain for audio'); hostname = IPV4_FALLBACK_DOMAIN; shouldTryReconnect = true; } if (shouldTryReconnect) { const fallbackExtension = this.activeSession.inEchoTest ? extension : undefined; this.activeSession = new SIPSession(this.user, this.userData, this.protocol, hostname, this.baseCallStates, this.baseErrorCodes, true); this.activeSession.joinAudio({ isListenOnly, extension: fallbackExtension, inputStream }, callback) .then((value) => { resolve(value); }).catch((reason) => { reject(reason); }); } } return managerCallback(message); }; this.activeSession.joinAudio({ isListenOnly, extension, inputStream }, callback) .then((value) => { resolve(value); }).catch((reason) => { reject(reason); }); }); } transferCall(onTransferSuccess) { return this.activeSession.transferCall(onTransferSuccess); } getPeerConnection() { const { currentSession } = this.activeSession; if (currentSession && currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler) { return currentSession.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection; } return null; } exitAudio() { return this.activeSession.exitAudio(); } setDefaultInputDevice() { // kept for compatibility return Promise.resolve(); } changeInputDevice(deviceId, deviceLabel) { const { media, } = this; if (media.inputDevice.audioContext) { const handleAudioContextCloseSuccess = () => { media.inputDevice.audioContext = null; media.inputDevice.scriptProcessor = null; media.inputDevice.source = null; return this.changeInputDevice(deviceId); }; return media.inputDevice.audioContext.close().then(handleAudioContextCloseSuccess); } if ('AudioContext' in window) { media.inputDevice.audioContext = new window.AudioContext(); } else { media.inputDevice.audioContext = new window.webkitAudioContext(); } = deviceId; media.inputDevice.label = deviceLabel; media.inputDevice.scriptProcessor = media.inputDevice.audioContext .createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1); media.inputDevice.source = null; const constraints = { audio: { deviceId, }, }; const handleMediaSuccess = (mediaStream) => { = mediaStream; media.inputDevice.source = media.inputDevice.audioContext .createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream); media.inputDevice.source.connect(media.inputDevice.scriptProcessor); media.inputDevice.scriptProcessor.connect(media.inputDevice.audioContext.destination); return; }; return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(handleMediaSuccess); } async changeOutputDevice(value) { const audioContext = document.querySelector(MEDIA_TAG); if (audioContext.setSinkId) { try { audioContext.srcObject = null; await audioContext.setSinkId(value); = value; } catch (err) { logger.error({ logCode: 'audio_sip_changeoutputdevice_error', extraInfo: { error: err, callerIdName: this.user.callerIdName }, }, 'Change Output Device error'); throw new Error(this.baseErrorCodes.MEDIA_ERROR); } } return || value; } }