import React from 'react'; import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'; import { injectIntl, defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import Users from '/imports/api/users'; import Auth from '/imports/ui/services/auth'; import Service from './service'; import Uploader from './component'; const intlMessages = defineMessages({ current: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.currentBadge', }, title: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.title', description: 'title of the modal', }, message: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.message', description: 'message warning the types of files accepted', }, uploadLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.uploadLabel', description: 'confirm label when presentations are to be uploaded', }, confirmLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.confirmLabel', description: 'confirm label when no presentations are to be uploaded', }, confirmDesc: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.confirmDesc', description: 'description of the confirm', }, dismissLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.dismissLabel', description: 'used in the button that close modal', }, dismissDesc: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.dismissDesc', description: 'description of the dismiss', }, dropzoneLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.dropzoneLabel', description: 'message warning where drop files for upload', }, dropzoneImagesLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.dropzoneImagesLabel', description: 'message warning where drop images for upload', }, browseFilesLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.browseFilesLabel', description: 'message use on the file browser', }, browseImagesLabel: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.browseImagesLabel', description: 'message use on the image browser', }, fileToUpload: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.fileToUpload', description: 'message used in the file selected for upload', }, genericError: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.genericError', description: 'generic error while uploading/converting', }, rejectedError: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.rejectedError', description: 'some files rejected, please check the file mime types', }, uploadProcess: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.upload.progress', description: 'message that indicates the percentage of the upload', }, 413: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.upload.413', description: 'error that file exceed the size limit', }, conversionProcessingSlides: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.conversionProcessingSlides', description: 'indicates how many slides were converted', }, genericConversionStatus: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.genericConversionStatus', description: 'indicates that file is being converted', }, TIMEOUT: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.timeout', }, GENERATING_THUMBNAIL: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.generatingThumbnail', description: 'indicatess that it is generating thumbnails', }, GENERATING_SVGIMAGES: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.generatingSvg', description: 'warns that it is generating svg images', }, GENERATED_SLIDE: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.generatedSlides', description: 'warns that were slides generated', }, PAGE_COUNT_EXCEEDED: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.pageCountExceeded', description: 'warns the user that the conversion failed because of the page count', }, PDF_HAS_BIG_PAGE: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.conversion.pdfHasBigPage', description: 'warns the user that the conversion failed because of the pdf page siz that exceeds the allowed limit', }, isDownloadable: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.isDownloadableLabel', description: 'presentation is available for downloading by all viewers', }, isNotDownloadable: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.isNotDownloadableLabel', description: 'presentation is not available for downloading the viewers', }, removePresentation: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.removePresentationLabel', description: 'select to delete this presentation', }, setAsCurrentPresentation: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.setAsCurrentPresentation', description: 'set this presentation to be the current one', }, status: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.tableHeading.status', description: 'aria label status table heading', }, options: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.tableHeading.options', description: 'aria label for options table heading', }, filename: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.tableHeading.filename', description: 'aria label for file name table heading', }, uploading: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.uploading', description: 'uploading label for toast notification', }, uploadStatus: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.uploadStatus', description: 'upload status for toast notification', }, completed: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.completed', description: 'uploads complete label for toast notification', }, item: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.item', description: 'single item label', }, itemPlural: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.itemPlural', description: 'plural item label', }, clearErrors: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.clearErrors', description: 'button label for clearing upload errors', }, clearErrorsDesc: { id: 'app.presentationUploder.clearErrorsDesc', description: 'aria description for button clearing upload error', }, }); const UploaderContainer = props => ; export default withTracker(() => { const PRESENTATION_CONFIG = Meteor.settings.public.presentation; const currentPresentations = Service.getPresentations(); const { dispatchDisableDownloadable, dispatchEnableDownloadable, dispatchTogglePresentationDownloadable, } = Service; return { intlMessages, presentations: currentPresentations, defaultFileName: PRESENTATION_CONFIG.defaultPresentationFile, fileSizeMin: PRESENTATION_CONFIG.uploadSizeMin, fileSizeMax: PRESENTATION_CONFIG.uploadSizeMax, fileValidMimeTypes: PRESENTATION_CONFIG.uploadValidMimeTypes, handleSave: presentations => Service.persistPresentationChanges( currentPresentations, presentations, PRESENTATION_CONFIG.uploadEndpoint, 'DEFAULT_PRESENTATION_POD', ), dispatchDisableDownloadable, dispatchEnableDownloadable, dispatchTogglePresentationDownloadable, isOpen: Session.get('uploadReq') || false, currentPresID: Session.get('currentPresID') || null, amIPresenter: Users.findOne({ userId: Auth.userID }, { fields: { presenter: 1 } }).presenter, }; })(injectIntl(UploaderContainer));