const isFirefox = typeof window.InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; const isOpera = !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0; const isChrome = !! && !isOpera; const isSafari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 0 && !isChrome; const kurentoHandler = null; Kurento = function ( tag, voiceBridge, conferenceUsername, internalMeetingId, onFail = null, chromeExtension = null, ) { = null; = null; this.screen = null; this.webRtcPeer = null; this.mediaCallback = null; this.voiceBridge = `${voiceBridge}-SCREENSHARE`; this.internalMeetingId = internalMeetingId; // Limiting max resolution to 1080p // In FireFox we force full screen share and in the case // of multiple screens the total area shared becomes too large this.vid_max_width = 1920; this.vid_max_height = 1080; // TODO properly generate a uuid this.sessid = Math.random().toString(); this.renderTag = 'remote-media'; this.caller_id_name = conferenceUsername; this.caller_id_number = conferenceUsername; this.kurentoPort = 'bbb-webrtc-sfu'; this.hostName = window.location.hostname; this.socketUrl = `wss://${this.hostName}/${this.kurentoPort}`; this.iceServers = null; if (chromeExtension != null) { this.chromeExtension = chromeExtension; window.chromeExtension = chromeExtension; } if (onFail != null) { this.onFail = Kurento.normalizeCallback(onFail); } else { const _this = this; this.onFail = function () { _this.logError('Default error handler'); }; } }; this.KurentoManager = function () { this.kurentoVideo = null; this.kurentoScreenshare = null; }; KurentoManager.prototype.exitScreenShare = function () { console.log(' [exitScreenShare] Exiting screensharing'); if (typeof this.kurentoScreenshare !== 'undefined' && this.kurentoScreenshare) { if ( !== null) { = function () {};; } this.kurentoScreenshare.disposeScreenShare(); this.kurentoScreenshare = null; } if (this.kurentoScreenshare) { this.kurentoScreenshare = null; } if (typeof this.kurentoVideo !== 'undefined' && this.kurentoVideo) { this.exitVideo(); } }; KurentoManager.prototype.exitVideo = function () { console.log(' [exitScreenShare] Exiting screensharing viewing'); if (typeof this.kurentoVideo !== 'undefined' && this.kurentoVideo) { if ( !== null) { = function () {};; } this.kurentoVideo.disposeScreenShare(); this.kurentoVideo = null; } if (this.kurentoVideo) { this.kurentoVideo = null; } }; KurentoManager.prototype.shareScreen = function (tag) { this.exitScreenShare(); const obj = Object.create(Kurento.prototype); Kurento.apply(obj, arguments); this.kurentoScreenshare = obj; this.kurentoScreenshare.setScreenShare(tag); }; KurentoManager.prototype.joinWatchVideo = function (tag) { this.exitVideo(); const obj = Object.create(Kurento.prototype); Kurento.apply(obj, arguments); this.kurentoVideo = obj; this.kurentoVideo.setWatchVideo(tag); }; Kurento.prototype.setScreenShare = function (tag) { this.mediaCallback = this.makeShare.bind(this); this.create(tag); }; Kurento.prototype.create = function (tag) { this.setRenderTag(tag); this.iceServers = true; this.init(); }; Kurento.prototype.init = function () { const self = this; if ('WebSocket' in window) { console.log('this browser supports websockets'); = new WebSocket(this.socketUrl); = this.onWSMessage.bind(this); = (close) => { kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); self.onFail('Websocket connection closed'); }; = (error) => { kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); self.onFail('Websocket connection error'); }; = function () { self.mediaCallback(); }; } else { console.log('this browser does not support websockets'); } }; Kurento.prototype.onWSMessage = function (message) { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; switch ( { case 'presenterResponse': this.presenterResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'viewerResponse': this.viewerResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'stopSharing': kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); break; case 'iceCandidate': this.webRtcPeer.addIceCandidate(parsedMessage.candidate); break; default: console.error('Unrecognized message', parsedMessage); } }; Kurento.prototype.setRenderTag = function (tag) { this.renderTag = tag; }; Kurento.prototype.presenterResponse = function (message) { if (message.response !== 'accepted') { const errorMsg = message.message ? message.message : 'Unknown error'; console.warn(`Call not accepted for the following reason: ${JSON.stringify(errorMsg, null, 2)}`); kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); this.onFail(errorMessage); } else { console.log(`Presenter call was accepted with SDP => ${message.sdpAnswer}`); this.webRtcPeer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer); } }; Kurento.prototype.viewerResponse = function (message) { if (message.response !== 'accepted') { const errorMsg = message.message ? message.message : 'Unknown error'; console.warn(`Call not accepted for the following reason: ${errorMsg}`); kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); this.onFail(errorMessage); } else { console.log(`Viewer call was accepted with SDP => ${message.sdpAnswer}`); this.webRtcPeer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer); } }; Kurento.prototype.serverResponse = function (message) { if (message.response !== 'accepted') { const errorMsg = message.message ? message.message : 'Unknow error'; console.warn(`Call not accepted for the following reason: ${errorMsg}`); kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); } else { this.webRtcPeer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer); } }; Kurento.prototype.makeShare = function () { const self = this; if (!self.webRtcPeer) { this.startScreenStreamFrom(); } }; Kurento.prototype.onOfferPresenter = function (error, offerSdp) { const self = this; if (error) { console.log(`Kurento.prototype.onOfferPresenter Error ${error}`); this.onFail(error); return; } const message = { id: 'presenter', type: 'screenshare', role: 'presenter', internalMeetingId: self.internalMeetingId, voiceBridge: self.voiceBridge, callerName: self.caller_id_name, sdpOffer: offerSdp, vh: self.vid_max_height, vw: self.vid_max_width, }; console.log(`onOfferPresenter sending to screenshare server => ${JSON.stringify(message, null, 2)}`); this.sendMessage(message); }; Kurento.prototype.startScreenStreamFrom = function () { const self = this; if ( { if (!self.chromeExtension) { self.logError({ status: 'failed', message: 'Missing Chrome Extension key', }); self.onFail(); return; } } console.log(self); const options = { localVideo: document.getElementById(this.renderTag), onicecandidate: self.onIceCandidate.bind(self), sendSource: 'desktop', }; console.log(` Peer options => ${JSON.stringify(options, null, 2)}`); self.webRtcPeer = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendonly(options, (error) => { if (error) { console.log(`WebRtcPeerSendonly constructor error ${JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)}`); self.onFail(error); return kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); } self.webRtcPeer.generateOffer(self.onOfferPresenter.bind(self)); console.log(`Generated peer offer w/ options ${JSON.stringify(options)}`); const localStream = self.webRtcPeer.peerConnection.getLocalStreams()[0]; localStream.getVideoTracks()[0].onended = function () { return kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); }; localStream.getVideoTracks()[0].oninactive = function () { return kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); }; }); }; Kurento.prototype.onIceCandidate = function (candidate) { const self = this; console.log(`Local candidate${JSON.stringify(candidate)}`); const message = { id: 'onIceCandidate', role: 'presenter', type: 'screenshare', voiceBridge: self.voiceBridge, candidate, }; this.sendMessage(message); }; Kurento.prototype.onViewerIceCandidate = function (candidate) { const self = this; console.log(`Viewer local candidate${JSON.stringify(candidate)}`); const message = { id: 'viewerIceCandidate', role: 'viewer', type: 'screenshare', voiceBridge: self.voiceBridge, candidate, callerName: self.caller_id_name, }; this.sendMessage(message); }; Kurento.prototype.setWatchVideo = function (tag) { this.useVideo = true; this.useCamera = 'none'; this.useMic = 'none'; this.mediaCallback = this.viewer; this.create(tag); }; Kurento.prototype.viewer = function () { const self = this; if (!this.webRtcPeer) { const options = { mediaConstraints: { audio: false }, remoteVideo: document.getElementById(this.renderTag), onicecandidate: this.onViewerIceCandidate.bind(this), }; self.webRtcPeer = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerRecvonly(options, function (error) { if (error) { return self.onFail(error); } this.generateOffer(self.onOfferViewer.bind(self)); }); } }; Kurento.prototype.onOfferViewer = function (error, offerSdp) { const self = this; if (error) { console.log(`Kurento.prototype.onOfferViewer Error ${error}`); return this.onFail(); } const message = { id: 'viewer', type: 'screenshare', role: 'viewer', internalMeetingId: self.internalMeetingId, voiceBridge: self.voiceBridge, callerName: self.caller_id_name, sdpOffer: offerSdp, }; console.log(`onOfferViewer sending to screenshare server => ${JSON.stringify(message, null, 2)}`); this.sendMessage(message); }; Kurento.prototype.stop = function () { // if (this.webRtcPeer) { // var message = { // id : 'stop', // type : 'screenshare', // voiceBridge: kurentoHandler.voiceBridge // } // kurentoHandler.sendMessage(message); // kurentoHandler.disposeScreenShare(); // } }; Kurento.prototype.dispose = function () { if (this.webRtcPeer) { this.webRtcPeer.dispose(); this.webRtcPeer = null; } }; Kurento.prototype.disposeScreenShare = function () { if (this.webRtcPeer) { this.webRtcPeer.dispose(); this.webRtcPeer = null; } }; Kurento.prototype.sendMessage = function (message) { const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message); console.log(`Sending message: ${jsonMessage}`);; }; Kurento.prototype.logger = function (obj) { console.log(obj); }; Kurento.prototype.logError = function (obj) { console.error(obj); }; Kurento.normalizeCallback = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { return callback; } console.log(document.getElementById('BigBlueButton')[callback]); return function (args) { document.getElementById('BigBlueButton')[callback](args); }; }; /* Global methods */ // this function explains how to use above methods/objects window.getScreenConstraints = function (sendSource, callback) { const screenConstraints = { video: {}, audio: false }; // Limiting FPS to a range of 5-10 (5 ideal) = { ideal: 5, max: 10 }; = { max: this.vid_max_height }; = { max: this.vid_max_width }; if (isChrome) { getChromeScreenConstraints((constraints) => { if (!constraints) { document.dispatchEvent(new Event('installChromeExtension')); return; } const sourceId = constraints.streamId; kurentoManager.kurentoScreenshare.extensionInstalled = true; // this statement sets gets 'sourceId" and sets "chromeMediaSourceId" = { exact: [sendSource] }; = sourceId; console.log('getScreenConstraints for Chrome returns => ', screenConstraints); // now invoking native getUserMedia API callback(null, screenConstraints); }, chromeExtension); } else if (isFirefox) { = 'screen'; console.log('getScreenConstraints for Firefox returns => ', screenConstraints); // now invoking native getUserMedia API callback(null, screenConstraints); } else if (isSafari) { = 'screen'; console.log('getScreenConstraints for Safari returns => ', screenConstraints); // now invoking native getUserMedia API callback(null, screenConstraints); } }; window.kurentoInitialize = function () { if (window.kurentoManager == null || window.KurentoManager === undefined) { window.kurentoManager = new KurentoManager(); } }; window.kurentoShareScreen = function () { window.kurentoInitialize(); window.kurentoManager.shareScreen.apply(window.kurentoManager, arguments); }; window.kurentoExitScreenShare = function () { window.kurentoInitialize(); window.kurentoManager.exitScreenShare(); }; window.kurentoWatchVideo = function () { window.kurentoInitialize(); window.kurentoManager.joinWatchVideo.apply(window.kurentoManager, arguments); }; window.kurentoExitVideo = function () { window.kurentoInitialize(); window.kurentoManager.exitVideo(); }; window.getChromeScreenConstraints = function (callback, extensionId) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage( extensionId, { getStream: true, sources: [ 'window', 'screen', 'tab', ], }, (response) => { console.log(response); callback(response); }, ); };