import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ReconnectingWebSocket from 'reconnecting-websocket'; import VideoService from './service'; import VideoList from './video-list/component'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import { fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers, getMappedFallbackStun, } from '/imports/utils/fetchStunTurnServers'; import { tryGenerateIceCandidates } from '/imports/utils/safari-webrtc'; import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; // Default values and default empty object to be backwards compat with 2.2. // FIXME Remove hardcoded defaults 2.3. const WS_CONN_TIMEOUT = Meteor.settings.public.kurento.wsConnectionTimeout || 4000; const { baseTimeout: CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME = 15000, maxTimeout: MAX_CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME = 60000, } = Meteor.settings.public.kurento.cameraTimeouts || {}; const PING_INTERVAL = 15000; const intlClientErrors = defineMessages({ permissionError: { id: '', description: 'Webcam permission error', }, iceConnectionStateError: { id: '', description: 'Ice connection state failed', }, mediaFlowTimeout: { id: '', description: 'Media flow timeout', }, }); const intlSFUErrors = defineMessages({ 2000: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerConnectionError2000', description: 'SFU connection to the media server', }, 2001: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerOffline2001', description: 'SFU is offline', }, 2002: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerNoResources2002', description: 'Media server lacks disk, CPU or FDs', }, 2003: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaServerRequestTimeout2003', description: 'Media requests timeout due to lack of resources', }, 2021: { id: 'app.sfu.serverIceGatheringFailed2021', description: 'Server cannot enact ICE gathering', }, 2022: { id: 'app.sfu.serverIceStateFailed2022', description: 'Server endpoint transitioned to a FAILED ICE state', }, 2200: { id: 'app.sfu.mediaGenericError2200', description: 'SFU component generated a generic error', }, 2202: { id: 'app.sfu.invalidSdp2202', description: 'Client provided an invalid SDP', }, 2203: { id: 'app.sfu.noAvailableCodec2203', description: 'Server has no available codec for the client', }, }); const propTypes = { streams: PropTypes.arrayOf(Array).isRequired, intl: PropTypes.objectOf(Object).isRequired, isUserLocked: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, swapLayout: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, }; class VideoProvider extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { socketOpen: false, }; = VideoService.getInfo(); // Set a valid bbb-webrtc-sfu application server socket in the settings = new ReconnectingWebSocket( VideoService.getAuthenticatedURL(), [], { connectionTimeout: WS_CONN_TIMEOUT }, ); this.wsQueue = []; this.restartTimeout = {}; this.restartTimer = {}; this.webRtcPeers = {}; this.outboundIceQueues = {}; this.videoTags = {}; this.createVideoTag = this.createVideoTag.bind(this); this.onWsOpen = this.onWsOpen.bind(this); this.onWsClose = this.onWsClose.bind(this); this.onWsMessage = this.onWsMessage.bind(this); this.onBeforeUnload = this.onBeforeUnload.bind(this); this.updateStreams = this.updateStreams.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { = this.onWsOpen; = this.onWsClose; window.addEventListener('online', this.openWs); window.addEventListener('offline', this.onWsClose); = this.onWsMessage; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { isUserLocked, streams } = this.props; this.updateStreams(streams); if (!prevProps.isUserLocked && isUserLocked) VideoService.lockUser(); } componentWillUnmount() { = null; = null; = null; window.removeEventListener('online', this.openWs); window.removeEventListener('offline', this.onWsClose); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onBeforeUnload); VideoService.exitVideo(); Object.keys(this.webRtcPeers).forEach((cameraId) => { this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId); }); // Close websocket connection to prevent multiple reconnects from happening; } onWsMessage(message) { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(; if ( === 'pong') return; switch ( { case 'startResponse': this.startResponse(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStart': this.handlePlayStart(parsedMessage); break; case 'playStop': this.handlePlayStop(parsedMessage); break; case 'iceCandidate': this.handleIceCandidate(parsedMessage); break; case 'pong': break; case 'error': default: this.handleSFUError(parsedMessage); break; } } onWsClose() { logger.debug({ logCode: 'video_provider_onwsclose', }, 'Multiple video provider websocket connection closed.'); clearInterval(this.pingInterval); VideoService.exitVideo(); this.setState({ socketOpen: false }); } onWsOpen() { logger.debug({ logCode: 'video_provider_onwsopen', }, 'Multiple video provider websocket connection opened.'); // Resend queued messages that happened when socket was not connected while (this.wsQueue.length > 0) { this.sendMessage(this.wsQueue.pop()); } this.pingInterval = setInterval(, PING_INTERVAL); this.setState({ socketOpen: true }); } onBeforeUnload() { VideoService.onBeforeUnload(); } updateStreams(streams) { const streamsCameraIds = => s.cameraId); const streamsConnected = Object.keys(this.webRtcPeers); const streamsToConnect = streamsCameraIds.filter(cameraId => { return !streamsConnected.includes(cameraId); }); const streamsToDisconnect = streamsConnected.filter(cameraId => { return !streamsCameraIds.includes(cameraId); }); streamsToConnect.forEach((cameraId) => { const isLocal = VideoService.isLocalStream(cameraId); this.createWebRTCPeer(cameraId, isLocal); }); streamsToDisconnect.forEach(cameraId => this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId)); } ping() { const message = { id: 'ping' }; this.sendMessage(message); } sendMessage(message) { const { ws } = this; if (this.connectedToMediaServer()) { const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message); ws.send(jsonMessage, (error) => { if (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_ws_send_error', extraInfo: { sfuRequest: message, error, }, }, `WebSocket failed when sending request to SFU due to ${error.message}`); } }); } else if ( !== 'stop') { // No need to queue video stop messages this.wsQueue.push(message); } } connectedToMediaServer() { return === WebSocket.OPEN; } processOutboundIceQueue(peer, role, cameraId) { const queue = this.outboundIceQueues[cameraId]; while (queue && queue.length) { const candidate = queue.shift(); this.sendIceCandidateToSFU(peer, role, candidate, cameraId); } } startResponse(message) { const { cameraId, role } = message; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId];{ logCode: 'video_provider_start_response_success', extraInfo: { cameraId, sfuResponse: message, }, }, `Camera start request was accepted by SFU, processing response for ${cameraId}`); if (peer) { peer.processAnswer(message.sdpAnswer, (error) => { if (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_peerconnection_processanswer_error', extraInfo: { cameraId, error, }, }, `Processing SDP answer from SFU for ${cameraId} failed due to ${error.message}`); return; } peer.didSDPAnswered = true; this.processOutboundIceQueue(peer, role, cameraId); VideoService.processInboundIceQueue(peer, cameraId); }); } else { logger.warn({ logCode: 'video_provider_startresponse_no_peer', }, `SFU start response for ${cameraId} arrived after the peer was discarded, ignore it.`); } } handleIceCandidate(message) { const { cameraId, candidate } = message; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; logger.debug({ logCode: 'video_provider_ice_candidate_received', extraInfo: { candidate, }, }, `video-provider received candidate for ${cameraId}: ${JSON.stringify(candidate)}`); if (peer) { if (peer.didSDPAnswered) { VideoService.addCandidateToPeer(peer, candidate, cameraId); } else { // ICE candidates are queued until a SDP answer has been processed. // This was done due to a long term iOS/Safari quirk where it'd // fail if candidates were added before the offer/answer cycle was completed. // Dunno if that still happens, but it works even if it slows the ICE checks // a bit - prlanzarin july 2019 if (peer.inboundIceQueue == null) { peer.inboundIceQueue = []; } peer.inboundIceQueue.push(candidate); } } else { logger.warn({ logCode: 'video_provider_addicecandidate_no_peer', }, `SFU ICE candidate for ${cameraId} arrived after the peer was discarded, ignore it.`); } } stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId, restarting = false) { const isLocal = VideoService.isLocalStream(cameraId); // in this case, 'closed' state is not caused by an error; // we stop listening to prevent this from being treated as an error const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; if (peer && peer.peerConnection) { const conn = peer.peerConnection; conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = null; } if (isLocal) { VideoService.stopVideo(cameraId); } const role = VideoService.getRole(isLocal);{ logCode: 'video_provider_stopping_webcam_sfu', }, `Sending stop request to SFU. Camera: ${cameraId}, role ${role} and flag restarting ${restarting}`); this.sendMessage({ id: 'stop', type: 'video', cameraId, role, }); // Clear the shared camera media flow timeout and current reconnect period // when destroying it if the peer won't restart if (!restarting) { if (this.restartTimeout[cameraId]) { clearTimeout(this.restartTimeout[cameraId]); delete this.restartTimeout[cameraId]; } if (this.restartTimer[cameraId]) { delete this.restartTimer[cameraId]; } } this.destroyWebRTCPeer(cameraId); } destroyWebRTCPeer(cameraId) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; if (peer) {{ logCode: 'video_provider_destroywebrtcpeer', }, `Disposing WebRTC peer ${cameraId}`); if (typeof peer.dispose === 'function') { peer.dispose(); } delete this.outboundIceQueues[cameraId]; delete this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; } else { logger.warn({ logCode: 'video_provider_destroywebrtcpeer_no_peer', }, `Peer ${cameraId} was already disposed (glare), ignore it.`); } } async createWebRTCPeer(cameraId, isLocal) { let iceServers = []; // Check if the peer is already being processed if (this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]) { return; } this.webRtcPeers[cameraId] = {}; // WebRTC restrictions may need a capture device permission to release // useful ICE candidates on recvonly/no-gUM peers if (!isLocal) { try { await tryGenerateIceCandidates(); } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_no_valid_candidate_gum_failure', extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, }, }, `Forced gUM to release additional ICE candidates failed due to ${}.`); } } try { iceServers = await fetchWebRTCMappedStunTurnServers(; } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_fetchstunturninfo_error', extraInfo: { errorCode: error.code, errorMessage: error.message, }, }, 'video-provider failed to fetch STUN/TURN info, using default'); // Use fallback STUN server iceServers = getMappedFallbackStun(); } finally { const { constraints, bitrate, id: profileId } = VideoService.getCameraProfile(); this.outboundIceQueues[cameraId] = []; const peerOptions = { mediaConstraints: { audio: false, video: constraints, }, onicecandidate: this._getOnIceCandidateCallback(cameraId, isLocal), }; if (iceServers.length > 0) { peerOptions.configuration = {}; peerOptions.configuration.iceServers = iceServers; } let WebRtcPeerObj; if (isLocal) { WebRtcPeerObj = window.kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendonly; } else { WebRtcPeerObj = window.kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerRecvonly; } this.webRtcPeers[cameraId] = new WebRtcPeerObj(peerOptions, (error) => { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; peer.started = false; peer.attached = false; peer.didSDPAnswered = false; if (peer.inboundIceQueue == null) { peer.inboundIceQueue = []; } if (error) { return this._onWebRTCError(error, cameraId, isLocal); } peer.generateOffer((errorGenOffer, offerSdp) => { if (errorGenOffer) { return this._onWebRTCError(errorGenOffer, cameraId, isLocal); } const message = { id: 'start', type: 'video', cameraId, role: VideoService.getRole(isLocal), sdpOffer: offerSdp, meetingId:, voiceBridge:, userId:, userName:, bitrate, };{ logCode: 'video_provider_sfu_request_start_camera', extraInfo: { sfuRequest: message, cameraProfile: profileId, }, }, `Camera offer generated. Sending start request to SFU for ${cameraId}`); this.sendMessage(message); return false; }); return false; }); const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; if (peer && peer.peerConnection) { const conn = peer.peerConnection; conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = this._getOnIceConnectionStateChangeCallback(cameraId, isLocal); VideoService.monitor(conn); } } } _getWebRTCStartTimeout(cameraId, isLocal) { const { intl } = this.props; return () => { // Peer that timed out is a sharer/publisher if (isLocal) { logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_camera_share_timeout', extraInfo: { cameraId }, }, `Camera SHARER has not succeeded in ${CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME} for ${cameraId}`); VideoService.notify(intl.formatMessage(intlClientErrors.mediaFlowTimeout)); this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId); } else { // Create new reconnect interval time const oldReconnectTimer = this.restartTimer[cameraId]; const newReconnectTimer = Math.min( 2 * oldReconnectTimer, MAX_CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME, ); this.restartTimer[cameraId] = newReconnectTimer; // Clear the current reconnect interval so it can be re-set in createWebRTCPeer if (this.restartTimeout[cameraId]) { delete this.restartTimeout[cameraId]; } // Peer that timed out is a subscriber/viewer // Subscribers try to reconnect according to their timers if media could // not reach the server. That's why we pass the restarting flag as true // to the stop procedure as to not destroy the timers logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_camera_view_timeout', extraInfo: { cameraId, oldReconnectTimer, newReconnectTimer, }, }, `Camera VIEWER has not succeeded in ${oldReconnectTimer} for ${cameraId}. Reconnecting.`); this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId, true); this.createWebRTCPeer(cameraId, isLocal); } }; } _onWebRTCError(error, cameraId, isLocal) { const { intl } = this.props; // 2001 means MEDIA_SERVER_OFFLINE. It's a server-wide error. // We only display it to a sharer/publisher instance to avoid popping up // redundant toasts. // If the client only has viewer instances, the WS will close unexpectedly // and an error will be shown there for them. if (error === 2001 && !isLocal) { return; } const errorMessage = intlClientErrors[] || intlSFUErrors[error] || intlClientErrors.permissionError; // Only display WebRTC negotiation error toasts to sharers. The viewer streams // will try to autoreconnect silently, but the error will log nonetheless if (isLocal) { VideoService.notify(intl.formatMessage(errorMessage)); } else { // If it's a viewer, set the reconnection timeout. There's a good chance // no local candidate was generated and it wasn't set. this.setReconnectionTimeout(cameraId, isLocal); } // shareWebcam as the second argument means it will only try to reconnect if // it's a viewer instance (see stopWebRTCPeer restarting argument) this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId, !isLocal); logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_webrtc_peer_error', extraInfo: { cameraId, normalizedError: errorMessage, error, }, }, `Camera peer creation failed for ${cameraId} due to ${error.message}`); } setReconnectionTimeout(cameraId, isLocal) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; const peerHasStarted = peer && peer.started === true; const shouldSetReconnectionTimeout = !this.restartTimeout[cameraId] && !peerHasStarted; if (shouldSetReconnectionTimeout) { const newReconnectTimer = this.restartTimer[cameraId] || CAMERA_SHARE_FAILED_WAIT_TIME; this.restartTimer[cameraId] = newReconnectTimer;{ logCode: 'video_provider_setup_reconnect', extraInfo: { cameraId, reconnectTimer: newReconnectTimer, }, }, `Camera has a new reconnect timer of ${newReconnectTimer} ms for ${cameraId}`); this.restartTimeout[cameraId] = setTimeout( this._getWebRTCStartTimeout(cameraId, isLocal), this.restartTimer[cameraId] ); } } _getOnIceCandidateCallback(cameraId, isLocal) { return (candidate) => { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; const role = VideoService.getRole(isLocal); // Setup a timeout only when the first candidate is generated and if the peer wasn't // marked as started already (which is done on handlePlayStart after // it was verified that media could circle through the server) this.setReconnectionTimeout(cameraId, isLocal); if (peer && !peer.didSDPAnswered) { logger.debug({ logCode: 'video_provider_client_candidate', extraInfo: { candidate }, }, `video-provider client-side candidate queued for ${cameraId}`); this.outboundIceQueues[cameraId].push(candidate); return; } this.sendIceCandidateToSFU(peer, role, candidate, cameraId); }; } sendIceCandidateToSFU(peer, role, candidate, cameraId) { logger.debug({ logCode: 'video_provider_client_candidate', extraInfo: { candidate }, }, `video-provider client-side candidate generated for ${cameraId}: ${JSON.stringify(candidate)}`); const message = { type: 'video', role, id: 'onIceCandidate', candidate, cameraId, }; this.sendMessage(message); } _getOnIceConnectionStateChangeCallback(cameraId, isLocal) { const { intl } = this.props; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; if (peer && peer.peerConnection) { const conn = peer.peerConnection; const { iceConnectionState } = conn; return () => { if (iceConnectionState === 'failed' || iceConnectionState === 'closed') { // prevent the same error from being detected multiple times conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = null; logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_ice_connection_failed_state', extraInfo: { cameraId, iceConnectionState, }, }, `ICE connection state transitioned to ${iceConnectionState} for ${cameraId}`); this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId); VideoService.notify(intl.formatMessage(intlClientErrors.iceConnectionStateError)); } }; } return () => { logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_ice_connection_failed_state', extraInfo: { cameraId, iceConnectionState: undefined, }, }, `Missing peer at ICE connection state transition for ${cameraId}`); // isLocal as the second argument means it will only try to reconnect if // it's a viewer instance (see stopWebRTCPeer restarting argument) this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId, !isLocal); VideoService.notify(intl.formatMessage(intlClientErrors.iceConnectionStateError)); }; } attachVideoStream(cameraId) { const video = this.videoTags[cameraId]; if (video == null) { logger.warn({ logCode: 'video_provider_delay_attach_video_stream', extraInfo: { cameraId }, }, `Will attach stream later because camera has not started yet for ${cameraId}`); return; } if (video.srcObject) { delete this.videoTags[cameraId]; return; // Skip if the stream is already attached } const isLocal = VideoService.isLocalStream(cameraId); const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; const attachVideoStreamHelper = () => { const stream = isLocal ? peer.getLocalStream() : peer.getRemoteStream(); video.pause(); video.srcObject = stream; video.load(); peer.attached = true; delete this.videoTags[cameraId]; }; // If peer has started playing attach to tag, otherwise wait a while if (peer) { if (peer.started) { attachVideoStreamHelper(); } // So we can start it later when we get a playStart // or if we need to do a restart timeout peer.videoTag = video; } } createVideoTag(cameraId, video) { const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; this.videoTags[cameraId] = video; if (peer) { this.attachVideoStream(cameraId); } } handlePlayStop(message) { const { cameraId } = message;{ logCode: 'video_provider_handle_play_stop', extraInfo: { cameraId, sfuRequest: message, }, }, `Received request from SFU to stop camera ${cameraId}`); this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId, false); } handlePlayStart(message) { const { cameraId } = message; const peer = this.webRtcPeers[cameraId]; if (peer) {{ logCode: 'video_provider_handle_play_start_flowing', extraInfo: { cameraId, sfuResponse: message, }, }, `SFU says that media is flowing for camera ${cameraId}`); peer.started = true; // Clear camera shared timeout when camera succesfully starts clearTimeout(this.restartTimeout[cameraId]); delete this.restartTimeout[cameraId]; delete this.restartTimer[cameraId]; if (!peer.attached) { this.attachVideoStream(cameraId); } VideoService.playStart(cameraId); } else { logger.warn({ logCode: 'video_provider_playstart_no_peer' }, `SFU playStart response for ${cameraId} arrived after the peer was discarded, ignore it.`); } } handleSFUError(message) { const { intl } = this.props; const { code, reason, streamId } = message; const cameraId = streamId; logger.error({ logCode: 'video_provider_handle_sfu_error', extraInfo: { error: message, cameraId, }, }, `SFU returned error for camera ${cameraId}. Code: ${code}, reason: ${reason}`); const isLocal = VideoService.isLocalStream(cameraId); if (isLocal) { // The publisher instance received an error from the server. There's no reconnect, // stop it. VideoService.stopVideo(cameraId); VideoService.notify(intl.formatMessage(intlSFUErrors[code] || intlSFUErrors[2200])); } else { this.stopWebRTCPeer(cameraId, true); } } render() { const { swapLayout } = this.props; const { socketOpen } = this.state; if (!socketOpen) return null; const { streams, } = this.props; return ( ); } } VideoProvider.propTypes = propTypes; export default injectIntl(VideoProvider);