{ "scripts": { "test": "npx playwright test", "test:ssh": "set -e; fn () { target=$1; shift; secret=$(ssh $target sudo bbb-conf --secret); env=$(echo \"$secret\" | sed -e 's/^ *URL: /BBB_URL=/' -e '/^BBB_URL/s/$/api/' -e 's/^ *Secret: /BBB_SECRET=/' -e '/^BBB/p' -e d); env $env npx playwright test $@; }; fn", "test:filter": "npx playwright test -g", "test:headed": "npx playwright test --headed", "test:debug": "npx playwright test --debug -g", "test-chromium-ci": "export CI='true' && npx playwright test --project=chromium --grep @ci --grep-invert @flaky", "test-firefox-ci": "export CI='true' && npx playwright test --project=firefox --grep @ci --grep-invert @flaky", "rewrite-snapshots": "read -p 'CAUTION: You will delete ALL testing folders containing snapshots and run the tests to rewrite these files.\nProceed? (y/n) ' confirm && test $confirm = 'y' && sh core/scripts/rewrite-snapshots.sh" }, "dependencies": { "@playwright/test": "^1.35.0", "axios": "^1.4.0", "chalk": "^4.1.2", "deep-equal": "^2.2.1", "dotenv": "^16.1.4", "playwright": "^1.35.0", "sha1": "^1.1.1", "xml2js": "^0.6.0" } }