require('dotenv').config(); const sha1 = require('sha1'); const axios = require('axios'); const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test'); const xml2js = require('xml2js'); const { runScript } = require('./util'); const parameters = require('./parameters'); function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } function apiCallUrl(name, callParams) { const query = new URLSearchParams(callParams).toString(); const apiCall = `${name}${query}${parameters.secret}`; const checksum = sha1(apiCall); const url = `${parameters.server}/${name}?${query}&checksum=${checksum}`; return url; } function apiCall(name, callParams) { const url = apiCallUrl(name, callParams); return axios.get(url, { adapter: 'http' }).then(response => xml2js.parseStringPromise(; } function createMeetingUrl(params, customParameter, customMeetingId) { const meetingID = (customMeetingId) ? customMeetingId : `random-${getRandomInt(1000000, 10000000).toString()}`; const mp = params.moderatorPW; const ap = params.attendeePW; const baseQuery = `name=${meetingID}&meetingID=${meetingID}&attendeePW=${ap}&moderatorPW=${mp}` + `&allowStartStopRecording=true&autoStartRecording=false&welcome=${params.welcome}`; const query = customParameter !== undefined ? `${baseQuery}&${customParameter}` : baseQuery; const apiCall = `create${query}${params.secret}`; const checksum = sha1(apiCall); const url = `${params.server}/create?${query}&checksum=${checksum}`; return url; } function createMeetingPromise(params, customParameter, customMeetingId) { const url = createMeetingUrl(params, customParameter, customMeetingId); return axios.get(url, { adapter: 'http' }); } async function createMeeting(params, customParameter) { const promise = createMeetingPromise(params, customParameter); const response = await promise; expect(response.status).toEqual(200); const xmlResponse = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(; return xmlResponse.response.meetingID[0]; } function getJoinURL(meetingID, params, moderator, customParameter) { const pw = moderator ? params.moderatorPW : params.attendeePW; const baseQuery = `fullName=${params.fullName}&meetingID=${meetingID}&password=${pw}`; const query = customParameter !== undefined ? `${baseQuery}&${customParameter}` : baseQuery; const apiCall = `join${query}${params.secret}`; const checksum = sha1(apiCall); return `${params.server}/join?${query}&checksum=${checksum}`; } async function checkRootPermission() { const checkSudo = await runScript('timeout -k 1 1 sudo id', { handleOutput: (output) => output ? true : false }) await expect(checkSudo, 'Sudo failed: need to run this test with root permission (can be fixed by running "sudo -v" and entering the password)').toBeTruthy(); } function linkIssue(issueNumber) {{ type: 'Issue/PR', description: `${issueNumber}`, }); } function sleep(time) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, time); }); } exports.getRandomInt = getRandomInt; exports.apiCallUrl = apiCallUrl; exports.apiCall = apiCall; exports.createMeetingUrl = createMeetingUrl; exports.createMeetingPromise = createMeetingPromise; exports.createMeeting = createMeeting; exports.getJoinURL = getJoinURL; exports.checkRootPermission = checkRootPermission; exports.linkIssue = linkIssue; exports.sleep = sleep;