import logger from '/imports/startup/client/logger'; import { notifyStreamStateChange } from '/imports/ui/services/bbb-webrtc-sfu/stream-state-service'; import { SFU_BROKER_ERRORS } from '/imports/ui/services/bbb-webrtc-sfu/broker-base-errors'; const WS_HEARTBEAT_OPTS = { interval: 15000, delay: 3000, }; const ICE_RESTART = 'restartIce'; class BaseBroker { static getPeerRole(role) { switch (role) { case 'send': case 'sendrecv': case 'sendonly': case 'recvonly': case 'recv': case 'passive-sendrecv': return role; default: throw new Error(`Invalid role: ${role}`); } } static assembleError(code, reason) { const message = reason || SFU_BROKER_ERRORS[code]; const error = new Error(message); error.errorCode = code; // Duplicating key-vals because we can't settle on an error pattern... - prlanzarin error.errorCause = error.message; error.errorMessage = error.message; return error; } constructor(sfuComponent, wsUrl) { this.wsUrl = wsUrl; this.sfuComponent = sfuComponent; = null; this.webRtcPeer = null; this.wsHeartbeat = null; this.started = false; this.signallingTransportOpen = false; this.logCodePrefix = `${this.sfuComponent}_broker`; this.peerConfiguration = {}; this.restartIce = false; this.restartIceMaxRetries = 3; this._restartIceRetries = 0; this.onbeforeunload = this.onbeforeunload.bind(this); this._onWSError = this._onWSError.bind(this); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.onbeforeunload); } set started (val) { this._started = val; } get started () { return this._started; } onbeforeunload () { return this.stop(); } onstart () { // To be implemented by inheritors } onerror (error) { // To be implemented by inheritors } onended () { // To be implemented by inheritors } handleSFUError (sfuResponse) { // To be implemented by inheritors } sendLocalDescription (localDescription) { // To be implemented by inheritors } _onWSMessage(message) { this._updateLastMsgTime(); this.onWSMessage(message); } onWSMessage(message) { // To be implemented by inheritors } _onWSError(error) { let normalizedError; logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_websocket_error`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: || error.message || 'Unknown error', sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, } }, 'WebSocket connection to SFU failed'); if (this.signallingTransportOpen) { // 1301: "WEBSOCKET_DISCONNECTED", transport was already open normalizedError = BaseBroker.assembleError(1301); } else { // 1302: "WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_FAILED", transport errored before establishment normalizedError = BaseBroker.assembleError(1302); } this.onerror(normalizedError); return normalizedError; } openWSConnection () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { = new WebSocket(this.wsUrl); = this._onWSMessage.bind(this); = () => { // 1301: "WEBSOCKET_DISCONNECTED", this.onerror(BaseBroker.assembleError(1301)); }; = (error) => reject(this._onWSError(error)); = () => { this.setupWSHeartbeat(); this.signallingTransportOpen = true; return resolve(); }; }); } closeWs() { this.clearWSHeartbeat(); if ( !== null) { = function (){};; } } _updateLastMsgTime() { = true; =; } _getTimeSinceLastMsg() { return -; } setupWSHeartbeat() { if (WS_HEARTBEAT_OPTS.interval === 0 || == null) return; = true; this.wsHeartbeat = setInterval(() => { if ( === false) { logger.warn({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_ws_heartbeat_failed`, }, `WS heartbeat failed (${this.sfuComponent})`); this.closeWs(); this._onWSError(new Error('HeartbeatFailed')); return; } if (this._getTimeSinceLastMsg() < ( WS_HEARTBEAT_OPTS.interval - WS_HEARTBEAT_OPTS.delay )) { return; } = false;; }, WS_HEARTBEAT_OPTS.interval);; } clearWSHeartbeat() { if (this.wsHeartbeat) { clearInterval(this.wsHeartbeat); } } sendMessage (message) { const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message); try {; } catch (error) { logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_ws_send_error`, extraInfo: { errorName:, errorMessage: error.message, sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, }, }, `Failed to send WebSocket message (${this.sfuComponent})`); } } ping () { this.sendMessage({ id: 'ping' }); } _processRemoteDescription(localDescription = null) { // There is a new local description; send it back to the server if (localDescription) this.sendLocalDescription(localDescription); // Mark the peer as negotiated and flush the ICE queue this.webRtcPeer.negotiated = true; this.processIceQueue(); } _validateStartResponse (sfuResponse) { const { response, role } = sfuResponse; if (response !== 'accepted') { this.handleSFUError(sfuResponse); return false; } logger.debug({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_start_success`, extraInfo: { role, sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, } }, `Start request accepted for ${this.sfuComponent}`); return true; } processOffer(sfuResponse) { if (this._validateStartResponse(sfuResponse)) { this.webRtcPeer.processOffer(sfuResponse.sdpAnswer) .then(this._processRemoteDescription.bind(this)) .catch((error) => { logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_processoffer_error`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: || error.message || 'Unknown error', sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, }, }, `Error processing offer from SFU for ${this.sfuComponent}`); // 1305: "PEER_NEGOTIATION_FAILED", this.onerror(BaseBroker.assembleError(1305)); }); } } processAnswer(sfuResponse) { if (this._validateStartResponse(sfuResponse)) { this.webRtcPeer.processAnswer(sfuResponse.sdpAnswer) .then(this._processRemoteDescription.bind(this)) .catch((error) => { logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_processanswer_error`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: || error.message || 'Unknown error', sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, }, }, `Error processing answer from SFU for ${this.sfuComponent}`); // 1305: "PEER_NEGOTIATION_FAILED", this.onerror(BaseBroker.assembleError(1305)); }); } } populatePeerConfiguration () { this.addIceServers(); if (this.forceRelay) { this.setRelayTransportPolicy(); } return this.peerConfiguration; } addIceServers () { if (this.iceServers && this.iceServers.length > 0) { this.peerConfiguration.iceServers = this.iceServers; } } setRelayTransportPolicy () { this.peerConfiguration.iceTransportPolicy = 'relay'; } handleConnectionStateChange (eventIdentifier) { if (this.webRtcPeer) { const { peerConnection } = this.webRtcPeer; const { connectionState } = peerConnection; const handleFatalFailure = () => { if (this.webRtcPeer?.peerConnection) { this.webRtcPeer.peerConnection.onconnectionstatechange = null; } // 1307: "ICE_STATE_FAILED", const error = BaseBroker.assembleError(1307); this.onerror(error); }; if (eventIdentifier) notifyStreamStateChange(eventIdentifier, connectionState); switch (connectionState) { case 'closed': handleFatalFailure(); break; case 'failed': if (!this.restartIce) { handleFatalFailure(); } else { try { this.requestRestartIce(); } catch (error) { handleFatalFailure(); } } break; case 'connected': if (this._restartIceRetries > 0) { this._restartIceRetries = 0;{ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_ice_restarted`, extraInfo: { sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent }, }, 'ICE restart successful'); } break; default: break; } } } addIceCandidate(candidate) { this.webRtcPeer.addIceCandidate(candidate).catch((error) => { // Just log the error. We can't be sure if a candidate failure on add is // fatal or not, so that's why we have a timeout set up for negotiations and // listeners for ICE state transitioning to failures, so we won't act on it here logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_addicecandidate_error`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: || error.message || 'Unknown error', errorCode: error.code || 'Unknown code', sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, started: this.started, }, }, 'Adding ICE candidate failed'); }); } processIceQueue () { const peer = this.webRtcPeer; while (peer.iceQueue.length) { const candidate = peer.iceQueue.shift(); this.addIceCandidate(candidate); } } handleIceCandidate (candidate) { const peer = this.webRtcPeer; if (peer.negotiated) { this.addIceCandidate(candidate); } else { // ICE candidates are queued until a SDP answer has been processed. // This was done due to a long term iOS/Safari quirk where it'd (as of 2018) // fail if candidates were added before the offer/answer cycle was completed. // IT STILL HAPPENS - prlanzarin sept 2019 // still happens - prlanzarin sept 2020 peer.iceQueue.push(candidate); } } // Sends a message to the SFU to restart ICE requestRestartIce() { if (this._restartIceRetries >= this.restartIceMaxRetries) { throw new Error('Max ICE restart retries reached'); } const message = { id: ICE_RESTART, type: this.sfuComponent, role: this.role, }; this._restartIceRetries += 1; logger.warn({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_restart_ice`, extraInfo: { sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, retries: this._restartIceRetries, }, }, `Requesting ICE restart (${this._restartIceRetries}/${this.restartIceMaxRetries})`); this.sendMessage(message); } handleRestartIceResponse({ sdp }) { if (this.webRtcPeer) { this.webRtcPeer.restartIce(sdp, this.offering).catch((error) => { logger.error({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_restart_ice_error`, extraInfo: { errorMessage: error?.message, errorCode: error?.code, errorName: error?.name, sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent, }, }, 'ICE restart failed'); if (this.webRtcPeer?.peerConnection) { this.webRtcPeer.peerConnection.onconnectionstatechange = null; } // 1307: "ICE_STATE_FAILED", this.onerror(BaseBroker.assembleError(1307)); }); } } disposePeer () { if (this.webRtcPeer) { this.webRtcPeer.dispose(); this.webRtcPeer = null; } } stop () { this.onstart = function(){}; this.onerror = function(){}; window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.onbeforeunload); if (this.webRtcPeer?.peerConnection) { this.webRtcPeer.peerConnection.onconnectionstatechange = null; } this.closeWs(); this.disposePeer(); this.started = false; logger.debug({ logCode: `${this.logCodePrefix}_stop`, extraInfo: { sfuComponent: this.sfuComponent }, }, `Stopped broker session for ${this.sfuComponent}`); this.onended(); this.onended = function(){}; } } export default BaseBroker;