@sendMessage = ->
message = $('#newMessageInput').val() # get the message from the input box
unless (message?.length > 0 and (/\S/.test(message))) # check the message has content and it is not whitespace
return # do nothing if invalid message
chattingWith = getInSession('inChatWith')
if chattingWith isnt "PUBLIC_CHAT"
dest = Meteor.Users.findOne("userId": chattingWith)
messageForServer = { # construct message for server
"message": message
"chat_type": if chattingWith is "PUBLIC_CHAT" then "PUBLIC_CHAT" else "PRIVATE_CHAT"
"from_userid": getInSession("userId")
"from_username": getUsersName()
"from_tz_offset": "240"
"to_username": if chattingWith is "PUBLIC_CHAT" then "public_chat_username" else dest.user.name
"to_userid": if chattingWith is "PUBLIC_CHAT" then "public_chat_userid" else chattingWith
"from_lang": "en"
"from_time": getTime()
"from_color": "0"
# console.log 'Sending message to server:'
# console.log messageForServer
Meteor.call "sendChatMessagetoServer", getInSession("meetingId"), messageForServer
$('#newMessageInput').val '' # Clear message box
'click #sendMessageButton': (event) ->
'keypress #newMessageInput': (event) -> # user pressed a button inside the chatbox
if event.which is 13 # Check for pressing enter to submit message
Template.chatInput.rendered = ->
getChatGreeting: ->
greeting =
Welcome to #{getMeetingName()}!
For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) tutorial videos.
To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). Use a headset to avoid causing background noise for others.
This server is running BigBlueButton #{getInSession 'bbbServerVersion'}.
# This method returns all messages for the user. It looks at the session to determine whether the user is in
#private or public chat. If true is passed, messages returned are from before the user joined. Else, the messages are from after the user joined
getFormattedMessagesForChat: () ->
friend = chattingWith = getInSession('inChatWith') # the recipient(s) of the messages
after = before = greeting = []
if chattingWith is 'PUBLIC_CHAT' # find all public messages
before = Meteor.Chat.find({'message.chat_type': chattingWith, 'message.from_time': {$lt: String(getInSession("joinedAt"))}}).fetch()
after = Meteor.Chat.find({'message.chat_type': chattingWith, 'message.from_time': {$gt: String(getInSession("joinedAt"))}}).fetch()
greeting = [
'class': 'chatGreeting',
'message': Template.chatbar.getChatGreeting(),
'from_username': 'System',
'from_time': getTime()
me = getInSession("userId")
after = Meteor.Chat.find({ # find all messages between current user and recipient
'message.chat_type': 'PRIVATE_CHAT',
$or: [{'message.from_userid': me, 'message.to_userid': friend},{'message.from_userid': friend, 'message.to_userid': me}]
messages = (before.concat greeting).concat after
# Now after all messages + the greeting have been inserted into our collection, what we have to do is go through all messages
# and modify them to join all sequential messages by users together so each entries will be chat messages by a user in the same time frame
# we can use a time frame, so join messages together that are within 5 minutes of eachother, for example
Template.message.rendered = -> # When a message has been added and finished rendering, scroll to the bottom of the chat
'click .private-chat-user-entry': (event) -> # clicked a user's name to begin private chat
setInSession 'display_chatPane', true
setInSession "inChatWith", @userId
me = getInSession("userId")
if Meteor.Chat.find({'message.chat_type': 'PRIVATE_CHAT', $or: [{'message.from_userid': me, 'message.to_userid': @userId},{'message.from_userid': @userId, 'message.to_userid': me}]}).fetch().length is 0
messageForServer =
"message": "#{getUsersName()} has joined private chat with #{@user.name}."
"chat_type": "PRIVATE_CHAT"
"from_userid": me
"from_username": getUsersName()
"from_tz_offset": "240"
"to_username": @user.name
"to_userid": @userId
"from_lang": "en"
"from_time": getTime()
"from_color": "0"
Meteor.call "sendChatMessagetoServer", getInSession("meetingId"), messageForServer
Template.optionsBar.rendered = ->
'click .close': (event) -> # user closes private chat
setInSession 'inChatWith', 'PUBLIC_CHAT'
setInSession 'display_chatPane', true
Meteor.call("deletePrivateChatMessages", getInSession("userId"), @userId)
return false # stops propogation/prevents default
'click .optionsChatTab': (event) ->
setInSession 'display_chatPane', false
'click .privateChatTab': (event) ->
setInSession 'display_chatPane', true
console.log ".private"
'click .publicChatTab': (event) ->
setInSession 'display_chatPane', true
'click .tab': (event) ->
setInSession "inChatWith", @userId
getChatbarTabs: ->
tabs = makeTabs()
makeTabButton: -> # create tab button for private chat or other such as options
button = '